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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

"Obamney!" Liberals . . . What is the Matter With You!?

The Economy is recovering but it is still bad.

When it is so . . . the incumbent(Which is presently Obama) normally get's the boot.

The alternative, who are good at messaging and making noise, are the fucking 'Gestapo'.

The Gestapo is not good for ANY of us . . . especially the 'upset at Obama liberals'. The Gestapo will be FAR WORSE than Obama.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Time For "SEAL Team Six"

Gallup came out with some new polls that show Romney and President Obama neck and neck, some with the former ahead.  Now some of you politicos out there might be fuming right now about what and where did they poll.

"Did they not SEE this Primary!?"

You might have a point in terms of sample size, locations drawn from and the ideological bent of the polling company.  But most likely . . . the results are PRECISELY what IS going on across the country.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"Dramatis Ars Poetica"(Dramatic Poetry):"tings . . ."

This is my fourth piece in my Dramatic Poetry pieces with various Characters issuing their own social commentary on the world and country we live in.  This one however has a Caribbean point of view to it in 'lingo' and in view.  I've written this in the vernacular(as true as it is in in my own Caribbean ear!) of the broken English 'patois' or Dialect, endemic to many Anglophone, former British Colonies in the West Indies or the Caribbean.  One of the more famous of these places is Jamaica . . . so think of the accent and intonations when you are reading this.  Now here we have . . .

tings . . .

Saturday, April 14, 2012

"Dramatis Ars Poetica"(Dramatic Poetry): "Justification . . .?"

This is the Third in my Dramatic Poetry Series.  This one deals with how religion and hypocrisy have gone hand in hand with some of the most vicious crimes we've committed against each other.  This one deals with how that dynamic produced pure hate . . . and still doing it today.  So I hope you'll enjoy . . .

Justification . . .?
(“In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit”)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

"Dramatis Ars Poetica"(Dramatic Poetry): "Extinction Level Event"

This is my second piece, the characters based on stories ripped from headlines over the years, others just tragic scenarios . . . but they do have a similar current running through them . . . I hope you enjoy as I take you on a ride to an . . .

Extinction Level Event

Saturday, April 7, 2012

"Dramatis Ars Poetica" (Dramatic Poetry) : "Dimmer"

This is the first in a series of 'Dramatic Poems' I've working on from 'certain point of view' . . . I may hope to get these produced and performed as a series of plays; a dramatic social commentary of Race in our society at large . . . and now here's . . .

Dimmer . . .