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Thursday, October 13, 2011

What to Say When a Conservative "De-Friends" You

This is from an actual thread where a Conservative or Tea Party Type got upset that basically folks weren't 'agreeing with him' and they were being too 'abrasive' . . . despite the fact that HE can't write a sentence without throwing out any number of Republican slurs for a Liberal or Progressive . . .

But anyway this is what I said to him . . .

"G'bye John!  You love to generalize so here's one for you: I notice that you conservatives are a lot less able to deal with if someone disagrees with you and they won't 'go away' . . . Liberals actually LOVE debating!  I can't tell you how many times I've had to say: thanks I didn't know that.  Or I was wrong.

The difference is you think you can NEVER be wrong on anything . . . and you're not open to a different point of view at all.

Now you'll spit it back me saying I'm the same: but I swear I am not.

I've told you and I've said so many times on here: There are some Conservative ideas that I absolutely agree with (but your present party acts like if they never pushed these values!) . . . and there are countless Liberal assertions and 'sacred cow designations' that I don't hold as 'cannon' or hold 'so dear' . . . and that too I've said on here constantly as well.

But YOU sir?  Let me see how to put it adroitly . . .

You aahh . . . Love to ruminate in your own shit's 'funk' as it were . . . you take a 'crap', as it were, in your own closed room . . . but you never 'come out', you never 'open the door' so it can get 'aired' out . . . yet you swear the whole world stinks 'because you say so' . . . you feel me, bro?

You are one of the most close minded, talking-point parroting, warmed-over liberal barb throwing folks I've ever met . . . and sometimes your lack of fluid grammar and spelling makes it aggravating reading your responses or posts on here . . .

So if you feel you must go . . . then bon voyage but take this one piece of advice from me for the last:

PLEASE go and read 'something' . . . 'anything' . . . and stay away from Fox and Right-wing radio.  Please listen to something from Reuters or the BBC for different perspective so that you may supplement your world view with the fact that How You See Things is NOT how the Rest of World Sees Things . . . and that actually you might need to come to grips with the fact that regarding many things . . . you may not have know what the hell you were talking about.

I've had to back down off of some long held beliefs in light of new facts and awareness of different realities and circumstances that can only be had through a willingness to 'accept' new information and confidence in oneself to not be afraid to admit:

"Hey Buddy . . . dude you realize you actually didn't know what the f@#$% you were talking about!?"

I've done this many times during my life . . . and you are 'constipated' with the need to do the same.

Please: GO and seek some informational "Ex-Lax" . . . and join the rest of us in Reality Vale and possibly the 21st Century . . . then we can talk.

In the meantime . . . Good Luck!


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