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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Gift Horses are Getting Their Teeth . . . Cleaned

And George Clooney and I are sitting, watching the phenomenon . . . Bug-Eyed . . . Shaking our heads . . .!

Conservatives have been, in the wake of Rush's implosion, braying about Bill Maher and what he said about Palin and Bachmann at various times.

And some Liberal Women's groups have been JOINING THEM! So much so, that Ed Rendell recently confronted the Obama SuperPac folks with the fact that some actually are demanding that they GIVE BACK Maher's much-publicized contribution.

Funny thing is that Liberal Women DID voice their displeasure with Maher AS SOON as he did.

Did they forget that?

But because the Right can 'actually say' so . . . they are demanding this 'purity'. NY Times wrote an article recently focusing on solely Bill Maher in the same vein . . .

I look across a George . . . and he sighs heavily perplexed and I groan in agreement . . .

Excuse me???

Let me calmly(but in fact I really, really, really want to yell in frustration at the impossible stupidity being demonstrated from my 'side' . . .!) state that I don't agree with the Rush equivocation.

This need by Liberals to be so perfect and pure and beyond reproach, will give the flailing GOP an issue that could grow legs and lose them the Congress and the Presidency this year.

And they'll blame Obama even then . . .

"If he didn't do this . . . Or if he did that . . . Or pushed harder for that . . ."

To which I'll lividly tell them:

"Go F @&$ yourself with your incessant cat like, perfectionist whining!

You folks sure know how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory!

Newsflash: the American public doesn't WANT PERFECTION!

In fact, they shy AWAY from you if you are too perfect! They'll 'understand' if you keep relatively 'mum' on Maher because they've seen the ugly racist, misogyny from the Right be met with Crickets!!

Your outrage will undercut a first time enigma in American Politics: We are WINNING on the facts, and the economy is recovering AND we are thoroughly beating the GOP on ALL their once-hallowed social issues!

You endanger our improbable political fortune with this short sighted irk-fest.

Progressives . . . Seriously!?

Ok So great:

You make so much of a fuss that the SuperPac is forced, due to negative publicity YOU started, and helped the Right to fan, to give back HALF of the February earnings . . . and then other like minded personalities, who are in Maher's 'couthe' range, shy away from the PAC for fear of being subjected to good old liberal piousness . . . And then WE GET CREAMED IN THE FALL!!!

Folks they have too much money at their disposal and your indignant habits are robbing us of the means to fight back, in one of the most effective ways: negative ad for negative ad.

For example they have HORDES of folks they are actually PAYING at MORE than minimum wage to 'troll', infiltrate and cause mischief WHEREVER there are liberal or progressives sites, pages or online communities and publications. They are paying folks to skew any open poll that is online in any possible platform or site. They have 'handlers' and meetings to manage and craft strategy and verbiage!

For example, they have already spent more than a quarter of a billion dollars LYING to the public about the AHCA . . . when we have spent barely 56 million on defense of it! And that is just ONE issue!

For example Rove pledges to spend 250 million and the Koch's 100 Million.

And the above examples are FAR from exhaustive and doesn't begin to detail the avenues and levels that the Right is using untold sums of money to win this fall!

They'll blanket the public with pure lies because they CAN! The Press will let them shovel and dump their political out houses on your brain . . . because the excessive ad revenue and the ratings from the appearances . . . mean HUGE profits.

They'll do it because they have tons of money.

We might loose because we don't have nearly the enough money to counter them.

Your whining will take money out of our coffers and KEEP it out . . . and we then could lose!

And then, like I said before you'll bitch!"

So sorry fuck that.

I'll swallow a little, extremely rare hypocrisy . . . if it means we'll be prepared to counter these greedy, sociopathic oligarchs, whose obsession with the death of the common man's dignity and upward mobility is the source of constant hard-ons and wet dreams!

Liberals WAKE THE EFF UP!!

Stop Looking the Gift Horse . . . In the Mouth!

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