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Monday, October 17, 2011

Interesting Times . . .! (An Epic Poem)

"也許你生活在有趣的時代。 。 。"

"Yěxǔ nǐ shēnghuó zài yǒuqù de shídài . . ."

"May You Live In Interesting Times . . .!"

Interesting Times . . .

So the old Chinese Wish goes for ones Lifespan.  Indeed I have . . . I do

I have . . . With milk toothed grin seen the end of an era, given insipid, immortal ‘stickability’
By an old xenophobe called McCarthy,
Causing the premature destruction of many
Of our valiant gentry's careers and livelihoods, because they dared be
Concerned about the lack of humanity, of a system suffered under daily,
And suggested that pooling resources, very beneficial would be!
But too similar to our Chief Rival in the world's type of governing would be,
And rampant paranoia about malicious Manchurian, sympathetic zealots among us, blending in, ran free . . .!

Did I say ‘End’ . . .?  You see . . .
T'would seem that old McCarthy's
Scrooge-like ghost still infects the Elder gentry,
Who are conditioned still to fear the Old Enemy
That has long since won entry into society,
And is now and has been responsible for many
Things they, for granted, take daily . . .

"Help me, policeman!  Robbery!"

"Fire!  Help!  Call the fire company!"

"Well God bless him!  Jess like his Daddy . . .
he's a fitt'n a join the Army!"

"Hey operator!  How come my social security check . . . I've yet to see!? 
I's been expectin' it by this time every month, see!?"

"Doc say's ma Medicaid's fine with he!"

Do they NOT see the 'Enemy'
Is now all around them, reliably
Making their lives so much more easy??
Even if you unmask it, set it free
For them to see . . . They'd still deny what they see!
McCarthy . . . what a lasting legacy . . .!

Interesting Times . . .
Truly . . . Interesting Times . . .

The past few years have seen a resurgence of Pure Ugly . . .
An Ancient Tool mastered by Columbus, wielded globally
Disintegrating ‘exotic’ geographies, societies . . .
Precipitating in the destruction of far flung humanity. ..!
Used with reckless abandon quite recently
As few decades ago to help build this country
And sequester it’s budding fruit for the consumption
Of Only the ‘Godly’ . . .!
This insipid beast was declared ‘outlaw’ recently
As the once victims marched into the future triumphantly . ..
Catching up on centuries of loss and injustice - The Priority
And it would seem that were ready finally
To shrug off that bloodthirsty specter, of ageless infamy
And move into the 21st century . . .

But these past few Years have see a resurgence of  This Pure Ugly
Why would that be?  Enlightened are we?  Not as far as we thought possibly . . .
Maybe . . . It's because the Present Executive looks differently,
Calls himself Differently to the ones who've gone previously!?
Some Big Conspiracy the truly prejudiced hint at when questioning the integrity
Of that which, never before was an issue of quandary,
IF at all this The Leader was ever born here . . . “American . . . Is He?”

“Come now, don’t tarry!  Record of your Citizenry We must see . . .!”
“Ok.  Now detail for me all the travels of your youth to me . . .!”
“You reek of the Old Enemy as well as Some New Mysterious Philosophy”
“Of Brown Crazy, backwards ones in the East . . . derelict in duty to country”
“Should YOU not be vetted . . . ‘properly’ . . .!”
But alas, nothing was really ever going to satisfy ‘patriots’ like these totally!
For in the minds of their ranks, many
Still hold on to long since standards and images in history
That such a Position should only
Be held by Folks ‘not cursed with the stink of Ham’s Loins’ You see?
The laws in this great country decree,
That no longer such religious and ethnic zealotry
Be necessary when deeming one worthy of Leading this country!
But they refuse to relinquish the perceived ‘Right’ of folks that look like He
To ALWAYS be secondary, subservient, and never equal be . . .
To those whose skins mimic ivory albeit only barely . . .

Now . . . Gold Spoon-nursed, spoiled Ones enact,
Slanderous accusations of incredulity at the fact,
That a stellar progeny
Of the once enslaved,
Could possibly,
Do so much better than HE
In the 'sacred' halls of Ivy ‘Leaguery’!
"Impossibility!" was the decree . . .
For this Negro is just a bit too ‘uppity’ . . .

"Supplicate yourself to ME, show ME,
Which Master made YOU free!!!

Your 'Freed Man' documents I need to see!
For I do not believe you are capable honestly
Of earning such accolades without the likes of folks like ME . . . giving You a 'pass',
After having been 'touched' by your efforts, and You kissing MY ass!
But intrinsically,
You were never the equal or superior to the likes of ME,
In ANY academy!
What's all the fuss!? Look at him: He's BLACK you see!?
Naturally he's inferior to the likes of ME!"

Such idiocy . . . For the shallow goal of ‘popularity’, constant media pundit catnip-ery!
Acrid, self-aggrandizement that possibly translates into monies
For the ever hungry ‘Corporatocracy’, bolstering the plutocracy
That secretly runs this country!
To gain entry HE and others were never required to earn a key!

But the damage of this molestation nationally,
To the body of the collective intellectual integrity,
Cuts generationally through time,
And spatters the larger group with such grime!
Takes everybody back to times when my ancestry
Lived in fear of the likes and walks of HE,
And his penchant, pastime, cruel hobby,
Of . . .

"Let's see how many futures of 'darkies'
We can collectively mutate, stunt
And render hopeless the chance to be, to exist sanely!
Hahahahah! Just who do they think THEY be,
Strutting around me, trying to be like ME,
With only 3/5th's 'designated' humanity!?"

No better, in fact, less than livestock were we,
Back in what HE and His Party
Called the 'Good Old Days', filled with 'Constitutional Purity'!
And even though the precious document was written to evolve freely,
To keep pace with the improvements and advancement of humanity's
Circumstances and sensibilities . . .
They insist on perversion,
Backwards forced devolution,
To it's state during times long since thought globally,
To be evil, rank pock marks on the hide of History!

How far to fall, it seems, we are primed!?"

I don't know . . . Is it just me . . . Or am I truly see-ing . . .

Interesting Times . . . Truly
Interesting Times . . . Indeed I have, I do . . .

That I am able to see how Politics is old again
And I've seen entities, parties change costumes with the other . . .
The urge to go back, to attack
The progress borne on the backs
Of Many slain; the ground and sidewalks drank their blood
Because they were on track,
To wake up the masses; to take back,
The Real power they've always had,
From, The One's Up There as they sack
The Future ‘Rome’s’ of opportunity and dreams
That our children are supposed to dwell in,
Our labors going to back
That investment of necessity!
Yes the old barons have refashioned themselves
In new garbs off of the racks
Of the Goldman Sachs on the Great Wall
Whose Street, if you look close, has cracks
Through which you can see the bones of the
‘Right-less’ buried, when bodies ceased to
Contribute to the stack-ing . . . Of Gold Bars! 
Forgotten . . . Are the tracts of final resting places,
Now turned into a small cubicle where some 'curious' artifacts
Of the former Atlases of this new world of wealth
By accident alerted the industrious to their presence. 
Such a meager 'honor' for the fact
That the fires of Riches and Prosperity
That these Moguls have become 'entitled' to
Would have been impossible, if not for acts
Of sheer diligence and strength of these long interred Titans!
And they were of every culture and hue . . . they kept the World in Motion . . .
Their Sacrifices immortalized superficially
In museums all across this nation and Her cities
Their selfless martyrdom for their beloved country
Forgotten or not truly appreciated by the Upper Echelons of society . . .

Truly Interesting Times We see . . .
Very Interesting Times . . . we Now Experience . . . For . . .

These Deities were the Progenitors of Those Now in the Streets
‘Occupy Wall Street’ has it’s own immutable Drum Beat
Now These Titan’s Progeny have had ‘Enough!’
Now lets get Back to the stuff . . .
Of . . . ‘entitlements’ which are only for
The wealthy and well-connected for
‘Tis such a ‘Dirty Word’ should the 99% utter it
Never mind the fact it
Has been steeped in blood, sweat and treasure
Done with trusting ‘promise’ of delayed pleasure
Of enjoyment in later ages when the body is less willing
But no the killing . . .
Of dreams is in season, no reason . . .
Just the season of short sighted politics
Cynical, exacerbation of suffering so thick
They’ll choke off all progress of the nation
JUST to relieve ONE PERSON . . .
Of employment . . . while leaving MILLIONS
On the Highway of Economic Oblivion
To become Road Kill . . . a bitter Legion
Easily fooled, led to make choices antithetical
To Their Own Collective and Personal Situations . . .
They demonize, actually Fear the ‘Occupation’;
The Message, Sentiments sadly now a Global Phenomenon
Instantly makes Allies of All Common Ones
Irrespective of Creed, Race, Sexuality or Religion . . .!
It rips asunder well-made plans for Media Conglomerates
To get paid . . . off of ‘faux-preferred narratives’, craftily made
To artificially impugn, a Close Status of The Race in the Minds
Of the Legion in the One Place where one can still find
Potent power to shape the nation . . . in the Collective’s Chosen One:
The Presidency . . . the most visible, expression of our Democracy . . .!
In the Voting Booth they hope to confuse, construct debilitating quandary
Allergic to Nuance, awash in a Drought of relevant Perspective and Ignorant of Term History!
Through concussive blasts of empty, short sighted punditry
The Press with collusion of Conservative Forces, hope to inflict
Political Amnesia upon us, with all the vituperative rhetoric, conflict
Distracting us . . . from, yet again, choosing wisely.
Hopefully this age old ploy fails . . .
Some even wail . . . not to give the viral-spreading protestations
Their just-deserving Wall-To-Wall Media attention . . .
Because it arises in the Them notions of rallies un-abating
In decades long since past when, in yet another Unjust War, we were fighting.
And yet again the youth and the then 99% were clamoring
For end of Lies, and all sorts of disparity . . .
And the trampling on the Rights of the Many . . .!
This grizzled Man called King from the Long Island
Felt the need the protect those few who reside in the small island
In the Den of Inequity called Wall Street
Where he and Other Supplicants wash The 1% calloused feet,
Where ‘corns’ grow from walking repeatedly
On the resilient souls of the common citizenry . . .
Greed did not prevail then, you see
I suspect it will result in the toppling of Your Party’s Aristocracy
Like it did so many decades ago . . .
Cantor’s ‘walking back’ of scorn sounds so hollow . . .
Never will the Movement follow . . .
Your Party down that barren Tract . . .!
Not when the President . . . is exposing your sordid pact
With the usurpers of Democracy to act . . .
In blatant sabotage of the ‘Idea’ of This Country . . .
Not when you skirt treason for refusing to help One charged with re-construction
Of a Society and Economy decimated for a decade before.
Know This: Obama’s Battles at Present with You . . .
And the Angst, Desperation, Pain voiced in the Folks who You
Reflexively disparaged at first sight . . . Dovetail into One and the Same For Sure!
It is even arguable that this Mid-Summer debacle for the umpteenth time
Was the slash that broke the vine . . . releasing the New Aggressive Persona you see
That for Years has been primed with the rage of the Many
That has soaked the Correspondences He has long imbibed and ingested daily . . .
Their voices he has been wont to make heard for the sake of functionality,
And in the pursuit of effective governing authority . . .
But King your Party was never interested in serving the Citizenry . . .
And now the covers are pulled back to see
All your fellow Gremlins deliberately and joyfully
Gumming up the Works of Democracy . . .!
And we’re supposed to yet again Trust the Party of McCarthy?

History repeats itself is a fact . . .
BUT . . . May History write about This Time as a Fact
That yet again, The Better Angels in the Citizenry . . .
Won out over, Greed, Apathy . . . and beat the Congregation of Oligarchy,
Stripped away accolades of relevancy from the acolytes of Plutocracy . . .!
And their refusal to be conquered made These Times . . . The Exciting . . .
Heart-Wrenching, Depressing . . . but altogether Hopeful . . .

And Truly Interesting Times . . . That I see . . . that I'm living through . . .!

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