Well the GOP are doing their part to make sure we suffer.
Doing their coordinated best!
And you'd better believe it's coordinated.
The recovery has stalled, but CEO bonuses abound while neighborhoods around them crumble . . .
The unemployment rate is rising again, as GOP governors do their part to oust Obama 'for the Team'.
Add the ongoing, incredulous fight about tax cuts for the 1% versus Jobs for the 99% political theatrics . . . and the situation is ripe for chaos and even more pain. The GOP are hoping to keep progress stagnant and not do A THING for a WHOLE YEAR . . . so that you'll be so mad with desperation you can be 'led' into going with 'anybody' but Obama . . . they think they smell 'blood in the water'.
And we seem powerless to stop them . . . Right?
This is exactly what I've BEEN saying!
I saw this coming a MILE AWAY!!
And Democrats helped. Not actively . . . But passively.
It's what they DIDN'T do.
The Party rank and file allowed this.
In the Fall of 2010, the Blue Dogs and ConservaDems in the Senate succeeded in getting the larger progressive body to not fight so hard and make too much noise about the accomplishments of the last congress - health care, the tax cuts issue, etc - Pelosi AND Reid caved in, when the administration wanted them to fight! The public overwhelmingly was WITH THEM on almost every position they would have taken, If they chose to fight.
And THEY STILL GOT ROUTED ANYWAY ceding control of the house and strengthening the assholes clutches in the Senate!
If folks want a Republican they are NOT going to go with one who has a D by their name no matter WHAT their positions are!!
And these same wussies that punked out then got 'mad' with Obama for making the THE ONLY DEAL HE COULD to save the economy and their collective asses!!???
This is why the unsophisticated among us have a hard time supporting Democrats because they appear ghastly weak wristed and won't stand up for anything!
"At least the GOP fight hard for their principles . . ."
. . . is what the unsophisticates say when asked about their support for the GOP.
Look at how they bailed on Weiner when the other side does far worse and is unapologetic, poke-you-in-your-eye, "So WHAT!!??" about their faux pas!!!
"We have to be better than THEY are . . .!
The public cares about if you FIGHT and fight hard!!
And ESPECIALLY if you have an AVALANCHE of facts and truth on your side . . . the public EXPECTS YOU to RUN YOUR OPPOSITION OVER RELENTLESSLY!!!
And that includes ANY member of your party that is recalcitrant!
They won't play ball? No support!
The group's well being is worth more than your little cubby hole of ignorant voters whom you are too chicken shit to educate!
The POTUS is SUPPOSED to do the cumbyah bit - not the rest of you!!
So stop training your anger at Obama; He's doing HIS job!
So yeah the Republicans are violating us like a craven, insane rapist locked in a vault with a bunch of "Hooters" waitresses!
Sorry about the metaphor, but what the GOP are doing to us, to the idea of this country, to the future of this country . . . is JUST as violent, vicious, invasive, destructive, psychologically damaging as THAT would be!!
Frankly 'we', and the chickenshit Democrats that we LET do what they did, by sitting it out last Fall . . . Closed the 'vault door' and 'locked the rapists inside'!
And now folks like Bachmann, Santorum, Cain, The Newt . . . Actually think they've got a shot at the top spot next year.
Because of YOU folks out there.
The Press is eating these clowns up because of the inherent flamboyant, spectacle of the ridiculous, and fly-in-the-face incredulity of the gall they have!
It's frankly good for ratings!
But YOU out there might actually turn them into serious candidates.
You did it last fall.
Despite all they did to you the previous two years . . . You were so disconnected and apathetic you didn't even realize it.
The following scenario probably applies to many of you Republican leaning voters out there or you know someone in this situation or any one of the following . . . but somehow you fail to make the connection . . .
"Has your uncle the welder been able to find a job yet?
It sure would have been nice if we had some high-speed rail projects in your state huh?
The governor you JUST elected rejected the funds! :-(
Well at least his unemployment insurance will be available for the next month . . .
Wait a sec: Sorry! Nope!
The Governor you JUST elected has cut the amount of weeks in HALF.
And you're past the new quota.
No worries, well maybe he can get some work repairing the bridges and flyovers around the place? Engineers said they are in dire need of repairs. The last governor got some money from the federal government to do so. And we did have that bridge that fell down and killed all those people . . . Right?
Hold up!
The Governor you JUST elected REJECTED those funds, didn't he?
What did he call it? Oh yeah: The Stimulus, right? :-(
Well maybe be can go back to school and retrain himself, right? But it's kinda expensive though. Lucky the last governor started this program with the federal government to help people like my uncle, right?
Didn't the Governor you JUST elected kill the program saying that it's waste of taxpayer dollars and that it's too open to fraud?
Hey whadyaknow:
You just saw a story on the news about a tax cut to the banking industry that roughly equals to the amount of the program they just killed?
Well good for them . . . right? ;-)
Well maybe he can retire a little early then. He was in a union for more than 20 yrs and his retirement should have a decent amount of money in it by now, right?
What happened now!?
Your uncle said what!?
The Governor you JUST elected appointed this county executive who, along with the governor voided ALL unions within your district?
And took his WHOLE PENSION EARNINGS in the process?
Damn that really sucks.
That new Governor is 'The Truth' isn't he?
What happened?
Your uncle VOTED for this guy?
I feel for you . . .! :-("
Fuck you!
Too many people like you across this country don't know which way is up and are led around by lies and fear . . .
When all you had to do was pay attention.
I hope this pain is enough to wake you all up. I hope you go join the OWS movements too . . . because things are not going to change unless we MAKE it do so.
The GOP will bring us horror, they have brought us frustration and too much pain . . . and their present recalcitrance guarantees MORE.
I just have to shake my head because . . .
If you cut away all the noise, all the media and Republican pushed artificial timetables for this and that and the Yellow Journalism, etc . . . And after all we said we were about in 2008 ("Yes We Can!")
. . . it is obvious not that Obama was the ONLY ONE holding his end up!
Next time you get all frustrated about the economy and the lack of anything coming out of the 'great gathering of Baboons' (A group of Baboons IS called a 'Congress' by the way, plus the behavior, as of late, on the Right, is too similar . . .!) . . . you should get up from the TV, go to the Bathroom, look at yourself in the mirror . . .
. . . and gaze upon the real SOURCE of your woes . . .
Doing their coordinated best!
And you'd better believe it's coordinated.
The recovery has stalled, but CEO bonuses abound while neighborhoods around them crumble . . .
The unemployment rate is rising again, as GOP governors do their part to oust Obama 'for the Team'.
Add the ongoing, incredulous fight about tax cuts for the 1% versus Jobs for the 99% political theatrics . . . and the situation is ripe for chaos and even more pain. The GOP are hoping to keep progress stagnant and not do A THING for a WHOLE YEAR . . . so that you'll be so mad with desperation you can be 'led' into going with 'anybody' but Obama . . . they think they smell 'blood in the water'.
And we seem powerless to stop them . . . Right?
This is exactly what I've BEEN saying!
I saw this coming a MILE AWAY!!
And Democrats helped. Not actively . . . But passively.
It's what they DIDN'T do.
The Party rank and file allowed this.
In the Fall of 2010, the Blue Dogs and ConservaDems in the Senate succeeded in getting the larger progressive body to not fight so hard and make too much noise about the accomplishments of the last congress - health care, the tax cuts issue, etc - Pelosi AND Reid caved in, when the administration wanted them to fight! The public overwhelmingly was WITH THEM on almost every position they would have taken, If they chose to fight.
And THEY STILL GOT ROUTED ANYWAY ceding control of the house and strengthening the assholes clutches in the Senate!
If folks want a Republican they are NOT going to go with one who has a D by their name no matter WHAT their positions are!!
And these same wussies that punked out then got 'mad' with Obama for making the THE ONLY DEAL HE COULD to save the economy and their collective asses!!???
This is why the unsophisticated among us have a hard time supporting Democrats because they appear ghastly weak wristed and won't stand up for anything!
"At least the GOP fight hard for their principles . . ."
. . . is what the unsophisticates say when asked about their support for the GOP.
Look at how they bailed on Weiner when the other side does far worse and is unapologetic, poke-you-in-your-eye, "So WHAT!!??" about their faux pas!!!
"We have to be better than THEY are . . .!
The public cares about if you FIGHT and fight hard!!
And ESPECIALLY if you have an AVALANCHE of facts and truth on your side . . . the public EXPECTS YOU to RUN YOUR OPPOSITION OVER RELENTLESSLY!!!
And that includes ANY member of your party that is recalcitrant!
They won't play ball? No support!
The group's well being is worth more than your little cubby hole of ignorant voters whom you are too chicken shit to educate!
The POTUS is SUPPOSED to do the cumbyah bit - not the rest of you!!
So stop training your anger at Obama; He's doing HIS job!
So yeah the Republicans are violating us like a craven, insane rapist locked in a vault with a bunch of "Hooters" waitresses!
Sorry about the metaphor, but what the GOP are doing to us, to the idea of this country, to the future of this country . . . is JUST as violent, vicious, invasive, destructive, psychologically damaging as THAT would be!!
Frankly 'we', and the chickenshit Democrats that we LET do what they did, by sitting it out last Fall . . . Closed the 'vault door' and 'locked the rapists inside'!
And now folks like Bachmann, Santorum, Cain, The Newt . . . Actually think they've got a shot at the top spot next year.
Because of YOU folks out there.
The Press is eating these clowns up because of the inherent flamboyant, spectacle of the ridiculous, and fly-in-the-face incredulity of the gall they have!
It's frankly good for ratings!
But YOU out there might actually turn them into serious candidates.
You did it last fall.
Despite all they did to you the previous two years . . . You were so disconnected and apathetic you didn't even realize it.
The following scenario probably applies to many of you Republican leaning voters out there or you know someone in this situation or any one of the following . . . but somehow you fail to make the connection . . .
"Has your uncle the welder been able to find a job yet?
It sure would have been nice if we had some high-speed rail projects in your state huh?
The governor you JUST elected rejected the funds! :-(
Well at least his unemployment insurance will be available for the next month . . .
Wait a sec: Sorry! Nope!
The Governor you JUST elected has cut the amount of weeks in HALF.
And you're past the new quota.
No worries, well maybe he can get some work repairing the bridges and flyovers around the place? Engineers said they are in dire need of repairs. The last governor got some money from the federal government to do so. And we did have that bridge that fell down and killed all those people . . . Right?
Hold up!
The Governor you JUST elected REJECTED those funds, didn't he?
What did he call it? Oh yeah: The Stimulus, right? :-(
Well maybe be can go back to school and retrain himself, right? But it's kinda expensive though. Lucky the last governor started this program with the federal government to help people like my uncle, right?
Didn't the Governor you JUST elected kill the program saying that it's waste of taxpayer dollars and that it's too open to fraud?
Hey whadyaknow:
You just saw a story on the news about a tax cut to the banking industry that roughly equals to the amount of the program they just killed?
Well good for them . . . right? ;-)
Well maybe he can retire a little early then. He was in a union for more than 20 yrs and his retirement should have a decent amount of money in it by now, right?
What happened now!?
Your uncle said what!?
The Governor you JUST elected appointed this county executive who, along with the governor voided ALL unions within your district?
And took his WHOLE PENSION EARNINGS in the process?
Damn that really sucks.
That new Governor is 'The Truth' isn't he?
What happened?
Your uncle VOTED for this guy?
I feel for you . . .! :-("
Fuck you!
Too many people like you across this country don't know which way is up and are led around by lies and fear . . .
When all you had to do was pay attention.
I hope this pain is enough to wake you all up. I hope you go join the OWS movements too . . . because things are not going to change unless we MAKE it do so.
The GOP will bring us horror, they have brought us frustration and too much pain . . . and their present recalcitrance guarantees MORE.
I just have to shake my head because . . .
If you cut away all the noise, all the media and Republican pushed artificial timetables for this and that and the Yellow Journalism, etc . . . And after all we said we were about in 2008 ("Yes We Can!")
. . . it is obvious not that Obama was the ONLY ONE holding his end up!
Next time you get all frustrated about the economy and the lack of anything coming out of the 'great gathering of Baboons' (A group of Baboons IS called a 'Congress' by the way, plus the behavior, as of late, on the Right, is too similar . . .!) . . . you should get up from the TV, go to the Bathroom, look at yourself in the mirror . . .
. . . and gaze upon the real SOURCE of your woes . . .
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