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Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Potential and Brilliance of the OWS Protests

There are some in the establishment that still can’t wrap their brains around the amorphous, spontaneous, self-regenerative nature of the OWS protests.  They are bewildered that the lack of identifiable central leadership is NOT a product of hippie, youthful disorganization . . . but by DESIGN. 

And it’s frustrating the crap out of them!

And I LOVE it!

It’s brilliant actually.  Some have said that the ‘structure’ or ‘lack there of’ is reminiscent of online communities like Facebook Groups . . . but transplanted out into real world. That’s not quite right either. 

It’s unheard of and unique. 

I LOVE the fact that it isn't 'centralized' . . . it makes it harder for the Media and the Republicans to focus on one or a few folks, find 'fault', blow it up bigger than life, and then discredit the whole movement . . . just due to a few folks' 'imperfect' 'batting records' . . .!

I'll say this: The REASON WHY in the 1960's and before, there were so many targeted killing by racists and governments opposed to the different movements because there WAS centralized leadership, the 'Head of The Snake' if you will, that you could possibly 'cut off' and thus 'kill' the 'offending animal' . . .!  It is NOT guaranteed to 'stop' the movement but it WILL damage it.  Malcolm X, MLK, Medgar Evers, The Black Panther Leaders . . . Their deaths arguably caused the 'trajectory' of the movements 'pursuits' to sort of plateau to some degree . . . leave the intended 'fight' unfinished . . . get me?

The centralized leaders were more than often the 'brain trust' of the movement, the loci of 'activity' . . . if they are 'removed' the movement loses momentum for a little bit until someone steps into the saddle again . . . which can, again, be subject to the same ‘culling’ methods used by 'opponents' earlier . . .

As said earlier, the non-traditional structure is a major STRENGTH of this movement because the Press or opponents can't latch on to someone and use that person's idiosyncratic traits to 'distract' away from the REASON FOR the Protest: The Issues!  And the 'scary' thing for the establishment is this: ANYONE around them - in their office, street, army, navy, school, and co-worker - could BE an organizer of these protests . . . and there is no way for them to predict or even 'stop' it!

The Press, due to the large, staying and disruptive nature of these protests HAVE to cover them . . . and in the absence of that 'crutch' of focus, ISSUES get dealt with.

Which is what the OWS/99% WANT!!  Mission accomplished!

Obama and the Democrats are talking about ISSUES . . . BECAUSE of these protests . . .

The GOP, because they NEVER wanted to talk about ISSUES (they are WEAK or antithetical on them!), and only wanted distract folks with ‘personality distortion antics’, Fear, Racism etc . . . are now caught with their pants down, not being in control of the 'discussion' for the first time in the three years Obama has been in office.

They are forced, in order to adhere to the ‘game plan’, to demonize a movement that even THEIR supporters are starting to warm to . . . because the ISSUES being aired so passionately, repeatedly, clearly, without pre-digestion in the Media(They CAN'T do it!) . . . are a common source of pain for hundreds of millions across this country . . . and worldwide for that matter!

They DESPERATELY want this to go away . . . and every overreaction by the Establishment, every put down by these Conservatives . . . STRENGTHEN'S it . . .! 

Obama is eating the GOP lunch on this one clearly; he’s out of the gate and gaining speed.  Now that is not to say that the OWS is ‘embracing him’ either BUT . . . AT LEAST he is RESPONDING to them in a REAL and substantive way.  The Jobs bills and the executive moves he has been making will have very REAL affects in average American’s lives.  They may not be enough or all that the OWS movement is asking for but they WOULD approve.  In addition they are not totally opposed to an elected official coming to address them and trying to work on their behalf.  For, example, a State Senator from Georgia was arrested along with some protesters yesterday after speaking at an Occupy Atlanta demonstration.  Again this man is a Democrat.

The GOP, on the other hand, are doing nothing and attempting to stop everything . . . hoping to 'wait it out' until next fall so they can say:

"See Obama didn't get anything done!"

The problem is that the OWS (with Obama's help) is NOT going to let them get away with that lie.  The Problem the OWS movement has is that the establishment isn’t doing anything to address their concerns.  The stagnancy in Congress, led by the Republicans is JUST the sort of INACTION that the OWS movement is talking about! 

And Democrats ‘Get It’!

In this article below . . .

. . . it notes that the Democrats have started to call the Congress ‘The Republican Congress’.  Now the Democrats control one half of Congress but they do NOT control the ‘genesis’ half, the half where everything of note MUST start.  The House.  Whether it is jobs, energy, education, tax policy etc . . . or all the things that the OWS wants addressed . . . that effort MUST start in the House of Representatives.  Republicans are in control of the House of Representatives and won’t allow anything they ‘don’t approve of’ out of that chamber.  They have been in charge from since January this year and the issues that the OWS wants addressed have NOT been dealt with or even ALLOWED out of committee by the GOP.  In fact, they done everything ELSE BUT what the OWS want from them.  For example: 

Not one single Jobs Bill has emerged from the House. 

They are pushing for more deregulation . . . much of it THE same sort that has caused THE very hopeless, angst-filled situation that is fueling these protests . . .!

Along with many other 'cuases' that makes one go: What the F@#$%!?!? - Abortion, etc.

Also the GOP numbers in the Senate, the half the Democrats do control, are such that they can ‘stop’ that chamber too from passing legislation, if by some fluke, something ‘worthwhile’, gets past Boehner. In the Senate, there has functionally been an 'automatic' filibuster of everything, if they are able, since 2007, of EVERYTHING by the Republicans, with 'extra, punitive, gumming-up actions' taken against any legislation they do NOT want coming up for debate . . .!!

Looking at the ridiculous hurdles any new legislation has had to overcome to become law . . . and the plethora of 'rotting bills' pilled up on the Senate's Door and scattered on the Senate Floor . . . then I can, a with very strong conviction say that:

"Yes!  It IS a 'Republican Congress'!"

The Press though, and deliberately I think, has done a piss-poor job of explaining to the Public just what the Filibuster is, how it is used, and more importantly, WHO has been using it and what that use has meant for their everyday lives! 

But not to worry: the OWS movement, Obama and many Democrats ARE doing just that . . . and this movement is now worldwide and growing bigger and stronger by the day.  It’s Math stupid.  There are WAY more Regular Folk out there aka the 99% than the oligarchs and Plutocrats aka the 1% or the GOP’s ‘True Spiritual Constituents’ . . . and they are on the move.  Resistance will be preferably co-opted/converted, but if not . . . it will be ground under like chaff. 

One would be wise to be riding this Tidal Wave instead of in its path right? 

It seems, however that the GOP aren’t budging just yet.  They think they’ve got Obama’s political demise in their grasp and see ANY positive improvement in ANY avenue as somehow ‘weakening’ it.  After all, THAT IS their ‘#1 Priority’ according to Mitch McConnell.  

They even relished holding the economy hostage over a manufactured debt ceiling debate . . .

The consequences of such, what I’d like to call ‘Jack Ass-ery’ . . . could be varied.

But here is a scenario I’d LOVE to see play out in response to the Republican irresponsibility, intransigence and public apathy:

I’d LOVE to see Folks undertaking a ‘Constituent Occupy Movement’ OUTSIDE Republicans’ homes and THEIR offices pretty soon.  Where people would camp out day and night in the fashion of the Occupy Movements right now(of course just outside of legally being called trespassing), each person holding up a sign telling their story, specifically within the subject Senator’s or Congressman’s state.  Also the demonstrators have detailed hand outs which they will attempt to give these Reps as they go and come, just what their party’s actions have done to their constituents lives.  If they won’t accept them, send them via regular mail, e-mail, send them to newspapers and the like, and go on the local and national TV and Radio calling these Representatives out BY NAME . . .!  

Maybe a sort of 'We are the 99% in Senator/Rep _____ State' Website can be started by constituents of the state and district these politicians represent . . .

. . . and then things will get pretty . . . 'interesting' to say the least!

I simply refuse to allow the GOP to ‘wait things out’ . . . and neither of us in this country should let them either.  I pledge my support to the Occupy Movement and may they keep going.  The Election is thirteen (13) months away . . . do we have to wait that long before something is done?

1 comment:

  1. Interesting.

    And yes, it's leaderless with a purpose.

    However, I have wrangled with some on the OT movement over this. I don't like the term "leaderless" because we are all leaders and we need leaders. We are leaderfull!

    Tex Shelters
