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Friday, September 13, 2013


The Situation

For those that know me, it's no secret that I loathe conservatives . . . but I’m fast getting FED UP with Liberals that are so damned pious about everything, anemic when it comes to perspective, allergic to nuance, and are proud/willful amnesiacs when it comes to history, political and otherwise . . . seriously.  We claim on the Left to be grounded in reality.  We claim to be so ‘smart’.  We 'laugh' at the Tea Baggers for their supposed ignorance and idiocy.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Dear Cornell: Raise Your Paradigm . . .

Cornell West: "Al Sharpton Is "Still On The Obama Plantation"

CORNELL WEST: "Yeah I wish and pray that it were forthcoming, but I don't think it's forthcoming either though brother. I think they just its just smoke and mirrors at this point and it's going to be on to the next issue as soon as they think this thing settles down. Now the good thing is it won't settle down and I think it's going to create some kind of division within our black political class because it's just too humiliating it's too embarrassing, you see it with Brother Sharpton; Sharpton probably deep down wants to be critical of the President, but he can't because he's still on the Obama plantation. Ah so he can't say a mumbling word no matter how radical he wants to act and act as it were and deep down in his soul I think he really does feel a fire, but he cannot allow that fire in any way to spill over toward the White House. Why? Because he's still too tied he's too uncritical he's too deferential he's too subservient as it were and as long as that's in place we're going to find ourselves unable to tell the fundamental truth. (July 21, 2013)"

Monday, July 15, 2013

Tonight I wear My Hoodie . . . Again: The Verdict.

The Verdict is in . . .

I wrote about a year ago about my feelings regarding this Trayvon case and I was aghast then and I’m horrified now about this travesty called a 'verdict' . . . I need to preface the following ‘unloading’ by declaring loud and clear:


Friday, July 12, 2013

A Prescription

Listen: I know that the discussions of Race that have exploded since Barrack Obama's election(s) have made some Whites feel 'uncomfortable'. This is simply a reckoning, a, frankly, long overdue one, that has thrust You into a ‘front seat’ with the rest of the non-whites, after a blissfully-oblivious few centuries of sometimes 'designed blindness' to the sometimes desperate 'contest', that has been 'headlined' by some everyday, lifelong 'miseries' birthed by Racism and it's 'child' Colorism. Please recognize that a significant portion of the country has had no relief and/or escape from these scourges.  Those of us, White and of Color, who have been ‘facing’ this ‘cloud’, knew that on 11/4/2008 especially, but not only because of it, the time for this would inevitably come.

If you will, allow me to humbly-offer a Prescription . . .

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Horse has Long Left . . . That Stable

This is a post on my Facebook Wall:

"What this whole Snowdenn/Greenwald 'storm' shows is that:

The government has 'the capability' to spy 'on all of us!!! Aauugh!!!'


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Opportunity . . .?

According to a conservative I was in a sort of 'E-Debate' with, the relative 'pittances' that the Poor receive deserve further scrutiny and vetting for deserving of benefit. This person used people of color as 'examples' of those 'who need to be watched'. They, however, ignore the huge amount in terms 'giveaways' to the already or obscenely wealthy individuals and/or corporations that happen daily. Here was my response:
Opportunity knocks . . . but She has been a picky 'deity' to say the least.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

On Racism: Part 2 - The Semi-Conductor Effect

After Barrack Obama won in 2008 many pundits and columnists declared that 'racism was dead' and we're now 'post racial'.  One has only to look at the subsequent, insipid sort of subliminal 'shading' of our politics since then . . . to see that they were blatantly wrong.  People's minds don't change that easily.  When it comes to Barrack Obama, I've found that for almost all the political battles that have been fought during his Presidency, the facts don't justify the caustic, over-the-top, fulminating opposition to and towards the President, from the Left or Right.  That is not to say Obama doesn't deserve some criticism . . . but myself and other folks of color have a sense that it is a bit overdone.  To tell the truth, us so-called minorities have felt that 'something' has been broken, overwhelmed; an inaudible 'pop' was heard in the attitudes of both parties towards Race since that November night in 2008.

Monday, April 29, 2013

"Drones!": Coming to a Public Event . . . Near You!

Drones over the Next Boston Marathon?

So says the Boston Police Chief . . .


Seriously Mr. Police Chief?  In just what capacity would you have these ‘drones’?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Helpless Lamentations . . .

This whole thing is so maddening!  


"Don't believe them!  You KNOW that is what they REALLY want!  Wink, wink!"

How the f@&) do you convince folks like that of your benevolent intent when they have been brainwashed and stoked by fear to basically 'not hear' or even 'see' what you actually said or are doing!?

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Heavy Lift 2.0 - A Manifesto For A New Type of Progressive Operative

Firstly I don’t fashion myself to be anyone of renown status, pedigree or accolades to be writing about politics the way I do.  I’m an ordinary, ‘awake’ person that does what you all do - Go to Work, Love my Family, have fun, go on vacation, etc. I, however, also pay attention and am intellectually curious about my country. Most say they don’t have anytime for politics, and to be sure, many may think they don’t for all sorts of reasons . . . but I’m telling you right now:

THAT attitude is precisely why we have the problems and the functional, frustrating inertia in government right now.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Drone Paradox

The Tactical Paradox

A set of polls at the bottom of this article shows that many folks need to be a little more realistic when dealing with the question of Drones.

In summary:

(a) Americans support by a substantial majority killing senior level Al Qaida officials via Drone and even in the case of if the person is an American citizen.

but . . .

(b) Americans would NOT support the program if they knew civilians were at risk.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

'Droned' . . .!

Oh Boy . . . here we go again:

Eric Holder: Drone Strike To Kill U.S. Citizen On American Soil Legal, Hypothetically


This headline at the top causes the heart to stop within the chest and folks start getting really angry and scared . . .

The Problem?: The reality of this is FAR FROM THE HEADLINE!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Filibuster . . . What Is The Truth?

I'm going to keep this one relatively brief.

A Filibuster invokes Cloture, which then needs 60 votes to bypass the Minority Party Objection so that it can move to the MAIN VOTE.

The Press has been reporting FOR YEARS NOW on the vote to overcome Cloture AS IF IT IS THE VOTE ON THE BILL ITSELF!!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monkeying Around with Ahmadinejad

It's Racist . . . Period.

McCain was involved in a 'shiny'(The 'Bored Press' can't help but cover it) Twitter feud when he quipped about, the monkey Iran sent into space and Ahmadinejad's expressed desire to be an astronaut in the future.

He 'zinged' that he thought they already sent a Monkey into space.

A middle eastern Republican took exception to the blatant racism of the statement and told him to knock it off.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Deifying Dorner

Christopher Dorner is now dead.

They'll probably release the autopsy results and then we'll know of his final moments.

Frankly . . . I hope he's forgotten and quickly.

Many are determined, however, for this 'hero' to 'live on!' in some respect.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Memories of A 2012 Election Season:"Feeling 'Froggy' . . .?"

Here is yet another of my writings influenced by the last Election Cycle. Like I said: I'm memorializing them here so we can see and remember what we almost got hit with. Never sit things out! Vote! You might end up going back in time . . . with all the racism that used to reign free . . .

"Feeling . . . 'Froggy' . . .?"

Lee Atwater would be so proud . . .!  Racial Politicking is alive and well:

A Sane Position on Drones . . . From the Left.

I was listening to Randi Rhodes the other day about this and she had a very reasonable position on this:

Firstly she says this President has been WAAAY more transparent than Bush has and you need to give him credit instead of beating him up for not opening up the floodgates on any and everything that you think you need to see.

I agree.  

"Drones!" Why we use them . . .

I truly understand why folks are generally so up in arms about this . . .


Yes I know: The particularly emoting collateral damage, due to the fact that these folks deliberately immerse themselves among innocents at all times.

The Lynching of President Barrack Obama

More intransigence and unbelievable blocking hot off the Presses . . .

Lindsey Graham wants to be the first ever Senator in more than a century to withhold a cabinet position over a non-related issue - Benghazi.  
But this has been part of a consistent pattern of disrespect and thinly disguised racism against this President.  Here are a few more examples . . .

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Tendrils . . .

Here we go again . . . and I will be a stuck record yet again.

That 'smell' that people of color have grown to fear and loathe over the generations is wafting all over the place again:

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Memories Of 2012 Election Season: "To Be A Fly on Romney's Wall . . .!"

This the Second in a Series of Writings from wherever I've 'tread' online like Facebook and other places like Blogs and post threads that I'm 'preserving' on this blog.

So I hope you enjoy . . . and shudder with relief . . . as you reminisce here with me . . .

To Be a Fly on Romney's Wall . . .!

This one was written right after the first debate but is 'timed' to have happened JUST before the first Presidential debate in Denver, Colorado . . .

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Memories of 2012 Election Season: "Atlas had better NOT . . . 'Shrug'"

Here is the first in a series of writings of mine from Facebook and other blogs and threads that I'm 'memorializing' here, to look back at a truly historic election season . . . and an unbelievable, blessed, 'effed-up' year that was 2012.

So read, enjoy and reminisce . . .

Atlas had better NOT . . . 'Shrug' . . .!
Written after the first debate I try to address and possibly explain Obama's mannerism's and behavior to the, then panicking, Left . . .