After Barrack Obama won in 2008 many pundits and columnists
declared that 'racism was dead' and we're now 'post racial'. One has only
to look at the subsequent, insipid sort of subliminal 'shading' of our politics
since then . . . to see that they were blatantly wrong. People's minds
don't change that easily. When it comes to Barrack Obama, I've found
that for almost all the political battles that have been fought during his
Presidency, the facts don't justify the caustic, over-the-top, fulminating opposition
to and towards the President, from the Left or Right. That is not to say Obama doesn't deserve some criticism . . . but myself and other folks of color have a sense that it is a bit overdone. To tell the truth,
us so-called minorities have felt that 'something' has been broken,
overwhelmed; an inaudible 'pop' was heard in the attitudes of both parties
towards Race since that November night in 2008.
The 'coded' rhetoric that accompanies almost EVERY anti-Obama political effort (Birthers, Havard-Gate, Surge in gun sales, etc) betrays the essence of the Great Ugly, that, to us folks of color, seem to drive all of this frenzy. However, still too many folks in the Majority can't wrap their heads around this fact, because admitting such causes this deluge of possibly shame and guilt(?), that for most, is still in the subconscious, but potent enough to 'disturb' their 'conscious mood': There is this vehement, reflexive denial of the 'tinted catalyst' for the obstruction. This 'privilege' they have of not having to engage with this ethnic 'issue', as it were, with most choosing to remain deliberately and preferably oblivious to the obvious, only remaining reason, plays right into the GOP's play book. Tim Wise and even Soledad O'Brien recently addressed this 'choice of existing with one's eyes wide shut', that all within the Majority can 'partake of on a whim, with practically no repercussions.
I call it the 'Semi-Conductor Effect'.
The Semi-Conductor worked to keep relative peace for decades; stopped the 'amperes' from 'smarting too much' so we could keep eyes forward. People of color started to assume certain positions in government and business, that were long denied to them socially and sometimes legally. We were making progress, we thought, towards the fabled More Perfect Union . . .
Until Barrack Obama won.
'Pop!' . . . and fizz . . .
This is the inaudible sound I spoke about at the outset. Now, I'm not saying that we have not made advances. To be sure it isn't as stark and widespread a societal 'reversal' as may be construed by the preceding paragraphs; it is definitely better. However, where our Politics is concerned, we've gone back to, anywhere from post-reconstruction, to just before the Civil Rights Act, in terms of a sense of political and personal honor, certain boundaries, even simple manners. When addressing/dealing with the President and other visible and politically-active/consequential luminaries of color, the expected deference, respect for the office and position are seriously and conspicuously absent. It's really embarrassing and . . . and angering. From Eric Holder and Michelle Obama to Congressman Ralph Ellison have found themselves the targets of some extremely nasty sort of attacks that takes one back to the 30's, 40's, and 50's in terms of overt racism.
Republicans have gone after President Obama with some
intransigence and Carte-Blanche opposition that we haven't seen in more
than half century. The reality however of his tenure does not justify
their 'frothing at the mouth'. They should have found in this President
someone who had respect for their stated ideals and was willing to work with
them in a genuine way. On every topic you could think of the policies and
the compromises he was willing to make, rarely would have warranted the
raucous, end of days histrionics these past few years!
For example, observe this picture above
with the current Deficit Projections. You won't get a single Republican
to acknowledge what should be good news for them. They'll STILL say, and
the Press will let them, that the Deficit is out of control.
Are you kidding me?!
They don't care about the deficit!
If they did they'd be trying to take credit for it in some way or form (which
would have been a load of male bovine excrement). They just repeat this
tripe about spending over and over again that's in direct contradiction with
what has happened or is being proposed. This is a factual 'modus
operandi' for the GOP on almost every other issue from Immigration to Taxes to
Energy. They vote against their OWN plans if the President even hints at
a modicum of support for it. There is just this OBSESSION with
stopping the 'unremarkable' when it comes to the 'Barometer of
Liberalism', Democratic President who is Barrack Obama! He is FAR FROM
being Liberal and never ran as one, but I guess you cant let the truth get in
the way of a traditional, clichéd and 'good' proven attack. The GOP are
content to destroy the country just to make sure He can't claim any (more) accomplishments
of note. The Press won't call the Republican Party on the irrational and
unprecedented opposition to the President, which translates to an overt,
'highly-specific' vendetta towards the same!
The 'coded' rhetoric that accompanies almost EVERY anti-Obama political effort (Birthers, Havard-Gate, Surge in gun sales, etc) betrays the essence of the Great Ugly, that, to us folks of color, seem to drive all of this frenzy. However, still too many folks in the Majority can't wrap their heads around this fact, because admitting such causes this deluge of possibly shame and guilt(?), that for most, is still in the subconscious, but potent enough to 'disturb' their 'conscious mood': There is this vehement, reflexive denial of the 'tinted catalyst' for the obstruction. This 'privilege' they have of not having to engage with this ethnic 'issue', as it were, with most choosing to remain deliberately and preferably oblivious to the obvious, only remaining reason, plays right into the GOP's play book. Tim Wise and even Soledad O'Brien recently addressed this 'choice of existing with one's eyes wide shut', that all within the Majority can 'partake of on a whim, with practically no repercussions.
That is such a tragedy.
We need Big Ideas, unprecedented
selflessness and cooperation from those we put in our government to recover and
put us in the driver's seat for the 21st century NOW! What comes off to
many of us of color, when we discuss it in our barber shops, hair salons, on
the block, wherever . . . is that these folks are obsessed with, destroying
'idea and image of the 'Black Man' in the 'White House'. The visual
paradox seems to be really stuck in their craw, so to speak. This isn't
just my saying so, but many other folks have written about it as well.
Some wonder if Barrack Obama's election has made racism worse. 'White
House' it seems, means more to the GOP than just a reference to the literal color
of the building . . . It represents, what they thought was, an ethnic 'badge of
exclusivity in perpetuity' for Them and Their 'Kind'.
Having one of 'Those' whose
forebears they once owned, actually be in a real position of power OVER
their lives . . . is as vexing a reality, to them, as large-grain grit between
one's skin and a bathing suit, with some glass splinters mixed in. Hence
they're incapable of 'letting it go' no matter what is at stake . . .
they can't think about anything else but '. . . getting the 'grit'(also
Socialist, Communist, Manchurian Muslim extremist, etc) out of my swimsuit!'
Even as the 'Shark of National and Worldwide Economic Ruin' starts to
circle and 'bump', even 'nibble' at them with 'exploratory bites' . . .
they can't stop their frenzied 'picking' and 'tugging' . . .!
Such is the insanity of this craven
Hate and its Practitioners . . .
I'm sorry to have to say it, but the
Present GOP, to me, are RACIST . . . because nothing else makes sense or is
credible as a reason so far, in light of all relevant facts. Even Chris
Matthews has 'their number' and
it's not the first time he's pointed this out.
I've written before how
I've felt the moment I have to resign myself to the conclusion of Racism as an
"When you hear yet another
attack of that sort, you parse it, find no other conclusion, no matter how hard
you look and try . . . this heavy, sinking feeling comes over you and you feel
sort of physically 'sick' with the anger that wells up . . . after you've been
'assaulted' . . ."
They do this to me all the time.
The Democratic Establishment bears
some culpability for the present intransigence as well. It stems from
what they have NOT done versus the GOP's calculated choice to take a specific
action. Bill Clinton championed some rather horrible legislation in his
tenure(fully supported by Hillary at the time) that was rather toxic to the
working-class, and lower class members of the so-called Democratic base.
People of color were especially hurt by this. NAFTA, Three
Strikes, Welfare Reform, Repeal of 'Glass-Steagall' are
some biggies, where there have been books and tons of irrefutable data about
how these have been net negatives for the Middle Class and other members of the
fabled 99% . . . yet during Obama's first term many Liberals were pining for
Bill Clinton like if Bill was some Liberal Paragon in his two terms!
What is with the 'amnesia' about the
past, DNC?
You folks have been incredulously
melding his face with Dubbya's asking what's the difference . . . when the
reality, the data and the benefits to be had by our so-called Base of Democratic
support from the enacted and championed policies of Barrack Obama, do and did
much more for the traditionally-Democratic/Liberal platform than Clinton!
We love to talk about that we on the Left deal with fact: Check it out.
It's true. I'm not the only one who sees this apparent double
standard. Melissa Harris-Perry wrote this piece and a follow up addressing
this issue. Many Liberals were nasty in their response/reaction to it.
Basically it's: "We're
Liberals! You can't call us 'that'! We 'fought for you' and
ultimately, arguably 'freed' you . . . how can you call us that!?"
Yes . . . We Can.
Firstly we've fought too and have
been fighting right alongside you as well. We STILL fight today . . .
even after many of 'you' have 'retired' from the fight for a few decades now .
. . but that is for another post. Also, sorry about the seemingly, OFA-inspired
Pun, but this glaring double standard and unrealistic expectations, down
to the verbiage many of you INSIST he use . . . is also unprecedented.
Why not back him up like you did Clinton before? Where is his
benefit of the doubt? Where are the arsenal of unprompted, well-known
Democrats aggressively and unapologetically defending the Administration from
the GOP attacks? Where is the concerted media offensive driving the
discussion and public opinion?
Clinton had it . . . where's the
President's 'back up'?
Examine yourself you Ultra Liberal
Democrats. I'm with you . . . but watch it. I understand the need
for retribution after eight years of Bush . . . but watch it. You're
putting this all on Obama to 'fix' but you aren't being realistic AND you
aren't being sensitive to the fact that majority of the country is NOT quite
post-racial, no matter how we 'intellectually banter' about our 'wish' or
'personal, conscious choice to 'be' so'. Certain ethnic perceptions
persist that are irrational but can be crippling to an agenda if the 'trip
wire' is stepped on. Start having some informed historical and societal
perspective 'readily available' when you purport to criticize the President for
any perceived failures or 'less-than-desired-timbred' rhetoric . . . or
else you end up reinvigorating the ability for this insidious poison of
race-based perceptions to cling to the mantle of relevance in the subconscious
minds of many.
Acknowledge Liberals that as a Black
Man and a 'Black First' he's walking a sort of knife's edge of expectancy, that
the world is 'trading as the Intellectual Stock Futures' of Black People.
However, this path he travels is fragile and vulnerable to old attacks
that could mean failure and re-relegation back into the box Blacks have been
placed in for too long. This means that the tactics he uses to facilitate
the Agenda WILL BE different . . . MUST BE, if he is to successfully uplift an
entire downtrodden group's perception, and be a visionary, competent President.
That is the load he has to bear . . . he's an Atlas that dare not 'shrug'.
As a group that prides itself on
being driven by nuance, relevant perspective, facts and compassion, empathy . .
. I expect more from Democrats and Liberals. However, your record has
been mixed at best with room for improvement.
The fact that all presidents before
this one were White, seemed to have only been, barely 'shunting' or insulating
this 'current' of racism from overwhelming the 'semi-conductor' of our learned,
post-civil rights era, intellectual decorum where Race is concerned. It
seems that after the Civil Rights Era, Society took to a certain 'social and
political politeness' when dealing with Race; always taking care to obfuscate
any incidents or political attacks, so that they can't be clearly imbued with
the dreaded title of 'Racist' . . . even though, as a member of a so-called
minority, you can just 'feel' that all too familiar 'current' percolating
through, enough for you to feel a tingle, that's quite uncomfortable.
I call it the 'Semi-Conductor Effect'.
The Semi-Conductor worked to keep relative peace for decades; stopped the 'amperes' from 'smarting too much' so we could keep eyes forward. People of color started to assume certain positions in government and business, that were long denied to them socially and sometimes legally. We were making progress, we thought, towards the fabled More Perfect Union . . .
Until Barrack Obama won.
'Pop!' . . . and fizz . . .
This is the inaudible sound I spoke about at the outset. Now, I'm not saying that we have not made advances. To be sure it isn't as stark and widespread a societal 'reversal' as may be construed by the preceding paragraphs; it is definitely better. However, where our Politics is concerned, we've gone back to, anywhere from post-reconstruction, to just before the Civil Rights Act, in terms of a sense of political and personal honor, certain boundaries, even simple manners. When addressing/dealing with the President and other visible and politically-active/consequential luminaries of color, the expected deference, respect for the office and position are seriously and conspicuously absent. It's really embarrassing and . . . and angering. From Eric Holder and Michelle Obama to Congressman Ralph Ellison have found themselves the targets of some extremely nasty sort of attacks that takes one back to the 30's, 40's, and 50's in terms of overt racism.
Call me obsessed, as some of you
will, . . . but it's the Truth. It's a reality I 'get' like osmosis, like
breathing every time I venture on to Fox News, or listen to Rush, or Glenn
Beck. The Truth, were she a woman, would have the historical reputations
as being a vindictive and destructive HELL of a bitch when not acknowledged (no
offense to be taken ladies but you KNOW exactly what I mean, ok?). Great
societies have fallen at her hands, for She works with the retribution scale
and the 'decimation artistry' of a God!
And we're doomed if we don't start
facing Her and Respecting Her:
We are not yet Post-Racial; The
Semi-Conductor has been overwhelmed . . . at least in one sphere of our
I wonder if we will ever
be, because one side or the other continues to glean some benefit, financially or
politically, from keeping these divisions alive . . .
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