You've watched the videos . . . Now let me put my 'Two Pence' as it were . . .
Racism IS being used BY the GOP/Tea Party . . . but they are being used for different reasons.
Racism IS being used BY the GOP/Tea Party . . . but they are being used for different reasons.
The Tea Party loudmouths like the White-Haired IDIOT pictured actually use it to 'right some great perceived social wrong' based on a perception of what 'those people' are about, capable of and what 'their habits' are as well as their world view. He doesn't see his positions as racist; he sees it as 'justice', the 'righting of the ship'.
The fact is HIS MOTIVATION . . . IS RACIST! He actually BELIEVES to his soul the perceptions that he has about 'Those people' . . . and he's doing a major service to his country AND God (You cannot forget 'God' in all of this!) in relegating these 'types' back into their 'deserved' (an intensely personal and subjective parameter surrounds 'highlighted' word . . .) place in this society! Hence the calls for taking the 'Country Back . . .!' From who? From 'Those people' . . . or 'That One' . . . or Sharia Law . . . or the Mexicans . . . or the Muslims . . . or 'anybody else who isn't a Red Blooded American like THEY are (according to THEIR narrow definition)!
The GOP establishment is ALSO using Racism to further their ends as well . . . and it is more of a diversionary/division/distraction tactic. They are fully calculated, informed and well schooled in the psyche of the different so-called ethnic minorities that reside in this country today, they know how to expertly 'tweak' and turn those buttons on . . . and off . . .! Their assault is multi-pronged, relentless and highly sophisticated, as well as, extremely 'chimerical' in that it morphs and adapts, changes to suit the times and the nascent circumstances! They'll use Racism differently in 'good times' as opposed to how they'll use it NOW - when things are bad.
The GOP establishment may NOT necessarily BE 'racists' . . . BUT use 'Racism' as a just ONE of the tools to achieve their 'ends'. And in a way, it DOES make them 'defacto Racists' . . . because they look upon these citizens of 'other identity' with a sort of cynical contempt, an impugning sort of disdain and 'quaint amusement' . . . much like a herd of troublesome 'animals' to be manipulated and corralled to slaughter . . . or whatever means or ends THEY deems fit 'for Them'.
They DO NOT see 'Those people' as equals or worthy of the respect given to one of 'Their Rank and File/anointed' . . . and although it MAY NOT Specifically BE that the ethnicity of their 'quarry' is the SOLE reason for their decision of tactics to be used . . . it IS part of it, in that it IS based on a sort of 'detached' 'study' OF 'those people' intricacies and 'tendencies' . . . and seeing how they can be used to control and used towards THEIR ends!
There are similarities in BOTH fields . . . but they ARE different.
Another thing is this: The Tea Party folks DO NOT seem to realize that they are being USED BY the GOP establishment as part of their same plan for domination.
The Tea Party DO NOT realize that THEY TOO . . . ARE one of 'Those Groups' under 'study' for manipulation and exploitation . . . JUST like 'those people' that the Tea Party feels are getting 'more than their fair share' . . . They do not realize that THEY . . . 'ARE' Those Liberals and Blacks and Immigrants, etc . . . in the eyes of the GOP establishment oligarchs and plutocrats.
They ARE a troublesome, potentially unsettling 'group' that must be kept way from the 'Others' and controlled so that Their Long Constructed 'Status Quod' . . . that's like a sow with the sweetest milk that keeps lactating, feeding them and making them ever 'fatter' . . .
It's THEIR 'Birth Right', they're 'entitled' to it . . . and NO ONE BUT 'THEM' should be allowed 'control' . . .
And that's my Two Pence . . .!
Extremely informative as well enlightening. Just enough to snap one back into reality, realizing that these peoples hatred runs so deep that they will, have and will always be planning a way to rid the earth of our existence. If we are not serving them they have no need for us. If they cannot conform us to their thinking they want to make us cease to exist. Now one can better or should I say deeper understand what it means by "Their Birth Right" and they are taking "Their" Country back. I'm sure I will have even more thoughts as the visuals provide here and the detail explanations breakdown has provoked more thoughts to emerge with in me.