There have been over the last few years some breathtaking and overt racism surfacing in this country since President Obama won the White House and their forces have been very adept at obfuscating how connected all these 'little parts' and 'movements' are. If this isn't identified it will lead to the country's ruin frankly.
Well here is my attempt at sewing them together . . . here's what you won't hear said . . . but it's a running 'current' under life these days that I've been 'feeling' for years now . . .
"Well 'you people' have gotten that 'prize' now. So we no longer have to watch what we say anymore. No more MLK day! No more affirmative action! No more special consideration for voting! . . . we want our country back before you rabbit breeders overrun us! America doesn't look the way we grew up seeing it and it's scary to us!
We 'let' you have a bunch of things and you still complain and bitch! How long does it take for 'you people' to 'get over the past' and move on!?? So enough! We're taking shit back!
Also 'you people' think that you're gonna lull us into complacency with your 'non-violent' poise, marching and Your President's and others among you well-spoken demeanor and coolness!?? We know you want to 'get us back' because you keep talking about this racism and White Privilege crap . . .! Don't come knocking at my door because my AR-15 and my Shotgun hasn't forgotten how to deal with you spoiled darkies! You think we were stockpiling all that ammo and shit for 'style'? We're ready and rearing to use them if you folks don't watch it and don't remember your place!
'You people' are acting like you own the place so it's time for you to 'remember' just who really runs this place and who always WILL run this place!
And we'll do so by any means necessary. God is with us and not with 'you people' and he has blessed us with the Right to do what we must!
We're the Real Americans and our world view is the Real America!"
Or so to speak . . .
No offense intended to folks who aren't bigoted, xenophobic members of the 'majority'.
I'm NOT addressing you or lumping you in with those who might 'think like that'
. . . but if We're honest with ourselves THE ABOVE 'blurb' has been subtly blared in this country all over for decades and the 'volume' has now been cranked up to deafening levels now.
Exhibit A:
The Tea Party
They've got quite the megaphone and one would be delusional if you'd try to argue their 'beef' is 'just about the size of government and spending'
The modern GOP has been born of this collective White Angst and Retribution against a newly 'empowered' once impugned 'sub-class' of people with collectively darker or 'different' skin colors.
The GOP had struck 'political gold' by exploiting and stoking this anxiety among the 'majority' about what 'They' might possibly 'do' if given the chance . . . especially in light of the brutal, racist suffering heaped on them for centuries.
I've said this before:
This 'nervousness' is due to the collective sub-conscious 'guarantee' that if the 'shoe were on the other foot' THEY would want some semblance of retribution and/or vigilante justice 'now that they have their chance'.
And 'anyone' who fit the 'visage' of their former 'tormentors' 'would do'.
That's funny because that 'approach' of 'targeting' any 'white person' or the more popular 'blaming Whitey' has been leveled at blacks 24/7 whenever we've 'made a fuss'.
Because by and large the darker/different so-called minority populations here have NOT gone the route of 'revenge' . . . many folks are possessed of a sort of distrust and incredulity . . .
"They've GOT to want some sort of payback 'in kind' . . . They've GOT TO!"
Hence the various, societal 'limbs' of the racial infrastructure were also put to use, waging a hegemonic psy-ops operation to keep this fear alive . . . to keep the majority 'ever ready' and hypersensitive to any 'signs' of 'collusion' or 'improvement' by the once 'dominated' that could result in possibly 'mortal danger' for the majority. This keeps 'the majority' mentally ready to 'repel boarders' so to speak.
It's the same old slave master gambit:
Ever paranoid and over-reactive to any hint of 'rebellion'.
In these times however, overt carte-blanche 'culling' is no longer permitted by the government.
. . . which in some corners of this country feeds the hysteria. So some folks turn to stockpiling of weaponry and ammo, survivalist/militia types have especially bloomed under the Obama Administration's two terms.
This angst has expressed itself in many other ways besides the above:
Craven insistence on destroying anything President Obama has accomplished or supports . . . Even if it was something they only recently espoused.
The lay supporter of these forces in government will do so even if they personally will come to economic or even physical harm (the bristling at the ACA for example that will help any middle class and poor of ALL stripes from economic ruin at the hands of an accident or serious illness)
This is all part of this 'racial backlash' against the perceived rise of and smashing of the traditional mould that 'they' have been accustomed to and comfortable relegating so-called minorities to.
This unstoppable development and change makes them frankly fearful . . .
It makes Them socially and economically schizophrenic to sometimes manic levels . . .
This is the angst that has been causing all of this overt racial fulminations as of late.
But unlike prior ages when this sort of rancor took place (Rosewood, the demise of the Black Wall Street, etc) . . . so-called minorities and their allies within the Majority are NOT 'settling back down' and 'returning to a comfortable, operating and social hierarchy of order'.
We are standing firm and fighting back.
We are an unstoppable coalition that will win.
And They know it.
America is getting 'browner'.
Their long-standing, anemic, nationally-impugned, 'definition' of 'What an American Is' is shattering . . . and the shards sting as they are smacked in the face with them daily as they go out their door, as they watch TV, as they interact with their local agencies and government, as they look at the SCOTUS . . . as they look towards the White House.
Brown and more brown and it's growing. In a mere three more decades the 'brown' will be a numerical 'majority'. Whether White Privilege and other institutional biases against the 'new majority' will cease to have any teeth remains to be seen:
In South Africa the once in-charge ethnic group - Whites - although apartheid has now fallen, still hold very tangible and subtle advantages in every way over the more numerous indigenous African people.
So we'll see what happens here . . .
But just the chance of the aforementioned happening, for them to see it . . . for them to even contemplate that their dominance will be challenged or pared back significantly is a bridge too far for some.
They know that there is frankly nothing they can do . . . if that is to be their 'social and economic fate'.
That realization is causing agitation and friction. This desperate state of affairs has proven deadly as of late.
But we need to be very vigilant and united against this last gasp of the 'Old Guard'
Nothing is more dangerous than a seriously Wounded Beast.
And this is what we're seeing . . .
Get your guard up! Stiffen your spine folks. We've got a long slog . . .!
(C) Dike Matthew 5/20/14
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