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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Time For "SEAL Team Six"

Gallup came out with some new polls that show Romney and President Obama neck and neck, some with the former ahead.  Now some of you politicos out there might be fuming right now about what and where did they poll.

"Did they not SEE this Primary!?"

You might have a point in terms of sample size, locations drawn from and the ideological bent of the polling company.  But most likely . . . the results are PRECISELY what IS going on across the country.

People by and large have NOT been paying attention to the GOP primary(which has been a generational Truth) . . . and that is what is saving Romney.  And when the Democrats attempt to use the GOP Primary Misdeeds against Romney and the GOP, politically unsophisticated, regular folks are gonna just say . . .

"Oh that's the regular mudslinging they do.  Doubt if much of it is true."

Hence the guy that said the etch a sketch comment is correct: He KNOWS how regular Americans are politically. I think there was a poll that also said that 53% would be willing to give Romney a second look.

After this primary season they are STILL willing to do this?

The combination of the above AND the persistently bad economy make the insanity of choosing Romney possible.

"He can say what he wants.  I still don't have a job.  And he promised to fix it and he hasn't yet.  So maybe I'll go with somebody else.  The recovery hasn't happened for me."

That is what they are saying in the middle of the country.

Those of us that follow inside the beltway politics know that's a hugely unfair statement, but for the 'Man on the Street' who, let's face it, just does NOT and probably will never and frankly does not CARE to 'get into the weeds' of this, . . . it IS their reality!

A well-oiled messaging/noise machine(which the GOP definitely have!) can exploit and amp this sentiment up . . . making it a potent, incumbent-killing political 'toxin'.  If it is referendum solely on how well Obama has done with NO examination of what the GOP want to do instead . . . President Obama will lose.  That is what the GOP want and that is their plan.  They don't want to be examined or to be in focus; they only want the attention and scrutiny on Obama. 

That is why Romney deliberately is NOT going to release his tax returns, and is giving very limited interviews, if any, with 'decent media' or possibly 'thorough media', that is likely to ask these 'troubling questions' that put the focus on Romney AND the policies of the GOP.  They only talk to FOX and other Right Wing outlets that will tow the line of that strategy - Keep firing at Obama.

AND Romney and the GOP have so much money they can effectively bludgeon the nation into to looking at the election in ONLY this way.

The GOP KNOW the mentality of the rather unsophisticated, low-information, political ineptitude 'fused into' majority of the voting citizenry.

The Democrats, shockingly, have been, and still are, appealing to what I call a sort of mythical quality of collective public astuteness politically, their rationality and an ability (and intellectual curiosity) to suss out facts for themselves and not just believe what thy see and hear on all the media they consume daily.

It's mythical becuase life is and has been so hard (due to decades of bad conservative policy and deliberate retardation of the recovery, as well as, exacerbation of the suffering in this economy for political benefit by the GOP) . . . that people don't have the time (they think) or the mental energy necessary to do that.  

They inherently trust the "TV".  Thank folks like Walter Kronkite and Edward R. Murrow for that 'trust' precedent.  The thing is that sort of 'constitutionally-aspirant objectivity' no longer exists . . . it runs counter to the current business model: 

"Ratings first and foremost, if Truth get's in there, lovely!  But it shall NEVER jeopardize the former!"

And messaging on TV nowadays needs to be short and cropped.  Nuance and Perspective, that come with the Truth, doesn't lend itself to that sort 'translation.'

But lies, misinformation, and deception do.

The Democrats political chances have, most of the time, including now, hinge on the Truth getting out there and being correctly imbibed by the masses . . . which might be an advantage, because very little spin is necessary.  However, if you can't get it out in a nice little 'pill' and you severely lack an ideologically-friendly 'infrastructure' of media(contrary to the decades-old charge from the Right about it!) that the Right has presently . . . then you're up shit's creek!

That is the Problem the Democrats face.

With Citizens United Hurricane's 'landfall', the key is Money . . . which the Left hasn't been able to match yet.

Another problem: While the other side has nothing they value other than winning . . . HOW the victory is attained still matters to the Left.

And that is a weakness the Right has been exploiting for decades.

Yeah your soul is pure in that you fought 'honorably' . . . but what comfort is that when, because you lost, these folk are wonatonly pillaging the country!?  Martyrs are only remembered when they eventually achieve victory in the end . . . 

The Democratic SuperPAC's are languishing because we are busy grousing that they even were allowed.  Newsflash: You need to win so you can get the opportunity to change it back to what you want!  

The Democrats need to beat the GOP at their game and they can . . . but they need to go all in to win; no more skinny-dipping on this.  Go off on them . . . And be unapologetic about it . . . let's dub it the 'Bill Maher/Michael Moore Stratagem'

They carpet bomb . . . you do 'Shock and Awe' with the Truth about the other side.

The President CAN'T do all the negativity that is an ABSOLUTE NECESSITY this time around.  He HAS TO be focused on a positive vision FOR the country - He IS the President.  

But Political Mercenary 'Wet Work' NEEDS to be done . . . and only SuperPAC's can step into that role.  Use the Right's 'invention' to destroy Them and their Brand . . . so that even they might welcome a chance for real reform later.

Truth be told the Left potentially have more 'ammo' they can use on the Right than the other way around.

Use the present law to 'purchase' a better and bigger gun.

It's not selling out as Feingold and others may contend . . . it's the ultimate in patriotism.  

Think SEAL Team Six taking out Bin Laden: 

The path getting there ruffled some feathers here and internationally . . . but seriously who's really 'sorry' that Bin Laden is no longer here?

The evidence against the Right about the the damage they've wrought on the citizenry and the very IDEA of this country . . . is staggering!  But yet they survive . . . and actually the Public perennially and consistently go all 'Oliver Twist' asking for "More . . . Please?"

The scale of the mass self-harm that large swaths of this country do by their political choices over and over again, is a potential death knell to this country, if it isn't aggressively checked from going any further.  The Truth needs to get out there desperately and there is no more time for gallantry when fighting this sort of enemy.

Again: Take SEAL Team Six for your inspiration . . . they just get the Job done . . . and they do so no matter where the enemy goes or hides.

They go get them.

It's about time for Democrats . . . to deploy elite troops to storm Rove and Crew's Compound . . . who have been sitting, hiding openly in plain Societal Sight . . .!

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