I'm telling you: Racism is STILL a problem in this country . . . but Obama has done a masterful job of avoiding the characterizations that so often plague, not just Black Men, but Black politicians in general. Most Black Politicians DO fall into the trap of nakedly being very partial to 'their own'; Jesse Jackson during both his runs fell into that ‘cubicle’ for example.
That is NOT going to work: Racism in people's minds doesn't go away overnight.
It is why the ongoing Dog Whistle Politics being blatantly and clumsily used against Obama cannot be ignored. There is a not so subtle attempt to paint Obama as divisive . . . confrontational . . . a la ‘The Angry Black Male.’
The media due to its present bankruptcy of principle will play this up once some asshole like a Rush starts it and then the other beltway Conservative pundits start using different variations of the slur to describe Obama's 'New Attitude'.
I'll say this: THAT stereotype and the sometime subconscious, learned, societal 'fear' of it has done unimaginable damage to the African American community over the years in terms of our image and how we relate to the rest of society. To some extent we're still reeling from it and other such 'brands' and holdover mental 'shackles' as it were.
It goes to, and possibly explains, Obama's deliberate calmness and always 'controlled' expressions of 'outrage'. Unfortunately though, the lack of comprehension of this historical, perceptional 'burden' explains the frustration the wider hardcore liberals have with Obama 'not being angry enough'.
To be frank . . . with all the deafening Dog Whistle blowing that is going on . . . the ONE thing that has caused these accusations to crumble when folks do meet him . . . is his temperament, his calmness, the deliberate control of his emotions . . . it inspires confidence for the middle - Where most of us reside.
Obama doesn't need to add to the massive distraction that the GOP are perpetrating on the public while they steal our future. The GOP are using Racism and other vices to do this . . . and if Obama 'gives in' and succumbs to what I'm sure is probably the outrage and anger he feels about all that is lobbed at him and the Democratic party(His Wife might see the really honest and pained reaction from him about this . . . but we won't find out about that . . . at least not now), he might lend himself to be seen in the guise of this powerful, still potent and old stereotype . . .!
Trust me folks many of us Blacks DO still wrestle with it daily . . . but we may not always talk about it.
I have too many anecdotes to prove that it is still a 'problem.’
The Truth is this: What unites people is survival, family, wanting better for their children, Jobs and an honest, dignified living, enough money to enjoy life and pursue happiness.
THERE is Obama's strength.
He cuts through the racial wedge bull and allows people to see what they have in common with each other and form alliances to that end!
For example: His present populist angle out there . . . does anyone really see ‘what color He is’ . . . or are they identifying with the issues and concerns that he’s giving VERY passionate voice to . . .?
I suspect it’s the latter.
And because he is Black and such an undeniable talent . . . he will lift Blacks COLLECTIVELY UP in terms of what we ‘were thought’ to be capable of; he destroys certain 'Glass Half-Empty' perceptions of us and turns them into the 'Half-Full' kind. The perceptive Paradigm of Blacks nationally and to the WORLD will in fact be elevated . . .!
Us Blacks need to stop exhibiting this narrow 'crabs in the boiling hot water' reactionary sort of politics . . .! What I mean is that there is a running sort of theme in our communities of 'being down' with this or that . . . the struggle.
Seems simple but it speaks volumes!
We have come to 'expect' that our leaders have to 'come join us’ 'down here' in a sense . . . to help us sort out a mess of things, the tangle of ‘strings’ that . . .
1) We don't control the Source of it. – What businesses do we ‘own’ and control in our communities?
2) The ‘strings’ are centuries old and are ‘rusted solid.’ – Willie Lynch . . . (sigh). We still don't truly 'trust' each other . . . constant suspicions, etc. For Example: Why do Blacks have more to fear walking through certain neighborhoods than Whites or other groups do? That is for another post . . . but it is one of the things we need to address and deal with . . .
3) Many of the ‘strings’ are so well 'spun' they're invisible to almost ALL who are ensnared! - We patronize brands of products who's creators have demonstrated an insensitive, sometimes scornful indifference or attitude to our collective best interests or history. For Example: The wine brand 'Cristal' for instance and the many Koch Brother products that many commonly use; I've been guilty of using 'Brawny' paper towels myself!
Putting still more energy into untangling the ‘strings’ at THAT 'level' is sort of like an endothermic reaction, in that it 'absorbs' all surrounding or added energy without change. It seems quite 'logical', however, to the lay man, that to fight it you 'must get down and dirty'. It is from this vantage point that Obama has often been accused of not being Black enough; Herman Cain tries to foment unrest, as does Cornell West when they say that Obama doesn’t know what it is like to be Black in America.
I don't think that is the answer at all.
This 'monster' thrives ONLY in the present mindset of suffering and struggle that we've actually come to ‘accept’ and sometimes ‘defend’ as a sort of 'right' unbelievably! The 'monster' needs to be lifted OUT of that environment and exposed to the 'outside' . . . then the ‘strings’ I spoke about will ALL burn off.
I've seen it with Obama and a few other black visionaries of times past and even now. MLK was one visionary that had that sort of uplifting quality to him in the past . . . as was Malcolm after his trip to Mecca which was unfortunately near the end of his life . . .
Of course this 'beast' still needs to be fought even 'down in the pit' as it were, so it doesn't poison too much of coming ‘crop’ of future generations, and even the dreams of those with the will to push on and persevere.
And those 'warriors' are of the ilk of Eric Dyson, Sharpton, Melissa Harris Lacewell-Perry among others who will continue to provide 'space' for the willing to rise up out of the muck by educating the population, and fighting principled, poignant and linchpin battles to keep the darkness at bay . . .!
But there are some with talents beyond the 'pit' as they say, with strength to raise the WHOLE ‘writhing mass’ up into the heat . . . and they should be allowed to try to do just that. Obama is one of them . . . I sincerely believe that.
We need to be patient . . . we need to be smart . . . and don’t throw the Baby out with the Bath Water. Trust me: You will not regret letting Obama do his thing. He is a true master of walking the Fine Line.
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