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Monday, November 14, 2011

President Obama - Debunk 'Job Creators' GOP Jargon.

Dear President Obama;

I love your present tact you are taking with the Republicans and I wish for you to continue . . . but there is one thing that is really sticking in my ‘craw’:

Their use and ‘wielding’ of this nonsensical term called  ‘Job Creators’.

And I’d like for you to address it . . . and ‘take it down’, if you will. 

I think such a ‘dissection’ would go over well with folks all across this country as you explain to them what’s in the various jobs packages you are putting forward, and significantly change the dialogue in Washington as well as the Beltway Media to one that actually makes sense to the regular guy.

The term ‘Job Creator’ is a sort of ‘deliberately ambiguous’ term to hide the typical Republican’s REAL ‘benefactors’ if you will – Multi-national Corps, Politically-Active millionaire and billionaire plutocrats and oligarchs, Banks and other financial institutions. These ‘interests’ have had political operatives on the Hill for decades assailing both sides, but finding much more ‘fertile ground’ on the Right to ‘plant’ their selfish policies and tax carve-outs and exemptions, as well as  the ‘watering’ of such to ‘sprout’ into ‘potted plants’ of legislation that bears only ‘one type of fruit’.

You sir need to ‘take’ their term and ‘redefine it’ for the masses.

A TRUE ‘Job Creator’ in my opinion . . . is a

“Circumstance/opportunity, a 'niche' need, a demand uptick, a necessity, new technology development leading to public dissemination/consumption, the opening of new avenues of commerce and trade . . . towards which the prosecution/meeting of the aforementioned goals and needs DIRECTLY or INDIRECTLY result in the HIRING of PERSONELL.”

In short a ‘Job Creator’ is NOT a ‘person’ or particular ‘Company’ or even an ‘Industry’ . . . it is simply . . . the Requisite ‘Hiring’ undertaken to satisfy a Demand!  These People, Companies and Industries are ‘Slaves’ to Demand . . . and if Demand shrinks or rises, so too do their fortunes and the all important Profits!

Put the whole jobs argument, the whole economic recovery argument in terms of spurring and maintaining Demand. 

Now we have a 70% Consumer Economy DRIVEN by Consumer Demand.  The Consumers are OVERWHELMINGLY the Middle and Working Class, as well as the Poor . . . who have been under sustained assault in terms of decreased earning power, spending confidence shaken/diminished from the heavy loss of jobs, stagnant wages, decrease in the value of assets – Retirement and Real Estate, increased debt load, . . . all while weathering the steady rise in all possible manner of consumables. 

The ability of the Consumer to generate Demand . . . has been seriously compromised. 

THERE lies the heart of the problem.

And you need to phrase it in those plain terms sir.

Relaxing regulations, as your GOP opponents swear, won’t spur hiring at the affected companies or industries if the patronization of their clients and consumers is falling and/or remaining flat lined . . . which IS in fact the case.

An 'Infusion' of ‘capability to consume’ in the vast middle of the population is what is needed . . . not cutting of benefits, decrease of taxes on huge corporations or wealthy individuals and certainly not more deregulation (it caused the malaise we're suffering under now!)

That capability can ONLY come through initiating, sustaining and development of  . . .

“Circumstance/Opportunity, a 'niche' need, a demand uptick, necessity, new technology development leading to public dissemination/consumption, the opening of new avenues of commerce and trade . . .”

That can be done through Infrastructure – New and Repairs, through trade deals, extending unemployment benefits, relaxing taxes ONLY on the lower 99%, aid to the states, lowering health care costs . . . all of which you’ve said and attempted to do.

It all needs to be paid for . . . and the fact is there is enough money HERE to do so.  The wealthy and Big Corporations have been steadily hoarding cash for decades due to a steady decline in demand, rise in productivity and an exponential decrease in real taxes paid.  THAT stockpile needs to be tapped . . . because, seriously, they have been enjoying the protections and benefits of this society and the country without really paying their fair share and contributing adequately for the opportunity to do business in this country.

Pull the Cover away from that ‘term’ of theirs . . . ‘take it from them’ . . . expose the deception and the LIE to the Public . . .

A True ‘Job Creator’ . . . is ‘That Which Generates and Sustains ‘Demand’’ . . . and that has always meant the American Middle Class and the Financial Health thereof.


  1. AGREED... we have to use language more effectively and counter their focus-group-tested verbiage whenever possible!

  2. When you send this to the President, please keep us informed on his response. I think it is a great idea and letter.
