I've seen over the years mainly(but not only)
conservative folks trot out a famous person of color's musings about racism in
this country in a nascent way to counter charges of racism in an event,
political dust-up, Pundit brain fart,
These 'esteemed' chosen ones have been people
like Dr. Ben Carson, Juan Williams, Morgan Freeman, Allen West, Herman Cain
among others.
The 'protest too much!' cudgel I want to talk
about for this post is Bill Cosby.
You know him right?
The one whose declarations on the subject so
pissed off Eric Dyson he wrote a whole book on the subject.
Yes that 'Bill Cosby'.
The Bill Cosby that protested CBS for airing the 'Amos and Andy' sitcom due to its extremely stereotypical nature and was also interested in pulling 'Our Gang' off the air . . .
Yes that 'Bill Cosby'
And he's done other things of the sort . . .
The man has shown himself to be highly
sophisticated and always steeped in nuance . . . which always seems to get lost
on those that would trot him out as a counter to a charge of racism.
See This Facebook Link that accompanies this pic:
Please take a moment and peruse the ghastly
ignorance of the folks in that thread under the link about Cosby saying . . .
"We can't blame White Folks
They make some assumptions about blacks being
lazy and the word 'hand-out' is spat out like pigeon 'guano' all over the
accompanying thread.
It was so breathtaking that an initial retort to
these folks has grown into something too long for that medium . . . So I want
to say a few things:
Most blacks you meet, whether they are blue
collar, white collar or in between, are honest, proud, kind-hearted and
hard-working people. That goes for
blacks from whatever 'stripe' - African American, West Indian(from the
Caribbean) or African immigrant; we adore an honest day’s work and take pride in
our compensation and are proud to do with it as we wish . . . just like every other
The trope that we are just looking for a
hand-out is frankly getting really tired right now!
For Pete's Sakes, when Barrack Obama won, the
'intimation' was that he was going to 'give away the store' read 'white folks
hard earned money' to lazy, 'undeserving' 'brown folks' . . . hence the charge
of socialist and this
frothing at the mouth, intractable sort of
opposition to 'stop him' at all cost.
Blacks by and large DO NOT lack the mental heft
to build generational wealth, adequately support their families, excel in
education, and subsequently be stellar bosses and employees. We were STOPPED for centuries from DOING ALL
OF THE ABOVE legally, socially and via terrorism when all else failed. It's only within LIVING MEMORY have we
finally gotten the legal right and some of the social barriers lifted to
actually do what was ALWAYS within us TO do:
Chase the American Dream.
We're late starters in the race . . . but we're
competent runners in this race.
Please realize that this knee-jerk 'reaction'
many of you have to a person of color making a fuss about racism, is a
sophisticated, age-old grandchild of white supremacy, that our media and our politics,
have pervasively battered the
Populace with until it has permeated the
collective subconscious.
It is pretty obvious that taken collectively
blacks are behind whites in terms of property ownership, generational wealth,
net worth, etc. Some of those that raise
the specter of 'look out for Them' use this fact as fodder for their scare campaign
by intimating that it was so long ago(a few decades vs centuries of slavery and
segregation!? But let's continue . . .) and they still can't 'get it together'.
The only explanation is that we must be
intrinsically sub-par and lazy.
"Look out for the Food Stamp Melbourne
Steak . . .!"
. . . is the cry.
Simply disgusting.
It's a whole nefarious 'package' about people of
color's proclivities, habits, capabilities and desires, that has been
inseminated into the womb of our national intellect. Your chance to help abort this, is at hand
when you stop and listen when one of us decides to publicly air our grievances
on this subject matter.
I frankly don't understand the hostility I
sometimes get . . .
Unless . . . you've got issues that need purging
and examining. In that instance you need
to ask yourself why you are feeling so 'attacked'. That is not my responsibility to 'calm down
your hackles'. It's yours. You need to search yourself and excise the
remnants of that ugly supremacist's, grandchild's hegemony within you.
If you're upset at me for raising the issue . .
. maybe you should thank me:
I'm helping you discover a sickness or contagion
you didn't realize was there.
Last I checked, getting rid of viruses within
the body was a good thing. I assume the
same is true for the psyche, for the mind . . .
The automatic 'shut down' about 'why is it
always about race . . .?' and using Cosby's nuanced and targeted statement, or
I should say excerpt, to 'shunt' this touchy subject away . . . is offensive
and it delays the vital conversation about race that needs to be had in this
Back to the much-trumped Cosby utterance:
There are lowlifes, moochers and lazy, good for
nothing's in all cultures, ethnicities . . . and yes I know many black folks
that fit that mold.
Does that make ALL blacks some pariah to be
scorned, watched, and despised?
It makes us NORMAL.
When Bill Cosby was talking about not blaming
Whites anymore he meant:
We now have the OPPORTUNITY to pursue that which
we were barred from pursuing.
He is talking DIRECTLY TO a rather minuscule
sliver the total black population, who are actually good for nothing blacks who
never even tried to to do anything, but hide behind the specter of the still
existent racism as a reason why they haven't or can't 'try'.
Bill Cosby is saying, if you haven't even TRIED,
if you haven't even moved . . . how can you blame White Folks.
Bill Cosby is saying we have the chance NOW,
make moves and LET 'Them' try to stop you . . .
That is what that statement TRULY MEANS.
I see nothing wrong with it frankly.
Bill Cosby, like myself and many of my friends
and family members, took advantage of this 'embargo' being lifted and we go
about our business, head held high, NOT MAKING EXCUSES, but overcoming all
obstacles, justified and unjustified, to keep going for our families and loved
Bill Cosby was NOT talking to someone like me
who perseveres but who may occasionally decry racism, because a person like me
doesn't sit back and do nothing! So
don't throw that crap at any otherwise professional black or person of color that
complains about the persistent racism in this country, talking about . . .
"Well Cosby said you can't blame Whites
anymore . . .!"
. . . because that's the pinnacle of a sort of
seemingly guilt-ridden cowardly tact, of not wanting to face up to the reality
that White Privilege is real.
That's Society that has imbued you with that.
It's nothing You 'personally' did.
So stop acting like when a person of color
complains about racism around you they are attacking you personally . . .
because they aren't.
And furthermore when we make a fuss about racism
. . .
We're not making an excuse to 'get something
We aren't asking for your tax dollars
We aren't looking for a freebie
We aren't looking to live high on the
government's dime
We aren't looking to 'get over' at your expense
We aren't asserting some sense of ill-deserved,
sloth-like entitlement.
All we expect of you with the 'extra credit' to
do is listen, try to learn, try to understand and fight WITH us against this
ugliness. Are we correct 100% of the
times when we say something was racist?
I can guarantee we're as fallible as the next human being on any other
But just like a man can't dare tell a woman who is
experiencing a bad menstrual period that she should be quiet and stop
complaining because . . .
". . . It can't be that bad. You're overdoing it!"
. . . you should defer to the person making the
charge of racism, at least initially until you find out more.
Like a man can never be a woman . . . if you're
a member of the majority you cannot truly know what a traditionally-maligned
minority's life is like. You're born
with that 'blind spot' that you won't be able to totally negate - you can
diminish it . . . but it will never be gone.
Learn to truly 'listen'.
The scope, history, and pervasive persistence of
racism in this country and worldwide is well documented and discussed now. There are volumes of material you can ingest
to aid you in becoming more aware, as well as the invaluable, real-time,
meaningful, organic interactions with people of color; All can be quite
instructive and help to further close that 'blind spot' you were born with.
It's when you're allergic to nuance and
perspective . . . you break out in hives of pure ignorance like what is
spreading in an ever-growing thread under the initial link.
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