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Sunday, January 8, 2012

On Racism . . .

As a Black Man ... I have absolutely been horrified at the level of blatant racial dog whistling ... and even out right racism that has come from the Right ever since Obama announced his candidacy and it has gotten worse!

The GOP used to 'Dog Whistle' but they used to 'take care' to mask it so that you couldn't directly look at what they said and accuse them of this 'societal mental scourge'. Now it's in almost every single attack they level at Obama, his family, and yes [Eric] Holder too!

Frankly Obama has been a rock in this hailstorm of pure hate. I don't know how he does it; I've been driven to a type of anger over the GOP racial antics too many times than I want to remember. So much so I've started to become 'desensitized' for my health to it ... and that is a shame.

And I'm not alone: I have Hispanic, Asian, Indian, Middle Eastern as well as other blacks from all nationalities who feel the exact same way! Are we all 'just hyper-sensitive'?

I'll throw one little 'rib' your way: [Eric Holder] coming out like this on this issue in his position was a bit imprudent politically,  but, honestly, he does have a point.

Another thing, too, is the permissive 'evolution' of 'hate conduction' in the Press for ratings. The press allows it because it makes money; the outrage bumps up profits.

But, for someone like me: It's an impugning, constant reminder: 

'We do not consider you our equal, you are beneath us.' 

Now some may want to parse it case by case, but the trend is unmistakable. The GOP have fully and unapologetically endorsed the Dog Whistle as part of their political offensive repertoire.

For THAT REASON ALONE ... Personally, and many people of color feel the same way, I CANNOT entertain supporting a Republican until the entire party platform retires these sort of tactics irrevocably and has a 100% retaliatory consequence for ANY of their leadership or personalities that engage in that sort of drivel!

Democrats get accused of being sexist or a sexual misdeed of any level - they resign forthwith. If they don't want to, the leadership forces them to. I may not have agreed with every case . . . but it establishes a certain ethical and moral standard.

But a GOP state Senator can call Nikki Haley and Pres. Obama a 'Raghead' ... and he STILL HAS HIS JOB!?!? The leadership didn't force him to do anything.

[Eric] Holder 'cracked' a little I think under the avalanche of really largely irrational, offensive, intransigent opposition and criticism that has been 'laced' with a sort of insipid, nasty, deeply-personal 'dig' at what you were born being, your entire self identity.

Pres. Obama is a stronger man than [Eric] Holder, but Holder isn't full of it. The Republican Party these days has a problem dealing with the issues 'straight up'; they must infuse it with some sort of deeply emotional distraction or divisive issue to gain any sort of political traction or advantage.

And that's a shame!

See the recent brain farts of The Newt and Santorum's 'selfless' declaration of what he wants for quote: 'Blah People' . . . just for a start.

There is a definition of racism which I think most folks aren't aware of. And it has to do with what ethnic group or racial group has 'real' control of the levers of said society.

Blacks can display racial prejudice, but not 'racism'. Racism embodies the above, but, and this is important, . . . 

". . . the collective group perpetrating the prejudice MUST have the means to realistically subjugate the collective well-being of the subject group in all possible ways, due to the fact that they control all the 'levers' of society and can and do control 'access' to the benefits that can be had by gainful 'participation' in said society."

Whites, for centuries in this country, have controlled and enjoyed certain benefits which were deliberately, socially, legally 'off limits' to Blacks and sometimes other non-whites due to certain 'prejudices' based on their race and or ethnicity.

Racism involves the party 'impugning' the Prejudice to have the wherewithal to negatively affect the well being of the party as a group, who are the subject of this malignment. Racism is about real-world power or possible power over those you choose to 'hate' or 'dislike'.

Prejudice is a common thing.  Racism has an element of real world power to it

For instance:  

The Moors in their heyday would have been 'racist' in any prejudice they had towards their European 'charges' because they ruled over them and controlled 'access to success' in the society back then.

Moors were Black, Europeans were/are Caucasian or White.

Nowadays things are reversed.

Folks don't like to be accused of such a thing particularly if you're White. And that's good that there is such an aversion, but this is part of the 'debt' that later generations must 'pay' for what their ancestors did. And, only through honest airing out of this issue can this be really dealt with.

But, one thing is still certain, and it's direct result of what their forebears did: Whites today still enjoy certain advantages and access that other ethnic groups are pained to enjoy easily. For that reason, any prejudice by Whites today against other groups who do not enjoy their 'perks' with the same 'ease' or 'unencumberment' is aptly called racism; the reverse should be called prejudice.

We can debate this all day, . . . but think about it.

And frankly I'm a little pissed.  Many folks of color are pissed

The reason why is because . . . the GOP have stopped giving me ANY 'room' for any other conclusion BUT the race one with their attacks over the past few years . . . and it's so taxing, tiring and depressing, just reading, watching, listening to it!

When you hear yet another attack of that sort, you parse it, find no other conclusion, no matter how hard you look and try . . . this heavy, sinking feeling comes over you and you feel sort of physically 'sick' with the anger that wells up as shortly after you've been 'assaulted' . . .

"Not again with this . . .!?"

I LOATHE the Right at this point . . . I loathe them for disrespecting me as a person, disrespecting my intelligence and damn them for making 'what I was born being' some craven negative in so many ways . . . in this day and age!

I may like what you might say on one front or the other . . . but if you don't quit this racial 'stuff' or visibly admonish strongly when it is done by your fellow party member, by your supporters or in your name . . . I can't deal with you . . .

I still remember that time in 2008 when this woman was all scared of Obama that he was an Arab . . . and McCain set her straight, even though he got booed and was excoriated by his party pundits for it . . . he never walked it back. And I commend him for it.

I miss THAT type of Republican . . . that at LEAST has some sort of boundary they wouldn't cross . . . where have they gone!?


  1. Unfortunately, the reasonable republicans are going the way of the dodo. I loved Mccain in that moment. I admired him. He acted with class and that can not be learned.

    Excellent post.
