The Economy is recovering but it is still bad.
When it is so . . . the incumbent(Which is presently Obama) normally get's the boot.
The alternative, who are good at messaging and making noise, are the fucking 'Gestapo'.
The Gestapo is not good for ANY of us . . . especially the 'upset at Obama liberals'. The Gestapo will be FAR WORSE than Obama.
All this criticism directed at the President in PARTICULAR from his 'base' confuses the less politically inclined . . . and a month long, feel-good, 'pitch' by the Gestapo is enough to make them 'take a chance with Them' because . . . The Economy is Bad and the Incumbent takes the hit normally.
The problem too . . . is that the less politically inclined, or Independents have a higher % turnout rate then the 'mad at Obama Liberals' and have ALWAYS 'decided' the Presidents for the last few decades because of it.
Remember: Gestapo MUST NOT WIN!
Remember: Vocal, vituperative criticism from Obama's base pushes away Independents from him (Economy is Bad and incumbent will take the blame!) and towards the Gestapo!
Why would you 'help' the Gestapo in ANY way?
Is having the actions of Your president 'perfectly'(or close as possible) match your rhetoric in terms of policy . . . MORE important than STOPPING the Gestapo . . . or isn't it?
THAT is the question you must decide My fellow Liberals . . . when DO you choose . . . and when do you do your part to thwart the far greater, looming evil that WILL take over, due to your inability to close ranks??
DO you want Romney in??
Be honest: HAS Obama run the country like a Republican the way some of you have been saying . . . can you honestly say that?
Yes he made 'sausage' . . . but that is what Politicians do.
He NEVER was a Liberal Candidate . . . although many liberals forced him into that perceptional box.
"He didn't do what he said! He had that majority!"
. . . but he is NOT a King, Republicans were intransigently against him and even their own ideas JUST to counter him (I don't think he thought it would be that bad!)!
. . . AND we had too many conservative Democrats in the Senate and House, that were NEVER with the Party Platform, that leveraged their support in exchange for out right killing of certain proposals and watering down of others . . .
Is that a fair use of your Rage, my fellow Liberals . . . given what the facts were?
You have to ask yourself: DO You WANT Romney/Republicans running the show doing the SAME SHIT they did previously that caused this whole mess?
Yes he made 'sausage' . . . but that is what Politicians do.
He NEVER was a Liberal Candidate . . . although many liberals forced him into that perceptional box.
"He didn't do what he said! He had that majority!"
. . . but he is NOT a King, Republicans were intransigently against him and even their own ideas JUST to counter him (I don't think he thought it would be that bad!)!
. . . AND we had too many conservative Democrats in the Senate and House, that were NEVER with the Party Platform, that leveraged their support in exchange for out right killing of certain proposals and watering down of others . . .
Is that a fair use of your Rage, my fellow Liberals . . . given what the facts were?
You have to ask yourself: DO You WANT Romney/Republicans running the show doing the SAME SHIT they did previously that caused this whole mess?
Can you honestly keep calling Obama "Obamney" . . . seriously!? You know that isn't true.
Can you really say that Obama is 'just like Bush!'?? You know that isn't true either.
Obama may have been a disappointment in terms of the depth of change we wanted and the degree things have been affected in some arenas . . . but CAN YOU SAY that he has NOT been moving in the 'Direction' he promised!?
I declare confidently that he HAS!! It isn't a perfect run . . . but he IS in the net positive realm by A LOT!
Romney does NOT represent that . . . ONE BIT!
Can you really say that Obama is 'just like Bush!'?? You know that isn't true either.
Obama may have been a disappointment in terms of the depth of change we wanted and the degree things have been affected in some arenas . . . but CAN YOU SAY that he has NOT been moving in the 'Direction' he promised!?
I declare confidently that he HAS!! It isn't a perfect run . . . but he IS in the net positive realm by A LOT!
Romney does NOT represent that . . . ONE BIT!
And you know what is so TRAGIC about all this Liberal Rage:
Obama, personally will, for the rest of his life, be 'fine' . . . while Romney treats the rest of us out here like variables on a business spreadsheet . . . like assets and nameless, faceless costs . . . to be manipulated, liquidated dispassionately towards the 'Company's Ends' . . . which are really his Koch and other Oligarchs who funded his campaign and PACS . . . NOT YOU!! NOT if you cash a paycheck or work for a wage/hour . . .!
The Republicans have us figured out and although they won't ever say this here is what I imagine is their 'calculation:
Possible President Romney:
"We have to keep the Shareholders happy . . . but we are bleeding too much money. Well these people don't vote and don't have any financial power to marshal or harness that will 'hurt' us . . . so cut all these 'entitlement programs' and stuff. Their 'rage and noise' is nothing we can't whether . . . WE know best, and the 'Company' must be kept at this level . . . no matter what! They're entitled to it! These 'little folks' . . . seriously: What are they gonna do, huh? Absolutely nothing!"
"We have to keep the Shareholders happy . . . but we are bleeding too much money. Well these people don't vote and don't have any financial power to marshal or harness that will 'hurt' us . . . so cut all these 'entitlement programs' and stuff. Their 'rage and noise' is nothing we can't whether . . . WE know best, and the 'Company' must be kept at this level . . . no matter what! They're entitled to it! These 'little folks' . . . seriously: What are they gonna do, huh? Absolutely nothing!"
We have some important Choices to make Liberals:
A) Is the country going down the tubes irrevocably for the next 2-3 generations, worth the 'nascent', immediate gratification gained by vociferously 'clearing of your chest' almost schizophrenically, when there is even a 'hint' of deviation or less than 'standard' adherence Liberal Orthodoxy?
B) Or is it worth a 'muted grumbling' 'for now' in 'trusted circles', and working towards a gradual and more final addressing of grievances, by electing a truly personally-complicit congress for the next two election cycles . . . so the President has NO CHOICE but very Progressive policies??
A or B: Decide Liberals!
Speak your mind within 'closed' All Liberal circles . . . criticize a little even . . . but we should NOT go on the Public airwaves and Loudly tear Obama down, with all this fire and brimstone, the way some of us have been doing . . . it's counter productive and it's short sighted as hell, immaturely reactionary and provides tons of source material for the Republican Opposition. You DO NOT EVER get perfection in policy and in your chosen candidate when they win or start to govern . . . STOP EXPECTING IT!
WHY do that to yourself . . . and your country?
The differences between the two has never been close in my book. The core of Obama is strong and built from the gut up. His mother and grands helped to lay a base that was solid and full of what the world is really made of, Diversity. The very thing the Wicked Right fears and tries so hard to smother, cover and divide. RMoney is so far from diversity he can't even spit and come close. Anyone who can't see the day and night between the two men, might want to have their Gut monitor checked or calibrated...imho