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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Decryption of Existence "X" - Integration . . .?

Simply pop the CD into your internal DVD Rom drive . . . and
See the images that are decrypted for all to download and imbibe . . .
To your cranial hard drive . . . I will install Philosoft Word . . .
Hence you will be able to create your own liberated thought compositions

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

We don't 'Get it' . . .

Well the GOP are doing their part to make sure we suffer.

Doing their coordinated best!

And you'd better believe it's coordinated.

The recovery has stalled, but CEO bonuses abound while neighborhoods around them crumble . . .

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Chords Of Blue

This is Poetry piece is a musical 'commentary' on the times we live in, with a nod to people we have to thank for blazing the way and a reminder of where we've come from . . . and the fact we still have so much further to go . . .!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"'Entitlement Reform' . . . For Rich, Greedy, SOB's"

"You the Large Corporations, Hedge Funds, Large Banks, Multinational Corps, Executives of the aforementioned 'bodies' and Organizations, Oligarchs, Plutocrats, Generally Big Business . . . who have enjoyed favorable, upward movements of profits and personal wealth as a result of doing business in the USA, have been found GUILTY of not giving your employees a 'fair shake', garnering outsize exemptions and benefits without adequate reciprocal payback to this country in which you reside . . . resulting in the eminent collapse of This Country's economy, along with the demise of the viable financial future of the General Public.

It has been resolved that the apathetic, Culture of Wealth Pursuit that has infected Your Collective Psyche  seemingly incurably, be dealt with by Mandated Repatriation of and Affect on the Physical Assets, Profits and Earnings gained during the Ten Year 'Party' under the 'watch' of the Previous Administration and the 109th Congress and the preceding Sessions.

This is an attempt at rolling back the disastrous, destructive practices and mindsets that drove their execution over the last few decades.

*** Large Corporations, Hedge Funds, Large Banks, Multinational Corps, Executives of the aforementioned 'bodies' and Organizations, Oligarchs, Plutocrats, Generally Big Business etc shall all be collectively referred to as 'You' in the Following prose***


Section 1 
You are NO LONGER 'Entitled' to the SAME LEVEL of dividends and profits once gotten BEFORE sensible regulation takes hold!

A difference IS expected to be seen, because if not, it begs the question: WHY did You conduct business in such an egregious way so as to warrant the regulation in the first place?

In such an event: the Nuclear Option WILL be enacted, where the 'entity' in question shall be subject to a subpoena of  ALL financial records for thorough examination, as well as a massive ethics probe, along with a mandatory 'ratings downgrade' with ALL 'Better Business Bureau'-Type agencies, regardless of the result of said probe and investigation.


Do not wast Our Time needlessly!

Section 2
And your 'Speculator Friends' are NO LONGER 'ENTITLED' to induce drop in stock prices and a sell off BECAUSE of it (Sensible Regulation)!

  • Subsection 2.1 - Penalty - Variable Jail time and an unspecified amount of fines!

Section 3 
And you are NOT 'entitled' to cut corners in ANY WAY to keep these dividends as High as they once were BEFORE Re-Regulation! And if your stock is service or item based, you ARE NOT to RAISE prices to pass it on the consumer to recoup said difference!

Section 4 
You are however . . . 'ENTITLED', all you shareholders, to EAT the difference . . . because it won't make a damned difference in your life that you now pay a 0.00000001% more in fees and taxes . . . but it makes a 20 - 40% difference in the lives of the public who you exploit as serfs and slaves presently!

Section 5 
You are NO LONGER 'ENTITLED' to Golden Parachutes if you get fired and the company goes belly up. ANY and ALL losses as a result MUST be 'eaten' by the shareholders and mitigated by a docking of pay for the top executive. They are NEVER to be passed on to clients or the public.

Section 6 
A BONUS shall hereby resort to its TRUE meaning and must be given for truly honest and positive job performance. It shall no longer be 'ENTITLED' to, no matter how well a company does or doesn't do. If performance of a company is such that said company must be 'bailed out' ANY and ALL bonuses MUST be forfeited . . . regardless of any language to the contrary in any executive’s contract.

  • Subsection 6.1 - Penalty - Any executive who insists on such 'rewards' in adverse circumstance shall be taken outside and summarily SHOT!  Law enforcement shall 'look the other way' with respect to the enforcement of an otherwise felony.

Section 7 
IF you happened to have received Bailout Money in 2008 . . . you DO NOT DARE, under ANY circumstances try to impose FEES or increase FEES on customers to recoup any loss of income due to 'Sensible Regulation' taking hold! Should any Institution have the Temerity to do such it will be seen as an affront to your 'rescuers' and extremely tone deaf of a move, considering that the potential LOSS to interested parties would have been much greater IF we did NOT BAIL your greedy asses OUT! Any Loss incurred should be considered a gratitude debt 'willingly' 'eaten' as a sign of gratitude for the 'privilege' of staying in business . . . even though you have demonstrated abject deficiency in running said business!

Any INSISTENCE on levying such fees will be met with a similar fate as Rule #6:

  • Subsection 7.1 - "Penalty - Any Executives who insist on such ‘measures’ shall be taken outside and summarily SHOT!  Law enforcement shall 'look the other way' with respect to enforcement of an otherwise felony."

Section 8
All Costs and implementation costs of this Bill SHALL BE PAID BY the SUBJECT this future law will be applied to.  The 'Fat' of a Decade of 'partying' should more than suffice!  In Addition, SUBJECT is hereby BARRED from any legal challenges to this Bill in perpetuity and for the Life of said Body or Organization.

Enactment Clause

Because this will be termed by opponents as a type of 'cram down', this Bill will 'embrace' such nomenclature in reference.  This Bill once passed and signed shall take effect a the BEGINNING of the NEXT QUARTER."

You think it will pass Congress??  You think it has a 'shot' . . .?

Now before you start 'making calls':

This is satirical of course . . . and a sort of 'venting' of my frustrations over real 'highway robbery' and the petulant temerity and self-righteous venom that the Upper 1% have insisted, and successfully prevented Economic Justice from being served for the the Lower 99%!   .

. . . But seriously, this is the problem . . . that is at the heart of this! These bastards think they are 'entitled' to the margin of profits they've been getting this past decade . . . and have forgotten that: They never were supposed to have it in the first place!  It's why Chase, BOFA, American Express, CITI and other banks keep taking it out on the customer with every new piece of legislation or regulation.  For Example:

Fees for using YOUR OWN DEBIT CARD and an INSISTENCE on High Monthly balances in accounts in excess of what ANY normal middle class family can leave 'unmolested' ($6000 for CITI!) (Wells Fargo, CITI, BOFA people!).

I think that the Shareholders DEMAND the SAME LEVEL of payout, NEVER LESS!  They think they're 'Entitled' to do business this way!  And if it ever comes out that they HAVE to accept less . . . their Speculator Buddies will exact 'punishment' by inducing a mini run on the market to spread the 'Pain' of their 'Entitlement Ego' being smacked around a little bit . . .!

They react as 'violently' as if someone has raped their five year old little daughters!

Isn’t what they are doing to US . . . tantamount to RAPE . . . as Well!??

AND ALL THIS . . . Despite the FACT that they have received Trillions of our Tax Dollars to remain solvent thru the Fed AND various Bail Outs!  The GALL of these folks is enough to induce an aneurysm from sheer incredulity, shock and anger!

How do you STOP things like this from happening?

I'll say one thing: It's going to take one, long vigilant slog of political agitation, voting and motivated grassroots action and real-world consequences for Politicians 'straying' from the true altruistic nature that Public Service is supposed to be about.  In short, the deregulation and fundamental changes wrought on the system, that resulted in all these 'new financial' AAA+ rated products flooding the world economy, subsequently underwriting the wealth of entire nations . . . Should NEVER have happened.

These insane profits should have been treated like 'icing' on a 'cake' of more traditional and sound pillars of real assets . . . Instead of like 'cake' as it has!

This 'entitlement' has now been assumed and fossilized as 'standard business practices and profit making'.  Just like outsourcing has become a standard business practice . . . as well as the huge tax credit that comes with it!  These 'entitlements' for the 1% need to be destroyed, in terms of 'how it is considered on their balance sheets', as well as de-normalizing, and dissecting their perception in the financial beltway national jargon.  Banks need to be made to break up and the separation between certain types of financial endeavors need to be reinstated a la Glass-Steagall.  Then they need to return to solid assets with easily-traceable chains of Debt Initiation of said asset . . . Instead of the mincemeat of The Real, connected through a confusing, massing tangle of ownership thread that exists now.  Or better yet known as the 'financial derivative.' . . . which only a few people on the PLANET can actually decipher the complex mathematical equation that makes them up!

These are just a few ways to correct things . . . but, as recent history shows, doing the above . . .

. . . will probably take a Supernatural Being appearing during an active session of Congress, much like  Hades appeared in Argos during the 'Clash of The Titans', eviscerating the worst of the Republicans to Ash . . . and demanding the rest of the Senate do just that . . . Or else!

Not advocating for anyone's physical demise . . . But the situation is untenable, and the craven, deliberate sabotage and exacerbation of the 99%'s hardship and suffering for political gain, by conservatives is absolutely surreal!  The Air of 'entitlement' and the insistence on the maintenance of the modus operandi status quod . . . MUST be destroyed if we are to progress as a country.  The real numbers and the desperate WRONG of the situation is most adequately and eloquently emoted by Dylan Ratigan . . .

And we need to start with the Political Extinction of the Upper Class' Warriors and Retainers: The GOP.

And they need to be gone in perpetuity for any change made to survive . . .

Listen Up: The GOP DO NOT and will NEVER represent the interests of any person that draws a paycheck, a union member . . . in short, if you aren't a millionaire, you are obliviously and delusion-ally self mutilating yourself, your future and that of your family, friends and other loved ones . . . by supporting ANY Republican on ANY level of government for office!

May the Public 'get that' in time for Fall 2012 . . .! 

From a Thread: Unions and The Microcosm of Societal Malaise

This is from ‘thread’ in which we were talking about Unions, the benefits of having a union, as well as the various problems.  I also touch on the source of the problems and their connection to larger society . . .

“I too am a member of the ADM division of IBEW AFL-CIO!

The union does have some issues Per Se . . . but the cost of NOT having them around, vs. having them around is too much to contemplate, and the Bad, with their absence, dwarfs the Good!

Monday, November 14, 2011

President Obama - Debunk 'Job Creators' GOP Jargon.

Dear President Obama;

I love your present tact you are taking with the Republicans and I wish for you to continue . . . but there is one thing that is really sticking in my ‘craw’:

Their use and ‘wielding’ of this nonsensical term called  ‘Job Creators’.

And I’d like for you to address it . . . and ‘take it down’, if you will. 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Raising Cain . . .!

A very curious thing to me, that I've noticed since Obama won the election . . . is all the 'Fear' that has been wielded from Right Wing circles.  Fear of This, That and a 'Frenzied' Other . . .

The following are all permutations and combinations of 'Fear':

Thursday, November 3, 2011

"Pin Head!?"

I'm hardly a 'Pin Head!'

. . . as I was called one time by a Liberal so angry with Obama, he wanted to run someone against him. This person was in full-throated political orgiastic glee over the news that Nader was looking for a Primary Challenge for Obama. This person loved Tavis and West's crusade against Obama . . .

I said to that person, in the vein and spirit of the now famous Rahm-Bo 'utterance' of momentary insensitivity to mentally challenged . . .

"Are you 'all there' . . . Have you taken Your meds?!"

It IS a Republican Congress!

There was a NY Post article this morning which basically was Right Wing 'cry foul' Session about why the Democrats are increasingly calling this Congress: "The Republican Congress"

"The Obama Party Dodge" it's called and it's in the 11/3/11 "NY post Editorials Section"

Friday, October 28, 2011

Obama: Walking the 'Fine Line' of Color 'Perceptions' . . . but not Ruled by It.

I'm telling you: Racism is STILL a problem in this country . . . but Obama has done a masterful job of avoiding the characterizations that so often plague, not just Black Men, but Black politicians in general.  Most Black Politicians DO fall into the trap of nakedly being very partial to 'their own'; Jesse Jackson during both his runs fell into that ‘cubicle’ for example.

That is NOT going to work: Racism in people's minds doesn't go away overnight. 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Potential and Brilliance of the OWS Protests

There are some in the establishment that still can’t wrap their brains around the amorphous, spontaneous, self-regenerative nature of the OWS protests.  They are bewildered that the lack of identifiable central leadership is NOT a product of hippie, youthful disorganization . . . but by DESIGN. 

And it’s frustrating the crap out of them!

And I LOVE it!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

About the 'Smug Republicans'

This is from a thread in which a friend of mine raised a question about why the GOP are so brazen and 'smug' with what the kind of God awful things they say on TV and on the Floor of Congress . . . the Disrespect, the Racism, the blatant Obstructionism . . . ALL of it! This is what I said . . . There's some strong language!:

"Yes they are smug!

And let me say this: The denigration of our media and Press has made it so that vituperative lunacy and anything with gratuitous bombast . . . is the ONLY THING that get's any sort of 'repetition' in the media!

And it's sickening!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

About Huffington Post's 'Black Voices' and Us

Have you folks seen this new section on the Huffington Post called "Black Voices"?

What do you think about it?

Well me . . .? Not sure they're that good but they are recognizing what many of us blacks still don't:

Blacks ARE a force to be reckoned with in this country - no matter how you slice it!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It's Personal . . .

It's personal . . . something about Obama just seems to stick in their respective craws. And there is a sort of fear . . . a fear of what Obama has awoken and could still awaken in the Public.

AND it's a fear BOTH party establishments have in common!

About Conservatives . . .

Conservatives back in the early 20th Century like Ike and others that have had what would be called now progressive policies . . . have done things right.

The Conservative movement nowadays is unrecognizable.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

On the NBC News Wall . . .

Around the time of the debt ceiling debacle I thought to give them . . . And the Public a piece of my mind . . .

"Press outlets like this one, are also responsible for the political dysfunction too! News no longer has any fealty to the truth but to ratings and a 'reality tv' framework.

"My Two Pence"

You've watched the videos . . . Now let me put my 'Two Pence' as it were . . .

Racism IS being used BY the GOP/Tea Party . . . but they are being used for different reasons.

The Tea Party loudmouths like the White-Haired IDIOT pictured actually use it to 'right some great perceived social wrong' based on a perception of what 'those people' are about, capable of and what 'their habits' are as well as their world view.  He doesn't see his positions as racist; he sees it as 'justice', the 'righting of the ship'.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Interesting Times . . .! (An Epic Poem)

"也許你生活在有趣的時代。 。 。"

"Yěxǔ nǐ shēnghuó zài yǒuqù de shídài . . ."

"May You Live In Interesting Times . . .!"

Friday, October 14, 2011

Idealism vs Reality/Pragmatism

A Conservative friend of mine posted this:

"Obama is a pro-war, pro-tax cut, anti-civil rights, anti-domestic spending, anti-health care reform Democrat. He's pro Wall Street, Anti-Main Street, banker bonuses are 'sacred contracts' but union benefits have to be sacrificed to 'spread the pain,' bail out the banks but refuse to help mortgage holders. If you can give Obama a pass on all that, exactly what was your problem with the Republicans?"

. . . And this was my response:

Thursday, October 13, 2011

This is NOT Just about the Occupy Wall Street Movement

I like the sort of cross-leader type model Occupy Movement Has.  The media and the GOP cannot just 'target' one particular leader; take them down and with them the movement.

What to Say When a Conservative "De-Friends" You

This is from an actual thread where a Conservative or Tea Party Type got upset that basically folks weren't 'agreeing with him' and they were being too 'abrasive' . . . despite the fact that HE can't write a sentence without throwing out any number of Republican slurs for a Liberal or Progressive . . .

'Reality TV'

We watch a lot of 'TV'

Reality TV especially.

To live vicariously through someone else or just for the sheer juicy gossip 'fix'.

"Is it . . . An Ant Farm . . .?"

It seems that we common folk are ants in an ant farm. We bust our butts moving all the little grains of sand around, digging all these little intricate Tunnels that lead This Way and That . . . in 'Our Gritty World' . . . And it seems we have 'Control' . . . 'Freedom'

The Heavy Lift

I commented on a thread a While ago and addressed the issue about why it is is taking so long for the Democrats in WI to gain enough signatures for a recall effort.  I think it also relevant to why Obama still sort of 'panders' to the so called Independent who are actually just center right.  And I thought I'd share my responses here for all to see . . . because we seriously need to consider what we are up against and how deep the scope of what we're undertaking is entrenched . . .!

Part I - They Get Inside . . .

"That subconscious programming from decades ago is making folk start to say, b/c the fight is no longer on the headlines: "Well maybe it won't be that bad . . . I agree that Walker and the Republicans were assholes . . . but I ain't never been no Liberal . . . So I'm a hold on a sec . . ."