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Friday, February 22, 2013

Deifying Dorner

Christopher Dorner is now dead.

They'll probably release the autopsy results and then we'll know of his final moments.

Frankly . . . I hope he's forgotten and quickly.

Many are determined, however, for this 'hero' to 'live on!' in some respect.

When it was revealed that Christopher Dorner had penned some 'manifesto' detailing all the prejudice and corruption he had witnessed and felt has ultimately ended his professional life . . . I felt some 'sympathy' being a Black Male myself.  I even 'shared' his 'rantings' myself on Facebook on other forums because the issues raised are current and prevalent.

That is as far as it goes for Me.

I have sympathy, and am in league with, give support to, people going through what Dorner is talking about or who went through it . . . but I am in NO WAY 'in league with' or 'support' Christopher Dorner, the Man who professed to be a victim of these societal malaise's

He KILLED people . . . and they weren't even the source of his pain.

Since this whole thing took center stage I've also witnessed some Blacks, even acquaintances of mine through various 'mediums' making the sort of 'reflexive' step of 'excusing' or 'embracing' Dorner due to his shared plight with 'Us'.

I can't condone that either.

To some of my fellow Black folks: Please stop 'elevating' this murderer to the same level as unsung, slain, black revolutionaries of times gone by.

Yes: The issues he raised about racism and corruption do make us feel solidarity with him . . .
But once he decided to KILL and INNOCENTS TO BOOT . . . he should be 'ejected' as symbol or vessel for us to impart our grievances on greater society!

He delegitimized himself by doing what he did!

It's inexcusable and we have no business 'celebrating' him.

PLUS we besmirch the names of these revolutionaries by attaching them to this murderer.

PLUS the old adage, of "One Of Us Does Something, We All Are Guilty Of It" . . . is SERIOUSLY in play in the lay atmosphere right now!


I was listening to talk radio and overheard a Black Person call in, basically 'giving Dorner 'props''. A white person called in, rightfully calling out the stupidity of 'praising' Dorner, but THEN proceeded to say that he was "Tired of Black People doing Stuff Like This" . . . and then hung up.

He didn't just keep his comments TO the specific caller that he said he was responding to, he spread the 'mud' to Black People generally.

Now I have a problem with the first premise of glorifying this murderer . . . but the broad 'generalization' that ‘Black People’ specifically are given to ‘forgive wrongs committed by their own’ . . . troubles me too.

We have arguably ‘provoked’ this highly racist response from this white man . . . and now we will not have the opportunity to address it properly.   The nuanced, conversation about race that could be had - folks are AGAIN painting ALL BLACKS with the sins of ONE - is lost because:

Some of us have essentially excused Dorner's taking of innocent life, because we identify with his 'issues' . . . which is a conglomerate grotesquery that will never 'gel'- the Former by itself is wrong and even more so if used as a justification or redress of the Latter.

We're shaking Engine Oil and Water together and are expecting the mixture to stay 'mixed'.

Never going to happen.

And I'm quite sure the caller's sentiment about Black People is NOT a 'once of'.

We KNOW about this sort of 'extrapolation' don't we?

For decades we were branded violent as a group because the Press chose to focus on the ‘One shooter’ or ‘purse snatcher’, who happened to be Black, to the point that a subtle inference about our proclivities for violence(the sheer number and the preferred ‘type’ of target), was made and imbibed in the national White Majority that . . .

"That's how They are.  Be wary.  Be afraid."

It was an unfair and violent attack on our never-ending quest for social inclusion. In this regard we were passive 'victims' of such.  This impugning was inflicted on us, not based on fact or figures, or even larger perspective:

Majority of violent crimes were and STILL are committed by Whites AND Whites have more to fear, empirically, from other Whites than they do from Blacks.

If we keep sizably and visibly giving ‘cover’ to Dorner, the fallout will partially be a 'self-inflicted' 'wound of perception.  When radio personalities and others are openly aligning themselves with Dorner, seemingly willing to 'brush aside' the murdering he did because 'He's like Us!' . . . you LOSE the rest of the Public.

The Public wants NOTHING to do with this man because he KILLED WANTONLY.  

The public can't 'get past' that nor should they!

Murder is WRONG and no matter the 'beef' you don't settle it by killing . . . and then you take out folks who had NOTHING to do with your situation?


We shouldn't 'get past' it either and 'cheapen/defang' an opportunity to substantively address the centuries-old bane of our existence - Prejudice and Corruption.

Why waste all this energy linking a legitimate issue with an illegitimate vessel such as Dorner!??

I had an acquaintance even tell me that they’re ‘waiting for the movie!’ in response to my public disparaging of Dorner, The Man.

I will NOT be waiting for THAT movie and I hope they NEVER make it . . . but that is not up to me.

I hope his name get’s buried in the sands of forgettable infamy. Not even his own mother wants anything to do with him!

Come on Black People!  Be smarter than that!

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