Conservatives back in the early 20th Century like Ike and others that have had what would be called now progressive policies . . . have done things right.
The Conservative movement nowadays is unrecognizable.
I used to, in Reagan's time hear and read certain conservative proposals and positions and could respect them because from looking at the facts . . . I could actually see why they'd interpret things the way they did.
The key: They based policy on fact - Both sides used to
For me the Democrats and liberals have remained basically the same - BUT the far flung 'radicals' of the party have REMAIN ignored (for good reason and thankfully) by leadership and the more progressive/pragmatic of party.
The Republicans . . . where to start? They have openly embraced a more hawkish agenda and more extreme common man-apathetic agenda with each successive congress . . . they've pulled the ‘center needle’ of the intellectual Diaspora further and further right, and have, as of right now, given up TOTALLY on trying to tie ANY of their policies to facts and reality. They exclusively dwell in 'what they want', the ideological wet dream of sorts . . . and most frightening to me:
The WIN is more important NOW than EVERYTHING ELSE!
They no longer care about the path there (like they used to), they no longer care about morals (like they used to - at least some did). Even in times of crisis . . . they cannot bring themselves to do the right thing, IF the other party can derive ANY political benefit from it! Even if THEY TOO will reap the Good Vibes!
The Democrats haven't changed . . . yeah there is a certain element of corruption within them too . . . but at the end of the day they've NEVER deliberately done things to take out the other party that would bring the country to its knees in the process! They've NEVER. Even when they've had the politically beneficial upper hand they've relented and backed-down, compromised . . . because a WIN would have too much collateral damage . . .
Not the present GOP.
Bob Dole was one of the last of those 'old GOP'ers'. Do you honestly think that HE would not have signed on to something as necessary and potentially fatal as infrastructure repair in a depression to boost demand?
Not this crop though.
They can come out and say their one goal is to make sure Obama is a one term POTUS . . . and that's quite fine with the base.
So yeah back in the Day GOP and Dem used to have respect for each other and through compromise and moderation some great things happened. Bill Clinton could not have balanced the budget without some GOP cooperation and complicity.
I dream for that now . . . because the country is crumbling and dying but all these folks want to do is just get Obama out! They deliberately Sabotage, block, delay any and all attempts to help us out in this depression . . . JUST to get Obama out!??
Unconscionable and irresponsible and an abject, callous dereliction of duty and a cynical mockery of what it means to be a public servant . . . is what the PRESENT GOP mean to me!
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