"The economy is not doing well . . .!
(montage of stock market images, worried investors)
Jobs are hard to come by . . . But . . . Is your government really working on your behalf?
We've been here before . . . And government stepped in. This was back in the great depression . . .
(old film footage/pictures of new deal construction work, happy smiling workers)

It is when we got our national highway network, dams, national power grid, national rail lines . . . These provided hundreds of thousands of jobs for Americans at a time when we most needed it. Government worked for you . . . And can again.
The time is right for it now.
Our roads and bridges, tunnels desperately need repair, we need new types of infrastructure to compete globally - high speed rail, national high speed broadband networks, alternative energy collection.
(show montage of cracks in in roads, rusty bridges, bad cracks in concrete fly-overs, etc)
These undertakings produce jobs . . . Jobs right here, and with the economy being as it is, sorely needed jobs. These undertakings provide demand that drives the economy.
Well there's good news:
(replay montage during this sentence and audio of Obama talking about high speed rail, and other alternative projects)
. . . projects have been proposed, researched and ready to go but . . .
(change music - foreboding)
Inexplicably Republicans have stopped many of these projects cold.
(show montage of Rick Scott, Scott walker, Gov Christie, McConnell, other governors and Senators who've filibustered jobs bills and legislation)
Yes your governor, congressman, senator, state legislature has stopped many of these projects. Some projects have been desperately needed - here are a few examples.
(List the prospective high speed rail projects, the states they would have been in, the amount of jobs that would have been created and who is responsible stress "republican")
(List the tunnel and bridge projects that were stopped, the states and the number of jobs affected, name the responsible party)
It seems that Republicans are against you getting an opportunity to provide for your family and give Americans a break from the doldrums of this present depression.
This year we decide who we want to take our country into the future . . . Do we want a party that has repeatedly demonstrated they are against families obtaining high paying, long term work on infrastructure that we desperately need . . .?
(quick montage of GOP main figures with foreboding music during the above statement)
Or do we want a party that is prepared and ready to put you and yours to work towards america's competitive future?
(quick montage of President Obama and Joe Biden & happy smiling workers meeting them with uplifting, emoting music)
For the sake of what makes America great, to keep moving forward, for safe roads bridges and infrastructure . . . to win the future . . . Choose wisely"
This is the truth. However dramatic I put it above . . . it IS the Truth and has been so from the very START of the Obama Presidency.
The GOP are and have been deliberately stopping all economic progress because they think that they'll be able to blame Obama for the slow or lack of progress on the economy . . . when in fact they are the ones that are more responsible .
They are hopping that you will reward their intransigence with more power.
They are hoping that you'll forget who really caused it.
And frankly they have good reason to believe their gambit will pay off. You been doing it for decades . . . Even as recently as 2010.
Will you just blindly capitulate to 'The Other Guy' because right now things aren't the best?
Will you actually take the time to examine Romney and the GOP? Will you let Romney 'coast' all the way to the White House by basically saying "I'm not Obama! Vote for Me!" For crying out loud . . . do you REALLY KNOW what he stands for? Any affirmatives??
I sincerely hope you will not just get whipped-up with the anti-Obama furor . . . and look at what the specific policies are, and how they relate to you.
The country can no longer afford the perennial, national, political amnesia of the American voter.
I just love the last sentence! Political amnesia! Yes indeed!