This article has been published elsewhere in an earlier version, with my permission. In light of feedback and the need for increased clarity I've decided to post an updated version

Nobody wants to hear
this but . . . A lot of this gun craze is steeped in racism.
Now before folks think that I'm painting ALL Gun owners with a racist brush . . . let me say clearly: I'm absolutely NOT!
I'm referring to the phenomena of gun and ammunition sales spiking to unheard-of levels ever since Barrack Obama won . . . and I feel that I must offer but one of the reasons, that I think, this is occurring . . .
I've ranted on here and elsewhere, during his first run and during the 2012 season, about the unmistakable racial politics being used against Barrack Obama to reap political benefit by the Republican Party.
It's been persistent, pervasive . . . hanging about this election season especially, like some really bad cologne.
We have a shameful legacy of racism and atrocities we've committed because of it.
And no matter anyone's professed reluctance and 'declaration' that 'it doesn't matter' or 'shouldn't matter' . . . everyone knows how horrific things used to be.
But the ethnic demographics of the country are changing rapidly . . . and 'so-called'(I say 'so called' because the term 'Minority', to me, connotes something a bit less flattering than the sheer 'head count' the 'accepted' lay definition implies . . . but that is for another day) Minorities now carry essential political and economic power, that is steadily growing with their numbers. Their reproductive rates outpace that of Whites.
For these reasons, that is, the history and the growing, irreversible, prominence and impact of these ethnic minorities, some whites fear reprisals from Blacks and others for egregious wrongs done against them in the past like Slavery, Jim Crow, Alligator Bait, Lynching’s, and the still-persistent racism, etc.
I think it's why Barrack Obama's Presidency caused this insane spike in arms sales.
They fear what Obama's ascendancy means: Minorities are irrevocably powerful and MUST be catered to.
They're afraid . . . because if they were in Minorities' shoes, suffered all those horrific, violent acts and policies, within living, reliable memory(There are people still alive today that remember lynchings or who's grandparents or parents were intimately aware/familiar with such, not mention the civil rights conflicts . . .) . . . THEY'D WANT Revenge.
They don't trust that our actions to date speak to a different tact, and in fact minorities, writ large, have NO appetite for that sort of 'retaliation'. However, these Whites think that 'one day' we'll 'start some sort of 'Race War' or some other sort of overtly hostile campaign . . . and they'll be damned if they get 'taken'.
So until that mythical bloody day . . . they go crazy and stock ammo and weapons of war, namely assault rifles, extended and extra capacity clips and cartridges.
They lose it if they even think that you might be thinking about taking even a fraction of their amassed weaponry because it may be, in their twisted minds, their last line of defense against the 'socialistic tide of The Brown'.
They're NOT afraid of the government. So don't buy that crock from the 'Don't Tread On Me!' Flag wavers.
They actually LOVE government and all the money they get! They love a SS or Medicare/Medicaid check.
Their anti-government rants are a whole steaming pile of ignorantly and obliviously, obfuscating 'noise' to hide their TRUE issue with the government:
They feel the Government is giving 'Those People' too much of a 'say' and the country no longer resembles on the surface or in terms of economic and political power 'the country they used to know' . . .
. . . that is, a country possibly so drunk on White Privilege that they'll be insulated from facing the fact that their utopia has been at the cost of genocide and unheard of cruelties and inter-echelon pain of the subjugated, that still 'burns' the souls of the once-captive and their progeny, like some ever-thirsty quasar . . .
. . . that is, a country where they can be blissfully clueless about the blood, broken bodies and spirits of 'Brown Folks' that were used, like brick and mortar, to build that wall of willful apathy, 'convenient' retreat to 'Denial of Institutional Racism' and obliviousness they live behind daily . . .
Remember: They think we'd want 'payback in kind' . . . Because they would!
They think this 'Liberal Government' may ultimately 'put them in danger' one day . . .
If you believe as they do so fervently . . . So fiercely . . . then the madness of these past few years begins to 'make sense' . . . incredulously so!
Folks like these can never be reasoned with for they feel their very LIFE is in danger! They are mentally 'wide-eyed' with terror . . . FEAR lashes their skins to ribbons as it rides them like crazed horses up an impossible hill, with a thick bloody foam fulminating and dripping from the mouth!
This makes these folks dangerous . . .
And a desperate party of politicians has been playing fast and loose with This 'critical mass of radioactive Potassium over a large vat of Heavy Water' so to speak . . . And they are starting to realize that they NEVER COULD control ANY 'reaction' should it occur!
The irresponsible Political Chemists are the GOP . . . or the Republican Party.
The 'ConservativeEntertainment Complex' which was built to house the 'Zoo Animals' has proven woefully inadequate . . . And has actually made their quarries even more unstable over the years . . .
They now realize any attempt at 'domesticating' and 'training' these folks is futile . . . almost like the movie "28 Days Later."
Rove, Dick Armey, and crew irradiated and warped Pandora's Box . . . And now the 'contents' are seeping out . . .
Tell me if I'm wrong.
For these reasons, that is, the history and the growing, irreversible, prominence and impact of these ethnic minorities, some whites fear reprisals from Blacks and others for egregious wrongs done against them in the past like Slavery, Jim Crow, Alligator Bait, Lynching’s, and the still-persistent racism, etc.
I think it's why Barrack Obama's Presidency caused this insane spike in arms sales.
They fear what Obama's ascendancy means: Minorities are irrevocably powerful and MUST be catered to.
They're afraid . . . because if they were in Minorities' shoes, suffered all those horrific, violent acts and policies, within living, reliable memory(There are people still alive today that remember lynchings or who's grandparents or parents were intimately aware/familiar with such, not mention the civil rights conflicts . . .) . . . THEY'D WANT Revenge.
They don't trust that our actions to date speak to a different tact, and in fact minorities, writ large, have NO appetite for that sort of 'retaliation'. However, these Whites think that 'one day' we'll 'start some sort of 'Race War' or some other sort of overtly hostile campaign . . . and they'll be damned if they get 'taken'.
So until that mythical bloody day . . . they go crazy and stock ammo and weapons of war, namely assault rifles, extended and extra capacity clips and cartridges.
They lose it if they even think that you might be thinking about taking even a fraction of their amassed weaponry because it may be, in their twisted minds, their last line of defense against the 'socialistic tide of The Brown'.
They're NOT afraid of the government. So don't buy that crock from the 'Don't Tread On Me!' Flag wavers.
They actually LOVE government and all the money they get! They love a SS or Medicare/Medicaid check.
Their anti-government rants are a whole steaming pile of ignorantly and obliviously, obfuscating 'noise' to hide their TRUE issue with the government:
They feel the Government is giving 'Those People' too much of a 'say' and the country no longer resembles on the surface or in terms of economic and political power 'the country they used to know' . . .
. . . that is, a country possibly so drunk on White Privilege that they'll be insulated from facing the fact that their utopia has been at the cost of genocide and unheard of cruelties and inter-echelon pain of the subjugated, that still 'burns' the souls of the once-captive and their progeny, like some ever-thirsty quasar . . .
. . . that is, a country where they can be blissfully clueless about the blood, broken bodies and spirits of 'Brown Folks' that were used, like brick and mortar, to build that wall of willful apathy, 'convenient' retreat to 'Denial of Institutional Racism' and obliviousness they live behind daily . . .
Remember: They think we'd want 'payback in kind' . . . Because they would!
They think this 'Liberal Government' may ultimately 'put them in danger' one day . . .
If you believe as they do so fervently . . . So fiercely . . . then the madness of these past few years begins to 'make sense' . . . incredulously so!
Folks like these can never be reasoned with for they feel their very LIFE is in danger! They are mentally 'wide-eyed' with terror . . . FEAR lashes their skins to ribbons as it rides them like crazed horses up an impossible hill, with a thick bloody foam fulminating and dripping from the mouth!
This makes these folks dangerous . . .
And a desperate party of politicians has been playing fast and loose with This 'critical mass of radioactive Potassium over a large vat of Heavy Water' so to speak . . . And they are starting to realize that they NEVER COULD control ANY 'reaction' should it occur!
The irresponsible Political Chemists are the GOP . . . or the Republican Party.
The 'ConservativeEntertainment Complex' which was built to house the 'Zoo Animals' has proven woefully inadequate . . . And has actually made their quarries even more unstable over the years . . .
They now realize any attempt at 'domesticating' and 'training' these folks is futile . . . almost like the movie "28 Days Later."
Rove, Dick Armey, and crew irradiated and warped Pandora's Box . . . And now the 'contents' are seeping out . . .
Tell me if I'm wrong.

I cannot say you are wrong