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Friday, October 14, 2011

Idealism vs Reality/Pragmatism

A Conservative friend of mine posted this:

"Obama is a pro-war, pro-tax cut, anti-civil rights, anti-domestic spending, anti-health care reform Democrat. He's pro Wall Street, Anti-Main Street, banker bonuses are 'sacred contracts' but union benefits have to be sacrificed to 'spread the pain,' bail out the banks but refuse to help mortgage holders. If you can give Obama a pass on all that, exactly what was your problem with the Republicans?"

. . . And this was my response:

"You underestimate how entrenched these 'forces' are. You think if Obama fought them straight up, rhetorically 'pure' without any 'perceived' 'carrots' for Big Business and the Special Interests . . . that he would have gotten to take the few steps he has taken towards what is essentially good gains for the Public that he has? These people OWN Washington and they have totally bought out the Republican Party . . . AND MANY of the Old Heads in the Democratic Party as well.

Listen: I never expected an abrupt change in the way things functioned in Washington because of 'how' Obama campaigned . . . seriously, that would have been impossible. BUT . . . the steps he has taken towards giving something back to the people is what I expected, and if you look at it, he HAS DONE SO! It is NOT perfect by any means, it may not have even gone as far as I would have liked . . . but the general DIRECTION I approve of. And frankly, with the type of centuries-old pro-big business members of congress in both parties . . . what he's actually got done, IS quite good. Did you folks really expect this massive sea-change in just over two years!?? After CENTURIES . . . you expected a stark, simplified and easily discerned 'undoing' of the 'old ways' of Washington??

Please folks: You are being overly impatient, naive, idealistic, even a little messianic in your expectations for the effect just ONE MAN in a huge intergenerational crowd of Upper Crust 'Wealth Protectors', will have on a system that took centuries to ‘calcify’!!

Yeah you can lob your accusations at him . . . and on the surface it may seem that way . . . in fact it IS that way in a sense, as regrettable, indispensable condition that enables someone in his position  just to be able to function . . .!  But the collective trends of his actions have been in the right direction. 'Death' by hundreds of little paper cuts is what I liken it to.

Face it: Even just symbolically Obama has taken on and accomplished items that many Presidents before him have tried and failed at for DECADES!

Washington was even worse than I think HE realized when he was campaigning . . . and as such, he's had to modify the approach quite a bit just to keep moving in the direction that he is. 

You want to talk about his nominees?

Tell Me:

You see the horrors Warren was facing in the previous democratically controlled Senate from 'liberal hero' Dodd and others . . . and now with the GOP resurgence.

You see the way that potential Asst. US Attorney Dawn had to withdraw her nomination due to fierce opposition from BOTH sides of the aisle b/c she would have entertained prosecution of Bush et al.

You see how many have since withdrawn and/or are on almost interminable standby.

All because pure talented, 'unapproved' 'personnel’ would have no chance to make it through the Senate of the ‘Old Guard.’ It's why the Administration couldn't conceivably pursue such obvious, direct challenges in terms of policy and agenda . . . they would have been 'stopped'!

BUT around the way, indirect actions towards the same goals might make it past their 'sensors' . . . and that is what his administration has been about.

It may not be good enough or as immediately satisfying for the more passionate among us . . . but it is a pragmatic and practical way to squeeze something good from fetid, rank, and severely broken system.

The only power we have left is in electing members of Congress . . . in particularly the Senate. The Press is on these old guards side so it will be hard to keep folks from being duped . . . but I maintain it is the really the only avenue we have left. Change Congress along with a sympathetic POTUS, then is when you can have the change you want . . .!

This argument is a very nuanced one, and doesn't 'fit into' the 'Sith-Like' Nature of our Politics nowadays - For or Against!  But a quick examination of Civics, and in light of the Citizens United Decision, the ‘retirement’ officially of the ‘Fairness doctrine . . . as well as the takeover of the News Department by the Entertainment Department in all our Media/Press Companies . . . will lead one to realize that Paying attention constantly and persistent and reliable voting participation is the only way to change things to benefit US the 99% again . . .”

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