Simply pop the CD into your
internal DVD Rom drive . . . and
See the images that are decrypted
for all to download and imbibe . . .
To your cranial hard drive . . .
I will install Philosoft Word . . .
Hence you will be able to create
your own liberated thought compositions
And to boot I will install
Mandingo 2001 Anti-Viral. Exe
To stop Corrupting Societal
Policy cookies from invading mental processes.
New menu pop-up: “Your Societal
Hard Disks are rewrite-able
And the programs inscribed
therein are outdated, Update recommended.”
Thank you . . . installation will
resume now . . .
Click on the folder that says
'Imhotep PhotoShop' . . .
Thank you . . . Setting up
Install Shield . . . Copying files . . . File Done!!
Integration . . . is the
cornerstone of this great nation . . . Right?
Wasn’t always the case though . .
. still not really the case though . . .
Why do I say so . . .?
Refer to file folder “Nubian
Trials” . . . scroll to “Lynching and Decimation”
Time Transporting Image . . .
file done!
All throughout American history
the phenomenon
Of physical destruction borne on
a whimsical wind of erroneous perceptions,
Shredded in hails of bullets that
fall from Storm Nebulae
Of racial-profiling police . . .
all because of these
Downright, frivolously-deceitful concoctions of . . . Black 'Tendencies'
Downright, frivolously-deceitful concoctions of . . . Black 'Tendencies'
Have resulted in our being a Strange Fruit that grows from branches of trees
The sounds of cracking necks is
beaten down by the breeze
Of unfounded hatred of us for
something as natural as to breathe . . .
From my forcefully-named,
sexually maimed ancestors to
Their thirst for, their lust for
the demise of 'Me'
Has gained strength throughout
the centuries.
Seems like a hurricane approaches
our community of souls
That sucks power from the warmth
of crimson Djimbe tides old
Even now tsunamis of Aryan rage
wash ashore . . .!
Not enough fuss was made of the
gore . . .
And incomprehensible atrocities
On that man from Jasper whom
“good” ‘All American’ boys hated
With such venom, and scorn
They caused unhinging; body parts deposited on maul and wild lawns.
“It’s so terrible.” They all said
But by the end of the week not a
mention could be found in any newspaper spread . . .
There was a man . . . or
Dorismond stood on a corner
When zealots came over . . . to force their judgment on him
But their straight suits of
stereotype couldn’t fit him
So they tried to beat it unto him
even if it meant the death of him
That meant naught . . . for if
caught Guilliani and the rest of the ruling grime family
Would splatter juvenile misdeeds
all over the air-wave sidewalks so media crows can feed
The carnage left would further
justify their deeds . . .
Alert . . . a program is running
in on your daily operating system that is severely truncated!
If not decrypted . . . could
result in lasting damage to your cranial hard drive.
Identity of program unknown . . .
but it alters an existing Rac.sys file found in all
Anglo Servers everywhere. Starting anti-viral sequence . . .
Buffer under run protection
activated . . .
Updating files . . . transporting
images . . . copying complete!
Integration . . .? Yes: Integration
. . . all that we hear is Integration
It is the Fast Food that America
Feeds on
But is this, ‘version’ really fit
for consumption . . .?
All that is seen around are cases
of indigestion . . . see attached JPEGS below . . .
JPEG 1: “The Good old Skipper
Gates . . .
Had the unfortunate Fate . . . of
feeling a bit too ‘great’ . . . about himself . . .
So in through his gate and door .
. . came the Agent of ‘ethnic reality’ to once more . . .
Take his Regal ‘Uppitiness’ backdown to the ‘Floor’ . . . where He felt he should remain . . .
So egregious was the act, that
America’s First Black One, was asked the Question,
Wherein the rendered opinion,
became the cause for much consternation . . .!
So a ‘Summit’ was held to enthrall the ADD-afflicted ‘Media Ones’
So a ‘Summit’ was held to enthrall the ADD-afflicted ‘Media Ones’
And ‘stunt’ a growing, silly
‘diversion’ from the important action . . .
Still needed to be taken to heal
a broken nation . . .!”
So, long-thought-gone,
‘subjected’ identities and roles must remembered
Or one might find thyself quite
encumbered . . .
And possibly on the wrong end of
a night stick or an even worse dread:
The nerves of ignorant fear,
tinder a muzzle flash . . . and then: “You’re dead!”
If per-chance the dark skinned
wish to tread
Along the halls of fabled equal
opportunity . . .
Great care must be taken, not to
resurrect certain archetypal proclivities
So that Those who man the Doors
you must walk through,
Don’t succumb to the Fevers,
borne out of Mythical Fears of a Malignant Bantu
Specter . . . that once arisen,
only Hell opening to reclaim it . . . can make things better.
If unfortunate or distracted
enough not to see
The need for rapid ‘exorcism’ of
one’s sensitivities’
An amorphous ‘charge’ may befall
That . . .“. . . raises ‘concerns’
with the clientele of this company.
I’m sorry, so sorry . . . don’t
take this personally.”
What we do that? No . . .
Not after 400 years of being
forced to swallow
Ridicule, Cat-O-Nine tails
whiplash Crick, Crack necks hang from noose
Up to now still considered human
Still ‘Ripe’ for exclusionary
tactics and policies . . .
Buffering . . . Buffering . . .
Program attempting access to . . .
Folder for ‘Modern Day
Ideological ‘Assumptions’’ . . .
Accessing Image labeled
“Bagger.rom” . . . Two Files within . . .
Caching Complete! Auto run Started . . .!
Opening File #1 – “Fire.Rom” . .
Integration . . .? Yes: Integration
. . .
These dwellers fashion themselves
the sole, ‘suitable’ Champions . . .
It’s the Spiked Punch at Liberal
festive Functions
They ‘drink up,’ . . . handed us
the Glass 30yrs ago on such a joyous occasion . . .!
The cost of ‘admission’ . . . too
high, too painful to mention
We all forgot it seems . . . the
concoction still needs work to approach perfection
Thought we had ‘won’ . . . what a
deception . . .!
As we sip solemnly . . . we
marvel at its iridescent crimson . . .
It’s color red . . . but with the
blood of those who were slaves to its addiction
Its placid surface gleams
rose-like with the life juices of our own
So many more have been
unwillingly, accidentally been drained into the great Vat
For so many Decades after the
Mixture was thought perfected . . .
We were never cannibalistic but
still we drink it, so now we atone
For ingesting it . . . The
resultant indigestion spawns hallucinations
Of an epically mythic day in
walks down future’s halls where the consumption
Of adequate reparations will
abound to quell the ancient fires of slight
And forced interment into White
marble cubicles of Self-Definition too tight
To remain sane . . . Is all in
vain? . . . see attached JPEG . . .
JPEG 2: “Barrack Obama, One of
Chicago’s Dusky Sons . . .
Yes: Back to the First Black One . . . Buoyed to victory by Millions . . .”
Yes: Back to the First Black One . . . Buoyed to victory by Millions . . .”
Impugned with drought-ridden,
retributive political expectations
By those on the Left-the Liberal
Ones, along with other ideological persuasions,
Made history . . . with His Ascension
. . .
A prize, long thought to forever
dwell in Morpheus’ Dimension.
Away from the clutches of one
with his complexion
Now many seem to have forgotten
that finding commonality
And a less aggressive, more
measured and pragmatic ideology
Were the reasons for Obama’s
victory . . .!
But no: 10 Years of partisan
bloodshed unable to be repaid
Now MUST BE Repaid . . .!
Shylock stood by chuckling at the effort . . . you see . . .
Shylock stood by chuckling at the effort . . . you see . . .
Because folks still had not
learned from history . . .!
The Pound of Flesh and Blood can NEVER separate be!
The Pound of Flesh and Blood can NEVER separate be!
They forgot about the incessant
bleeding of all gentry
Across this country because of
the collapse of the Economy
And a Tourniquet for the gashed
artery must immediately be
Wrapped, and focus on
rehabilitation and recovery must be the obsessive priority!
Didn’t matter . . . because the
Old Double Standard of expectancy
Took hold in the Base, fanned to
fury by a feckless, Media Industry,
The fires of an unrealistic
frustration accompanied
And expanded the National
Ignorance of civic function and duty
In BOTH warring factions of
political parties
But the Lefties are worse because
they should have known the reality
That all such items on the DNC
platform that they cheered for so loudly
Would take longer than two years
to complete!
But no . . . Rhetorically He didn’t cut deeply . . . enough
But no . . . Rhetorically He didn’t cut deeply . . . enough
The final products didn’t go far
. . . enough
They have forgotten the stuff of
That all great legislative
Have come after many successive
attempts at stoppering revealed deficiencies . . .!
None have ever achieved
perfection immediately!
But No: Blind to the countless
Real Progressive Changes accomplished rather quickly,
Blind to the fact that Bubba did
more harm to their ‘unique’ constituency
Even the CBC lobbed mistrust and
wore Gloves while tepidly,
Shallowly voicing support for his
continued presidency . . .
They didn’t see, that outshine in Progress does He, all other Presidents in recent decades
They didn’t see, that outshine in Progress does He, all other Presidents in recent decades
With the sheer volume and quality
of the Change made
To people’s lives all across this
When asked by a sympathetic
luminary . . .
Could it be . . . you all may be
afflicted by the Same Malady
The Other Party has been using to
Affix all sorts of malaise to Him
Could You All be subliminally, so
intoxicated, that some even flirt with accusatory
Pronouncements that Obama might
be a ‘skim milk’ Agent of the Neocon Orthodoxy?
“Impossibility! Don’t you know we’ve ‘earned’ That Pass!?
How dare you level that charge at
us . . . remember what We did for You in the Past?”
So swift . . . so fast was Mrs. Harris-Perry's backlash . . .
So swift . . . so fast was Mrs. Harris-Perry's backlash . . .
For broaching what many of color
felt was the Truth . . .
The true acceptance and equality
on the Left it seems . . . has lost many a Tooth . . .
Buffer Under run . . . Activated! Restoring previous Versions . . . Done!
Buffer Under run . . . Activated! Restoring previous Versions . . . Done!
And all others even the latest
one . . .!”
If Integration is the solemn vow
of our nation
Wouldn’t a hard look, with a
cadre of the willing, be the expectation?
If we really wanted to take solid
action against this global contagion?
The answer seemed obvious . . .
but it seems we’ve had other ‘considerations’ . . .
Most recently nations of the
world chose to meet
To declare, and discover the
evils of European subjugation of darker toned geographies
To feed the fat sow of
capitalistic economies over the past 6 to 4 centuries . . .
But a certain Ally would come
under ‘undue’ scrutiny . . .
For perpetrating THE same acts
that they themselves used to decry so readily
When millions of their fellow
countrymen fell under the infamous ‘Mad Man of Germany’ . . .
So they . . . refused to address
the grievances of other eastern Brown Skins
About why their ancestral lands
were taken from their kin
About why in abject squalor many
are forced to live in . . .
Holy is the Land They live in . .
And God protects all those within
. . .!
But since when has God worn stars
and stripes melted into tri-color hues . . .?
So Mohammed’s progeny received a
rabid ‘fuck you’
But a strange paradox is at work
of geopolitical proportions . . .
Long have we engaged in
indiscriminately bloody Mecca’s to eastern nations
Usurping Democracy to suit our
selfish whim
Making Mockery of the same,
installing Puppetry held in place with violent rhythms!
And yet we ‘make nice’ with
‘furious’ photo opportunities:
OPEC and their rivers of Black
Gold must never cease . . .!
But the memories of the Gentry
are very long, intergenerational entities
Our Longtime ‘Friends’ in East
has bred many an enemy
Yet still Daddy Bush flew the mastermind’s kin out of the country
Again: Rivers of Black Gold and
other Goods must never cease . . .
So as usual the common folk pay
for this tragic avarice . . .!
We 'do the time', pay for the
crimes . . . Now where is the justice,
Of shedding more blood in
deception in a nation
Whose place in ‘The Axis’ . . .
was an unwarranted inclusion!?
(‘Lesson learned’ it seems for
the other two countries
For now a Nuclear Arms Race is on
track to cause much instability
The lesson: Nuclear Power is
insulation against Iraq’s Sovereign calamity . . .
It would seem to be . . .!)
And as I watched that fateful
Tuesday morning,
Mouth open, heart lurching, eyes
tearing . . . as I watched so many falling . . .
I thought it such a shame so many
were forced to leaving
This life in that way . . . on
that day
“Why do ‘They’ hate us so much?”
was the common cry
For the Duped One on the street. Indeed.
But really who are ‘the hated’ .
. . Us and ‘Them’ seem to have to same cry . . .
Pose that question to the source,
the ‘irrigators’ of the hatred . . .
No, not those who worship
Mohammed . . .
Not ‘Them’ . . . Please don’t
believe the MSM Anthem . . . about who the Enemy is . . .
Don’t fall victim anymore to
global stratagem . . . of populist obliviousness . . .
Of divisive fear mongering amongst
the masses . . .
Pose The Question to our colonial
allies and this country’s past & present governments
Their Bags of Reason are porous
and the contents
Leak out, viler than skunk’s musk
. . . that’s Hypocrisy’s scent!
Their brazen deceptions have put
all in this country in danger
Perpetrating a stifling, arrogant
patriotism that tempers
The collective sense of reasoning,
with racism insatiable;
Cold, lifeless policies and
tactics rise from Ground Zero’s rubble
Immigrations harpies are out in
full force ripping dark-skinned families apart
People are disappearing, and
tortured in Deportation/Rendition’s bloodied cart
For something in which they took
no part.
Sounds familiar . . . doesn’t it?
The beast has been plucking us
off like that for years . . . hasn’t it?
And they want to recruit us in
their heightened bigotry?
HAHAHAHAHAH!!! You sense of Justice never has applied to me.
So go on without me my blood is
no longer free.
And all you out there who lost
someone at Ground Zero
Go on hailing that opportunistic
'Mussolini' as a hero
“America’s Mayor . . .!”?? Oh hell no!
“America’s Mayor . . .!”?? Oh hell no!
He makes ‘light’ of the infamous
tragedy by exploiting it so!
‘Noun, Verb, 9/11!’ was/is His Motto . . .!
‘Noun, Verb, 9/11!’ was/is His Motto . . .!
Finally our sons and daughters are
coming home
From yet another ‘cause’, which
at its core was anciently evil . . .
The Taliban are the ‘Persona non
grata’ du jour . . . one shade of evil
But the Real Devils . . . walk
amongst us, within us, in Public Offices all across this country . . .
You, I . . . We dishonor your/our
loved ones
By not seeking out the Real
Guilty Ones
It’s that great ogre of domestic
and foreign policies, which we subscribed to . . .
It’s our chronic apathy, amnesia
and deliberate disengagement in politics too . . .
It’s our irreverence for and
arrogance to anything non-American that rules the collective psyche too . . .
This contagion that afflicts us has
long-been the result of an earnest hegemonic exertion
That keeps us clueless . . . we
know less . . . than our forebears did about civilization
So disconnected we seem to no
longer know nor care about what will be/is in our best interests
Opinions, no matter how
unfounded, meet the test
For ‘Canon of Reality’ . . .
Incredulously most are unable to see
The conflicting beliefs, the
warring dualities within . . .!
Lonely has it been to awaken the
To the perils of group psychology
. . . but there may be
Hope: The Occupiers of Wall Street
threaten these long rotten buttresses
Of inequality, hate, fear and
economic calamity and all other stresses
Of the common gentry . . . a work
in process it still may be
We shall see where next, and what
Fruit these pickers collect
For all to see . . .! True Integration . . . a reality, might
finally be . . .!
But we shall see . . . we shall see . . .
But we shall see . . . we shall see . . .
Installation complete!! . . . A
reminder will prompt you to update your files
Every few weeks . . . Exiting
Decryption process . . . Now.
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