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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

On Racism: Part 2 - The Semi-Conductor Effect

After Barrack Obama won in 2008 many pundits and columnists declared that 'racism was dead' and we're now 'post racial'.  One has only to look at the subsequent, insipid sort of subliminal 'shading' of our politics since then . . . to see that they were blatantly wrong.  People's minds don't change that easily.  When it comes to Barrack Obama, I've found that for almost all the political battles that have been fought during his Presidency, the facts don't justify the caustic, over-the-top, fulminating opposition to and towards the President, from the Left or Right.  That is not to say Obama doesn't deserve some criticism . . . but myself and other folks of color have a sense that it is a bit overdone.  To tell the truth, us so-called minorities have felt that 'something' has been broken, overwhelmed; an inaudible 'pop' was heard in the attitudes of both parties towards Race since that November night in 2008.