It's Racist . . . Period.
McCain was involved in a 'shiny'(The 'Bored Press' can't help but cover it) Twitter feud when he quipped about, the monkey Iran sent into space and Ahmadinejad's expressed desire to be an astronaut in the future.
He 'zinged' that he thought they already sent a Monkey into space.
A middle eastern Republican took exception to the blatant racism of the statement and told him to knock it off.
He later defended his tweet as did many others:
"But it's Ahmadinejad . . .! You want to defend him!??"
. . . or something like that.
Should McCain get a 'pass' because of 'who it is' . . . or a White Man making 'Monkey Jokes' about a 'Brown Person' was, at the very least, 'impolitic' and daftly racist, IN SPITE OF Who the the 'butt' of the Joke is?
Which camp are You?
Let me explain where I stand:
No Pass for 'The Maverick'.
Just look at this viral pic that has popped up among others because of his statement . . . the 'whistle' has been 'heard' . . . and this is just the tip of the iceberg where this is concerned.
Some folks are willing to give McCain a pass because its Ahmadinejad.
But those SAME folks will say that if it was someone else they'd give him grief.
The ludicrousness of that position is paramount: Wrong is Wrong is WRONG!
Yes he's an antagonist, with delusions of grandeur and despotic proclivities . . . but he's 'Brown'.
White Folks aren't allowed to make Monkey Jokes about Brown Folks anymore in the 'Polite Public'.
It's that simple.
There were also a 'portraits' of the Obama's as apes as well . . .
Do you find these 'funny' too McCain??
I imagine he would have said 'No!' to these . . . but I can almost GUARANTEE that some of the Tea Party Activists in the House and other places would say:
"But it's Obama . . .! You want to defend him!??"
The Act of 'excusing' the racism because of 'who it is' is a violent affront to all that is decent in a society aspiring to overcome a history steeped in racism and the violent tragedies that precipitated from it. It's too 'subjective' a parameter to be even allowed.
Furthermore, as the adopted father of a child of color McCain should be highly sensitive to this sort of 'humor', as it was used SAVAGELY against him in the 2000 election by Karl Rove and crew.
Just like White Folks aren't allowed to call another Black Person the N-word . . . even in the way Blacks use it among themselves as a term of 'affection' . . . this 'monkey business' is in the same vein of interracial 'Taboo'.
Look at it like the penance to be paid to 'earn' the generations of White Privilege they perpetually enjoy like the air that is breathed.
Sounds a little harsh, but it isn't.
No Ill will to my White Friends but you 'cash that check' every time, everywhere, all the time, and thanks to your forebears, you CAN'T NOT use it: Society, our dominant culture and institutions, etc are ‘programmed’ to apply this 'line of credit' whenever you 'make a purchase', triggered by a the visual cue of your skin tone.
It's just an inconvenient truth you need to start accepting and recognizing.
Don't believe me?
Why must you 'watch what you say' if things are 'all better'? The fact that so many brown folks don't think so and you haven't seen it . . . means you have the 'option' to NOT see or feel this 'reality' of life for those who are non-White.
That 'choice' of obliviousness or humanely and being intelligently aware/astute(as most are) about the state of race relations in the larger world around you . . . IS the 'Privilege' I'm talking about.
No other ethnic group can 'enjoy', at a whim, for expediency or 'innocence' such a duality of consciousness.
Sorry . . . No pass for McCain!
Not to mention the geopolitical 'slight' he just unwittingly leveled at a party that we have to DIRECTLY negotiate with!
But let's 'stay home' with this one . . .
There's a Larger Problem . . .
The racism of this, although its the most vituperative portion of this unfortunate tiff, is only facilitated by a larger, systemic failure:
McCain, like many others, is spineless and is sucking up to the worst of the intelligentsia's dregs just to stay in office . . .
. . . so no 'Pass' for him.
This is indicative of a larger issue in our society . . . most nascently exemplified by our political system.
The problem with our politics today is that folks who are admittedly and proudly ignorant and profoundly intellectually incurious . . . think they are equal to and in fact better than say a college-educated, well-read, intellectually always curious professional that decides to run for office!
Note: NOT saying you're a better 'person' because you have more education. But you are definitely better suited even IF YOU ONLY HAVE THE INTELLECTUAL CURIOSITY ABOUT ALL THINGS!!
That for me is the BASE qualification in running for congress!
That curiosity will guarantee that you will take the time to inform yourself of relevant facts if you don't know them, so you will make a good decision with votes and legislation you decide to sponsor and write.
If you think you know it all and think the Bible is where it starts and ends and discount all other arguably 'products from God', like SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY(Man came up with those and Man comes from God, according to your Holy Books, right? So why the aversion to evolution and other aspects of science and technology??) . . . then do the country a favor and stay the f@&$ out of office!
But we went away from that base standard . . . and now we have MORONS like the Tea Party killing the idea of this country due to a pure unapologetic, anti-intellectualism and smug, proud ignorance. Racists and racism are now 'en vogue' . . . and Senators like McCain, who should know better, make stupid statements like this 'Monkey Joke', are damned sure he will receive no blowback from his constituents and the media!
He knows he'll keep his seat because nothing extraordinary or any sort of leadership is required of him.
And that's how far we've fallen as a society frankly . . .
The point is this:
How are you supposed to uplift and improve my district or state, when you, as your standard, 'modus operandi', preclude yourself, by intellectual stance, religious-dogmatism, and sheer perpetual, masturbatory, self-sustaining IGNORANCE . . . are unable to process what a basic fact is, let alone have ANY sort of prescient agenda for the improvement of your constituents' lives!?
The Debt Ceiling debacle(s)
The insistence on imposition of religious law on the country(Read: “Abortion”)
The blatant, constant performing of social and economic ‘fellatio’ on the Wealthy and the Powerful(“Job Creators!” . . . NOT!)
. . . just to start, exemplify how sick our politics and society have become.
I want to go back.
Back to when we admired the person with the expansive vocabulary, that knew how to write and speak, utilizing the same impressive lexicon.
Back to the Rep or Senator who has a thirst for knowledge, good heart and has the capacity to realize when they are hurting their constituents and the country when facts and situations present themselves . . . and walk away from time to time, from expedient party politics.
A Representative used to 'represent' the best of us in a district, state, or the country.
That doesn't exist in congress for the most part anymore . . .
No Pass for You McCain!
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