According to a conservative I was in a sort of 'E-Debate' with, the relative 'pittances' that the Poor receive deserve further scrutiny and vetting for deserving of benefit. This person used people of color as 'examples' of those 'who need to be watched'. They, however, ignore the huge amount in terms 'giveaways' to the already or obscenely wealthy individuals and/or corporations that happen daily. Here was my response:
"Firstly know this:
Ending up 'Poor' is a 'default' position nowadays . . . Or at least blue collar or working middle class. Many live paycheck to paycheck and can't weather more than a few weeks if so much, before their savings are completely exhausted. VERY FEW become 'rich' who aren't born with it and believe you me Capitalism demands you limit 'competition'. In that vein, the game has/is been or being 'rigged' through a 'bought by the already wealthy and powerful' Congress enacting laws that make it almost impossible to rise to the level of these behemoths.
It's not a 'defeatist' attitude: It's simply TRUE. It's not impossible to become wealthy nowadays(Ask J. K. Rowling). You simply have to have a niche that you're able to guard from intellectual theft and marketing at the right time and the right way and you're golden. Lets face it though: not every person that may be brilliant with the creation of a product has the backing or business sense to take it 'there'. Furthermore, most people, including the working poor who receive the 'pittances', DO NOT 'want' for an honorable work ethic aka they aren't afraid to 'work hard' to get ahead.
The problem is to pull oneself out of poverty or to elevate from the middle class requires 'opportunity' . . .
- 'opportunity' in terms of financial backing(line of business credit, etc) . . .
'opportunity' socially and legally in that if you have a misdemeanor in the fog of youth it doesn't get held against you for the rest of your life, . . .
'opportunity' in terms of corrupt, Big Business, Congressional 'Retainers' NOT cutting education funding to give an unearned tax cut to the suburbanite wealthy, which would have deprived the next Bill Gates from Bedstuy the foundation to be a stellar entrepreneur, . . .
'opportunity' . . . 'Opportunity' . . . 'Opportunity'!
Only thing is 'Opportunity' is jealously guarded by the Plutocrats and they buy Governments to make sure they alone control almost all spigots for that 'drink'. They've been engineering and driving societal hegemony for centuries to preserve their edge. They own or are given deference at all levels. Also, you're telling me that the regular 'brown person' trying to recover from slavery and 'traditional' caustic prejudices, with nothing to start with - Romney's father got Welfare when he returned from Mexico to start him off with, which was an impossibility for Blacks and Hispanics back then - can simply 'pull themselves up by their bootstraps!' and be on equal footing with "Ellingsworth Jr" with the multi-generational ranch or mansion with matching summer houses??
Even poor Whites have had the luxury, or given the 'opportunity'(that word again) to at least own a home that they could pass on to their progeny. Black and brown folks always had the wherewithal(capability & mental acumen) to acquire these same 'assets' but were not permitted to even try . . . legally! So . . . Stop with that libertarian nonsense because its garbage.
Also this dependency drivel you keep spewing . . .
FYI: Most Blacks are NOT on welfare and they tend to vote Democratic . . . in light of those two facts how can you still say the Democrats encourage 'Government Dependency'? IN FACT the poorest districts in the country are in reliably Red districts, majority White districts. More whites are on the 'dole' than all the other 'so called' minority groups combined. In light of that I accuse REPUBLICANS of encouraging 'Government Dependency'!
They just know how to turn it around and blame the other side really well. 'The Emperor has No Clothes', capiche?
Even there, these poor Red Staters are being systematically denied the 'opportunity', due to backward economic policies, to elevate themselves as well . . .! The tragedy is that the citizenry in these Red Regions are so wound up with ideology, fear, and anger they are incapable of seeing who is really responsible for the economic climates in their neighborhoods. So they keep exposing their necks to the vampires and repeatedly wonder why they are afflicted with this 'persistent chill'. However, these same blood suckers, these uber-capitalistic oligarchs are profiting big time from the denial of 'opportunity' of the majority of the 99%. Unfortunately, folks that think like you are caught up looking inward at your fellow struggling American, judges if they are deserving of the little 'pittance' of a benefit from the tax dollars you BOTH have collectively paid . . . but ignore the rank THEFT and hoarding of your tax dollars and other benefits by the same folks who continue to control and deny 'opportunity' for the vast majority of the population, all for their own selfish and ideological satisfaction.
Yet you defend them.
Yeah they can do what they want with their money . . . but I reject out of hand their decades-old practice of getting their 'retainers' to throw the excrement from their asses and douse 'Me' with the piss from their 'johns' and swear to My Face(via feckless Press) that its 'Chocolate Mousse' cake and Ginger Ale! They then extol marvelous benefits and rejuvenation of the soul and our very lives if we'd only eat heartily and drink deeply. Economic and Social 'ambrosia' is what they say it is . . .
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