I commented on a thread a While ago and addressed the issue about why it is is taking so long for the Democrats in WI to gain enough signatures for a recall effort. I think it also relevant to why Obama still sort of 'panders' to the so called Independent who are actually just center right. And I thought I'd share my responses here for all to see . . . because we seriously need to consider what we are up against and how deep the scope of what we're undertaking is entrenched . . .!
Part I - They Get Inside . . .
"That subconscious programming from decades ago is making folk start to say, b/c the fight is no longer on the headlines: "Well maybe it won't be that bad . . . I agree that Walker and the Republicans were assholes . . . but I ain't never been no Liberal . . . So I'm a hold on a sec . . ."
That's the reason! These folks in the Midwest have been conditioned through tradition to vote Republican and they feel very uncomfortable doing anything else. These sort of folks are just too unsophisticated to know what is in their best interest, in that they can't adapt to the fact that true public service as a motive has long been abandoned by their chosen party! They just can't believe that their party is actively trying to fuck them over . . .
"Nah! Can't be as bad as y'all sayin'!? Can't be . . . Our government can't be like that . . . Can they?"
And the GOP have been BANKING on that stubborn disbelief for DECADES! it's why they still have supporters despite the mountain of evidence to the opposite! Other countries have gone down that path . . . Why can't we wrap our head around the possibility that WE TOO may tread that path too!??
Their mantra is not to trust the 'govmit' . . . But all they DO is trust THEIR GUYS IN THAT SAME 'govmit'! Their guys are 'govmit' too!! That in-congruency in their argument and belief system is just maddening!"
Part II - Deeper explanation of WHY we're having trouble
"The Republicans have been at this societal subliminal programming for DECADES!! It's insipid, effective and ingenious too! Even immigrant groups of all colors have been imbibing it too. Their messaging and melding of the Definition of The American Dream with THEIR ideology has been accepted by ALL in this country hook line and sinker! Think about it guys: Doesn't the lay definition of the American Dream mean Wealth, amassing of 'stuff', money, Wall Street, Power and influence, family values?? Doesn't it? And what is synonymous with the GOP?? There you go! It's why certain groups have allied themselves with the GOP in an effort to assimilate . . . To achieve what they see in our popular culture as the American Dream.
But the GOP have been busy simultaneously defining their opposition as well for DECADES! How is a 'Liberal' portrayed in our popular culture? Think about it: idealistic, artistic, cum-bay-ah, financially irresponsible/apathetic( which is antithetical to the American Dream as defined!), hippie, fur coat sprayer, tree hugger, euro back packer, save the whaler . . . Do I need to go on!?
And us Liberals were OBLIVIOUS to it!
We LET IT HAPPEN! In fact we had no counter 'program'. In fact we acquiesced to it too . . . We helped it along! How did Clinton win? By 'pretending' to be 'similar' to the 'Folks that 'represent' the American Dream'. Even Obama did some of the same.
What am I saying? It's this:
Clinton and Obama, by the way they campaigned made rhetorical and policy choices that in some ways made them seem as 'different' as possible to the caricature of the 'Liberal' that the GOP has been painting. They used the FOUNDATION of definition that the GOP had been defining as the springboard for their politics. They DID NOT, just like other Democrats and Liberals before them, Define "Who They Are and What They Represent" FOR THEMSELVES! With THAT 'starting point', so to speak, the GOP have ALWAYS had the advantage, because they created the base of it all! And as they see fit, they change it force the Democrat to adjust, to balance on THEIR plank of definition . . . instead of creating and maintaining THEIR OWN . . .And by doing that, we've actually legitimized THEIR world view of what WE represent . . . And reinforced their 'claim' to being the Keepers Of The Sacred American Dream! It's almost religious:
"ONLY through 'ME' can you achieve ascension to the Elysian fields of American Prosperity and Wealth!"
And I'm sorry but our Democratic forebears, by their obliviousness, short sightedness, and to some extent underestimation of just what the GOP would do for control and power over this country . . . Was actually an essential piece of the GOP plan, a calculated gamble, a cynical assessment of their opposition that played EXACTLY the way they wanted it!
We have a LOT fossilized societal and political perceptions to undo and turn around on these bastards!!
For a more nascent example of these 'fossilized societal and political perceptions' . . . just see the way that Belt Way Media is covering (or not!) the Occupy Protests/We are the 99% Marches - Text Book! SMDH "
We have some serious HEAVY LIFTING to do Family . . . and it MUST persevere LONG after the 2012 election is over! Mark my words, people . . . or we'll be right back here again in a few!
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