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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It's Personal . . .

It's personal . . . something about Obama just seems to stick in their respective craws. And there is a sort of fear . . . a fear of what Obama has awoken and could still awaken in the Public.

AND it's a fear BOTH party establishments have in common!

The Democrats:

The Dems have NOT come out in force to defend Obama they way they did with Clinton, Gore and even Kerry. They are 'for' Poor and Ethnic minorities . . . but they haven't done anything really MAJOR for us in decades! They been content to have us eating 'peace-meal' out of their hands in exchange for our votes, which we freely give because we 'remember' . . . but they haven't done much to really make us realize how much power the poor and the downtrodden ethnic minorities have when we come together and wield the force at the sharp tip of the VOTE! Self-empowerment and community organizing which were at the pillar of the civil rights movements, the womens lib movement, the labor movements . . . have NOT been really a CENTER of our electoral political 'tactic' on the Left in quite a while! 

Exhibit B: WHY in particular the African American Community is there STILL such low voter registration and even lower actual participation!?

This is a very personal for me . . . and if you will, permit me to dig into it a bit
I have a 'beef' with many of these democratically aligned Black Organizations and the DNC:

They operate like if we Blacks 'will always be 'down'' . . . and never seem to move towards changing the mindset of the collective from 'victim/prey' to that of aggressor and being 'entitled' your 'your fair shot!'

I know you folks on here have noticed the way the ‘Elites’ 'walk around' . . . even their kids display 'it':

No 'Natural Enemies' . . . they exude a 'mastery' of the world around them . . . they don't 'expect anything bad to happen to them' . . . they don't expect anyone or anything to stand in the way of something they want . . . 'No!' is like 'acid' to their psyche . . . and they react with expected bristling and indignant bravado, if you will.  They tend to be 'oblivious' of the world and ‘the person next to them’ . . . because 'they' 'don't matter' . . . nothing stops 'Them'!

Anybody notice that?

Now I'm not saying we should be inconsiderate 'Members of Tribe Oblivii', like my wife and I like to call them,  . . . But we, due to our ‘history’ in the world and in this country, are naturally more 'aware' of our surroundings . . . 

We may not know it but 'Fear' has sculpted our 'Modus Operandi'.

Now we have all these groups 'dedicated' to helping us out of that 'well of skittishness'.  We have Legal muscle now to go after 'Whatever We Want' . . . we have all right to act & operate as if we're . . . 'Entitled' . . . just like the present 1% do . . .!

We SAY we believe we're 'Entitled' . . . but we don't act like it!

And it's in everything we do . . . everything!

And I go back to an old 'adage' many of you have heard me 'rant' about above and it's this . . .

WHY STILL the persistent non-participation of Blacks in the political system??

Yet . . . we complain when some Racist Republican Mayor (who we didn't even participate in electing) uses the police force and excuses the police for profiling, brutalizing us! We cry loudly . . . and then these folks like the NAACP (one of these 'groups') come in to fight the good fight, we're marching . . . we talk about how 'this isn't right!'

But come election time . . . NO ONE is in these communities using the 'Pain' of these 'tragedies' to get folks out to VOTE!

NO ONE is 'connecting the dots' that when you VOTE . . . you have a chance to DECIDE who 'governs' over you, and YOU get to choose someone/administration who WILL NOT do these things to you!

But no . . .

We end up being BIG NO SHOWS every single election, scared and cowed down . . . frightened of a 'System' that we have the Power in our VERY HANDS RIGHT NOW to control and take over!

A System we Bled and Died to Build and Protect!  And still DO!

The CBC TOO (another of these 'groups') get's a big fat F in that regard in making the 'connection' for folks between what ails them and their political participation!

The CBC has been there decades . . . Obama has been in less than 3 yrs . . . how the HELL is ALL THIS . . . suddenly his fault?  WHY is it suddenly up to ONE MAN to rally folks to protect and fight for their own shit!??

What the F@#$% were they doing for us Black folks all these years?

Why is it that the 'talk' from my parent's youth about 'better out than in' the system STILL persists?  Why (stuck record warning!) . . . do we STILL not want to participate politically in said system? What were the CBC doing to reverse and correct that notion?

Oh I know: Reinforcing the handicapped premise that 'they' and what they embody and what 'they can manage to scrape up and bring back to the 'cave' for Us "Po Black Folks!" . . . is the Best We 'Gon' Get . . . because My Lord: The system won't let us in . . .!

And now here comes Obama who actually got people . . .TO DO THE IMPROBABLE . . . ON THEIR OWN!  And folks payed attention for ONCE in 2008, knew the issues, got it together and overcame every possible institutional obstacle thrown at them - racism and all - and overran said System with self interested folks! 

Yes WE can! . . . Yes WE did!

And Not only did the broad establishment FEAR that unity, IF IT LASTED, could topple the oligarchy that ran things . . . BUT our 'grizzled veterans' at the CBC . . . suddenly saw how short sighted and ineffective they've been for years now, and heard the clock ticking away their, now much-shorter-than-they-ever-thought 'time left in office' . . . and they got mad at this 'upstart' who 'jumped the line'!  And is now telling them to 'do more!?'. 

They don't KNOW how to 'do more' . . . but a growing number of their constituents expect it of them.

"We know y'all love 'em . . . but if you would just release us . . ."

. . . is the prime statement of a person who is being challenged to rise to the occasion but doubts if they can . . . because they are just too set in their ways . . . or worse: been co-opted and corrupted by the system they SAY they are 'fighting' on behalf of their Constituents!

I say Maxine and others BETTER get in Line . . . or they're out! 

It's that simple . . . no more sitting by 'struggling' before you even try.

And what's worse for them too is this:

The mere fact that this Black Man, this Newbie . . . was able to beat back all the establishment challenges from 'his side' and the other, and ascend to the highest position in the country, with the most overwhelming majority in decades . . . means that . . .

MAYBE . . . it's time.  MAYBE it HAS BEEN TIME for some time now . . . and MAYBE these folks in the CBC COULD HAVE BEEN USHERING IT IN AGGRESSIVELY MORE THAN THEY HAVE!

Supplicant as HELL to Bill . . . and not a peep out their mouths to Dubbya . . . and now one of their own is in it's essentially . . .

"Not so fast!  Slow down!  You're making us Look . . . bad!"??

Get it together CBC or you're gonna hold the movement back 

The ONLY one I've seen make THAT connection about political involvement affecting your real life issues: Is Obama.

And he's STILL making it!  His simple campaign slogan that he said over and over and over again . . . but we NEVER stopped to really imbibe what it really meant:

"We are THE ONES that 'We've' BEEN waiting for . . .!"

It meant we need to get going . . . for YOURSELF!  FIGHT for what YOU want!  MAKE the 'System' DO what you want through overwhelming 'participation' of all kinds - voting, calling, following up, office visits (if you have the time) . . . MAKE these CBC Reps WORK for you!

He made THAT POINT over a few weekends ago AGAIN . . . and folks got all 'touchy' . . .

"I find his comments . . . curious . . .!"

They are harping on the fact he said stop complaining . . . and the Press was only too happy to help them down that road of hyperbolic, masochistic, stubborn and deliberate political 'stagnancy' . . .!

I could scream.

Why hasn't the kind of grassroots organization we saw in the Obama Campaign, along with the philosophy that the MANY can get together and force the powerful to bend to OUR will because frankly they NEED us . . . NOT been the push of the Democratic party for DECADES?

Why? THEY TOO have been hollowed out by the same filth as the Repubs. BUT . . . there are still good people there and the party generally seems more 'malleable' to the type of 'change' we need! They are the lesser of two evils . . . but they do not have to remain that way. The other party . . . not so much.


The GOP 'pulling out all stops' scorched earth focus on JUST OBAMA . . . reeks of some old ugliness and a culture of 'entitled Greed'! The central 'worry' of the founding fathers (who were also Rich and wealthy!) was how to control the Masses. Many felt that if the lives of the masses became too hard they would unite and rebel and ALL they had would be taken from them! Others chose to focus on ways to keep the masses DIVIDED by certain psychological 'tools' and by controlling what the information the public imbibed and HOW it was framed.

The latter were the forebears of the GOP.

BOTH parties wanted to retain control of the masses BUT . . . whereas the Dems sought control by making their 'charges' lives somewhat easier . . . the GOP sought to keep the status quot of 'desperation' through somehow getting folks to think that is was 'ok'

And it was working . . . but then Obama came.

But he wasn't really the first of his type that could emote large swaths of the public towards their own self interests - MLK, among other humanitarian leaders of all faiths and ethnicities did similar and had similar talents . . . but they were ultimately 'wiped out' - it was how they used to deal with them 'back when'.

It not to say they wouldn't do it again . . . (it's a fear many of us have had listening to the rhetoric on the right!) but I suppose they think that they Public is stupid enough to do it FOR them 'effectively' with 'glee' through fear, lies, misinformation, manipulation, xenophobia and other 'distractions' like Racism(Yes: It IS a distraction!) so that THEY can "take their Country Back!"

Take our country BACK! Listen folks they are telling the truth!

They've HATED how their share of the wealth has diminished over the decades and they look at with scorn as the 'undeserving underclass' 'dare' look Them 'in the eyes' unafraid and with 'pride'! They HATED the growing unity of the public when they've exacted just and high retribution when members of their ilk get too ballsy with their greed!

And here comes 'That One' uniting all the 'Serfs' under him possibly diminishing the potency of all the traditional distractions they been so carefully re-culturing . . . and that was IT!

They HAD to pull out ALL the stops now . . . because they'll never get another chance like this . . . HIS visions are too grand, his populism melts away the divisions they've been tending like butter . . . and they HAVE to stop him!

They've bought and hollowed out all the different institutions . . . and now it's time to 'put them to work'. Noam Chomsky has a video about what they've been about which I'll post shortly.

But I'll round up to say this: 

Obama has more enemies around him than friends . . . and they DO NOT want any changes to the status quot. He TOLD us what to do . . . and now it's up to US!

"WE are the ONES WE'VE been WAITING FOR!"

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