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Friday, November 4, 2011

Raising Cain . . .!

A very curious thing to me, that I've noticed since Obama won the election . . . is all the 'Fear' that has been wielded from Right Wing circles.  Fear of This, That and a 'Frenzied' Other . . .

The following are all permutations and combinations of 'Fear':

Birtherism - He couldn't possibly be born here!  Look at his father!  His name is 'funny' . . .! He's a Muslim!(More than 40% of Republicans Nationally actually believed Obama wasn't born here or was a Muslim . . . even though THE SAME group beat him up for 'sticking around' too long with Jeremiah Wright, a Christian Minister . . .!)

"School  Address Gate" - No Talking to/Addressing The Kids! - Parents need to give 'consent' due to some implied 'risk' to the Child if they 'listen' to Obama 'unprepared' and/or 'un-screened' . . .!

A craven rush to do away with affirmative action and other 'leveling programs' on a concerted scale NEVER before seen!

Gun and munitions sales are THE BEST they have ever been for decades!

A 400% plus increase in Hate Groups with arrests in credible threats to Him almost every other week . . . it is so common place the Press has stopped reporting on it for the most part.

Incredible accusations of 'promised/guaranteed' physical harm to the American citizen should Obama get to enact certain policies . . . even though the proposals in question, were authored BY The Right in Congress . . .!

Rabid anti-immigration and bellicose, demonization of all 'ethnic' immigrants, irregardless of status - illegal or legal . . .

I could go on . . .

I list these to say that this almost panicky, fever-pitched, singular focus on thwarting Obama . . . is almost akin to how White Slave masters operated when a Slave revolution was afoot or they heard ANY rumblings of one!

"They are out to get us!  THEM . . .!"

or . . .

"HE and 'His People' are out to get us!"

Pure Fear . . .

So all sorts of 'Tools' have been brought out and brought back into use . . . to 'quell' what seems to be to them a sort of 'modern day' Slave Rebellion . . . and Obama is leading that 'usurping band' of 'Brown folks' and the 'Underclass' . . . to "take away all of our stuff and our rights!"

And out of that Tool Box . . . steps Herman Cain.

Herman was to be the role of the House Negro who the Field Slaves KNEW to stay clear of and keep away from ANY plans to follow the Underground Railroad back in the day.  He was the one of the first casualties of any uprisings against Massa, because this type of Slave was SURE to give away the plans to his master . . . in order to 'reap whatever trinkets' and 'seeming elevation in status' that he thought the Master would throw his way as a Reward for being so 'Good'.

Cain's even being in the race was, frankly, I think, part of a larger, insidious, albeit racist Republican strategy to 'diminish' Obama.  It is not all that different from the reason why Michael Steele was 'elected' as the first EVER Black head of the RNC, which was in fact a rather cynical reaction to Obama's election . . .

"Maybe if we had run a Black Guy or some other 'colored' we might have won!"

The fact that they had the wrong ideas for the country never entered their minds . . . and it still hasn't.

Now back to the ploy: When I say 'diminish' I mean . . . to whittle-away at the definite 'reconstruction/rewriting'  of the 'Tome', if you will, of 'What Black's Are Capable Of', that Obama's highly improbable election did, . . . in terms of competence, pure brain 'trust', sophistication and perception of Blacks in the eyes of America and the World for that matter.

Cain now finds himself 'In the Shit!' to put it 'poetically' . . . and it's a very sad 'spectacle'

Over the past few days, I've been a part of and observed, in debates and conversations, that some Blacks are having a sort of ‘empathy' for Herman Cain He’s a Black Man trying to ‘move up’ and it seems like he’s being ‘deep sixed’ for possibly racist motives.  He's also the current Republican front runner

I understand that sort of ‘unconscious’ kinship that might arise . . . but I think it’s a sort of ‘knee jerk’ reaction to the whole situation, without a sophisticated examination of history and Republican strategy.

I say LET HIM be destroyed!  HE put himself ‘out there’ in ‘that’ way!

I don't feel ANY sort of 'kinship' with Cain because he's Black . . .!  He's a 'Tool' . . . a Jester . . . a COON!  The video below sums it up nicely . . .

Herman Cain pisses me off for EXACTLY the same reason that Toure said: He reestablishes a certain 'stereotype' about Black People . . .!

And as a self-loathing tool from the Right Wing Gang box, Herman's 'mission' was simple, nasty and breath taking:

To 'remind' 'quasi-subliminally-racist-but-in-denial' White Red-Blooded Voters, who looked past Obama's color in 2008 . . . of WHY they 'never quite went with' a 'Black' before . . . and that in light of how 'bad things are'(The Unemployment and Economy) . . . They 'trot out' one of Their 'caged imps' or 'performers' (Ask Ann Coulter about what she meant by 'Our Blacks' . . .!) to 'jostle' These Voters 'back to Their senses', as it were. 

The subliminal Message:

"You see this buffoon out there? This 'Coon'? ALL 'Blacks' are like that . . . they all have 'that' . . . 'in Them'. You SURE you want to 'trust' These Folks with something as serious as running the country!?  Just look at Him . . . and then look at Cain: Aren't they 'the same'?  Come on people . . . remember how 'They' . . . 'are'!"  

Wink . . . wink!

To function in that prescribed role . . . Herman Cain was to fall off of the Republican Rocket to the White House, pretty soon . . . but after 'burning up' all the fuel to propel the Republican cause forward in the 'unique way' he was commissioned to. 

In the Blogosphere we have a rather affectionate name for the likes of Herman Cain: We call him 'Uncle Ruckus' of the TV show "Boondocks!" fame.

"The White Man is the best thing that EVER happened to a N@#$%gger!"

Again: Cain KNEW what he signed up for . . . and did so WILLINGLY!  DO NOT get between the media artillery raining down on Herman because of his shucking and jiving: He DESERVES IT!

He is as BAD as 'ManTan' in that Movie 'Bamboozled' 

No . . . he is WORSE . . . in that he is DELIBERATELY playing into 'white' stereotypes about Blacks to 'curry' favor with folks that ordinarily wouldn't have given him a second look . . .!  The kind of rhetoric that the Tea Party espouses . . . why should they go with you?!

This man could have sold himself MUCH differently than he has, IF he was a serious candidate.  His professional record and seeming business acumen is NOT unimpressive . . . but he is taking the path of the 'buffoon' . . . and I DON'T understand WHY!?? He NEVER needed to . . .!! 

THAT is some nonsense on his part folks!

The Buffoon in action . . .

He wants his Secret service name to be 'CORNBREAD'!?!?! 

He said: "I am the Koch brothers' brother from another mother and proud of it." Does he thinks that crap is CUTE!??  See the clip below . . .

As I said above, Herman is trying to play into the long-held societal racist notion . . .  That all 'you blacks are alike' or know each other . . . so "When you look at Me . . . think of Obama!"

"Think of Obama having 'me' 'in him' . . .!(with all my foolishness!)"

Herman even said some nonsense to the effect that 'Don't hate him because this President is Black!'

Now what does that mean if it isn't a naked deliberate attempt to get the public . . . the WHITE 'on the racial fence' Public . . . to see Herman Cain AND Obama as being very similar!?!?!

They are as different as NIGHT and DAY . . . but Herman has been steadily trying to 'close the gap' in perception . . . but NOT in a good way! He IS a 'spoiler'; I'm convinced of it! Primarily a 'point' of multi-pronged 'weapon' that was to be used against Obama . . .!
Remember THIS GEM meant to sow discord among blacks . . ."

It seems however . . . that Murphy's Law is 'teasing'  the Republicans just a little.

Now as I said: Herman Cain was NEVER meant to go as far as he has. 

The problem for the GOP is that the other parts of their plans have backfired and gone somewhat awry . . .!

1) No serious substantial candidate has arisen - Chris Christy, Mitch Daniels, and others have bowed out and John Hunstman will be out by Christmas . . .

2) The one's still in there are making complete ASSES of themselves and self destructing daily - Rick Perry, Santorum, Newt, and Bachman have been off the rails . . .!  See Rick Perry from this Halloween Weekend past below . . .

3) Their own BASE unbelievably . . . MIGHT actually WANT HIM!! Cain is ahead in the polls!  But . . . this might be out of 'desperation': Combine factors 1) and 2) and look at the situation with Romney and the sentiment expressed in 4)(See Below) . . . Herman is actually the only REAL conservative left, in their minds, that they would feel somewhat comfortable with, if not on his Race, but on the Issues . . .

4) Mitt Romney - He's STILL around! They thought that by now he would have been 'out' but he's still there . . . and they LOATHE Mormonism!  See below . . .

5) The 'Foil' and 'confusion' that Cain was supposed to sew among African Americans . . . has actually sent them SPRINTING BACK to Obama . . . and has them more determined than EVER to make sure Cain get's nowhere!

Cain's Gambit may have backfired in at least One State . . . but this is a trend I can see happening in so many other areas where there are high concentrations of Blacks.

It's all very interesting at this point . . . but as for Herman Cain, and I mean this sincerely: 

Fuck that dude! 

He KNEW what he was getting into and truth be told he KNEW he 'wasn't supposed' to go 'too far' . . . just enough to 'Muddy the Racial Perceptive Waters' on Obama . . . just like the good old Boondocks style ‘Catcher Freeman’ skit . . .

. . . only thing is that Cain was supposed to 'capture', 'detain' and 'damage' what Republicans have long been calling, with shocking impunity, . . . Obama's 'Uppity' 'Quotient', as it were, . . . to bring Him 'back down' to where 'people like him' . . . belong!  Herman was then supposed to drop out so their 'anointed' Good Old Boy (Rick Perry??) would swoop in and 'mop up'.

It isn't working out at all like they planned . . . in fact it's back firing . . . and all these barbs about the Left being racist towards Cain is a flailing storm of cow pats and distractions, that have no substance to them!

Implode in peace, you bastard!

And with that . . . 

I'm going to keep my eye on the presently 'hiding' Romney . . . because he WILL be their nominee, whether they like it or NOT!

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