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Thursday, November 3, 2011

"Pin Head!?"

I'm hardly a 'Pin Head!'

. . . as I was called one time by a Liberal so angry with Obama, he wanted to run someone against him. This person was in full-throated political orgiastic glee over the news that Nader was looking for a Primary Challenge for Obama. This person loved Tavis and West's crusade against Obama . . .

I said to that person, in the vein and spirit of the now famous Rahm-Bo 'utterance' of momentary insensitivity to mentally challenged . . .

"Are you 'all there' . . . Have you taken Your meds?!"

My 'buddy' called me a 'Pin Head!' for that . . .

No worries though.

I submit to you out there of similar bent as my 'outraged' friend that you might want to stop for a second and pay attention to the political history and popular culture trends in this country . . . And you will see that I am no 'Pin Head!'

I'm just not wedded to unrealistic idealism . . . irregardless of the climate or situation. We must be realistic and ADMIT to the stark unpleasing facets of the national Politiscape, as it were:

The GOP have been very successful at inserting an 'American exceptionalness' into the sub-conscious of the public's popular culture 'ruminations' over the decades which is essentially that . . .

". . . A Liberal is nasty tree hugging hippie from the 60's or of similar visage of such, who smokes pot, irresponsible as hell with money, unkempt . . . just NOT to be trusted!"

I'm sorry guys but it's TRUE!

They have been consistent over the DECADES in pushing that image over and over again into the minds of the public, where it is now a standard literary archetype/stereotype that folks take more literal than others . . . and what's worse they don't even realize that they're doing it!

Which is just perfect for the conservatives.

You've got to hand it to them because they have been relentless and steadfast with their 'hegemony' . . . While the political opponents, Liberals (now called Progressives) were sort of 'asleep'. Liberals always seems to think that Our Better Angels will prevail and that folks 'just want to do the right thing'. Although at is admirable and respectable . . . The other side too has studied the American Populace and have decided on and worked the crap out of certain psychological 'levers' as it were that have worked brilliantly for them:

Conservatives have successfully fused the image of American success, wealth and power as being inseparable with THEIR political ideology!

Don't any of you remember back in the 80's, especially when it was actually worth your while at a party of any significance or at a business meeting, to espouse in 'small talk' your 'conservative bonafides'? You dared brandish recognizable 'liberalism' among certain circles . . . then 'something' just 'wouldn't work out' . . .? It was and still is a running message in so many films over the years and today, from comedies to dramas and action flicks. The hegemony aka programming has been going on for decades . . . and too many people, especially the group now in charge of the country, the Baby Boomers, by and large were VERY susceptible to this message! It was thought fashionable to say you were Conservative. IN FACT . . . even LIBERALS 'tacitly' 'legitimized' the message by NOT running as 'what they really were' over the years. Bill Clinton comes to mind. Obama falls within that category. Rahm Emmanuel's strategy in 2006 where they targeted Conservative districts for 'capture' was a big head nod to that political reality; The people that won did NOT run as a True Liberal.

Even immigrants didn't miss the message guys.

Many Asians - including the East Indians, Many Spanish-speaking countries - Especially Cuba, Middle Eastern(Don't laugh guys! I'm very serious on that one! Though it might be changing in the last decade or so . . .!) . . . and even People from the Caribbean . . . tend to 'identify' politically, when they get here, as Conservative. The need and drive to adjust, assimilate and succeed in this country is the major reason behind this.

Trust me: I'm an immigrant myself . . . and I've been watching American culture LONG before I got here.

Another factor to consider is this, and this goes back to my Baby Boomer Argument: Baby Boomers and the older generations by and large VOTE! They are extremely reliable on that end.

The younger generation from Generation X on down, who do not have the 'programming' of their parents, who would possibly vote for a pure liberal if they paid attention and follow the issues . . . tend to be notoriously APOLITICAL. Their turnout % even during the 2008 election was only at say 25% . . . the Baby Boomers and the older folks %'s were much higher.

Now . . . if that trend continues, taking into account the patterns and leaning I just took the time to lay out:

Does anyone honestly think that a 'true liberal' as you put it has ANY real chance at becoming POTUS in this country at THIS time? A Bernie Sanders or Anthony Weiner would win Ohio, Michigan, or Pennsylvania??

Get real.

You're may be angry. Fine and you should be - what the GOP seemed to get away with for most of Obama's term, the Debt Ceiling debacle, jobs bill blocking, etc is a miscarriage of justice. What Obama had to let go of and compromise on just to get 'some' progress can be looked at as a betrayal of sorts (we can debate that all day!) . . . But . . . in the near future 2012:

WHO do you think has a real chance at winning?

The GOP are flush with money and the American Public are largely very ignorant of any factual information . . . so they can be swayed, especially the independents.

The liberal bastions on the coasts and the in the south do not have enough electoral votes to carry the presidency. Remember: it is NOT decided by Popular Vote.

So what are you left with battling for?

The center of the country, those very same folks who have been 'programmed' over the years to subconsciously be 'ok' with Conservatives.

Now if they are shown 'reality' a from a 'source' that is NOT 'distractingly' what their subconscious has been taught to despise . . . then they can be brought over. That 'source' HAS to 'thread that needle' . . . Be sufficiently 'different' politically so there is a very real 'choice' . . . but not be 'overtly' what they have been 'taught to mistrust.'

Sorry it sounds like we are playing by their rules . . . but we in fact are. The Left has not defined for themselves Who They Are over the years . . . And as a consequence THEY got 'boxed up' by their opponents in terms of Public perception. Short of a concerted, sophisticated public campaign of psychological 'reworking' when it comes to the Tao and Virtues of being a Progressive . . . We have no choice but to play their game . . . and beat them at it. And we have to do that for next year in 2012 yet again.

It is why we must be careful with all the rage from the left. We may pull Obama so far left that it 'damages' him. Things are very bad right now - the Economy, unemployment, sense of injustice when it comes to the banks (all included in why the Occupy Movement is spreading like wildfire!) - and the GOP have succeeded in coloring his not too shabby accomplishments with the accusatory Color of Your Pain . . .!

In short: Obama is being buffeted badly by some awful headwinds, that previous Incumbents have been 'capsized' by.

Romney, who will be their nominee (forget Perry and Cain!) already LOOKS the part of success. He's a very good and 'nimble' talker and can, in a millisecond, craft his rhetoric to match that which they are 'comfortable' with. He flip flops but the media WILL cover for him be because the corresponding financial quarter's projections, during which the election falls, depends on a close, ratings-rich race; telling the 'truth' severely undercuts that desired competitive environment.

Obama needs to be 'THE' more personable and trustworthy candidate for him to win; it's not the only thing but it's very important, if he is to counter that entrenched, systematic, public 'aversion' to the Lefty.

Subliminal forces cause people to 'pause' in the voting booth, and at the last moment, vote for the 'other guy.' In the end the choice must 'FEEL' right . . .

Facts, figures and proven veracity of policy proposals may bring folks to the 'trough' as it were . . . But the 'feeling', familiarity, 'comfortability' . . . are what make the 'horse' finally bring its head down to start 'drinking'!

Pop that ballon of idealism and naïveté with This Pin . . . And breathe and cope with the smoky, smog-filled, caustic Air of American Politics . . .

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