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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Memories Of 2012 Election Season: "To Be A Fly on Romney's Wall . . .!"

This the Second in a Series of Writings from wherever I've 'tread' online like Facebook and other places like Blogs and post threads that I'm 'preserving' on this blog.

So I hope you enjoy . . . and shudder with relief . . . as you reminisce here with me . . .

To Be a Fly on Romney's Wall . . .!

This one was written right after the first debate but is 'timed' to have happened JUST before the first Presidential debate in Denver, Colorado . . .


"El Hombre que le gusta La Lei que se llaman 'papeles primeros' va a quedar en ese cuarto . . .!"
"Claro? Ojala que no ganaron en Noviembre . . .!"

. . . So goes the conversation between two hotel staff who were cleaning one of the rooms that Romney and entourage would be staying in, during the run up to the First Debate in Denver, Colorado.

As they grouse and talk politics, a fly makes its way into the room and starts to buzz about the head of one of the women. She promptly curses at the insect and swats. It easily avoids the 'attack' and alights on a wall close to the kitchen/sitting room.

Within a few minutes the women complete their tasks and make to leave. The women open the door of the room pushing their cleaning buckets and other supplies out. The fly, sensing the fresh influx of air, takes off hoping to make it out of the room . . . but the door closes just a few seconds before it can make it there.

It is trapped.

It finds a morsel of stale food in the far corner of the kitchen corner near the coffee pot and starts to feed.

An hour later the fly is again disturbed by the wafting-in of new air, as the hotel room door opens and a group of men come in.

Stickers and pins identify them as the Romney folks the women were talking about earlier.

This arthropod is in for a treat because Romney is with them today. They all settle in and then Romney starts to speak . . .

"We're in danger of not closing this deal. Look: NONE of the Republican Party positions are popular . . . but the President's are.

Lets obfuscate and blur the lines between Him and us . . .

. . . and Lie-away the rest!

The media won't dare challenge our veracity too much, because our well-heeled, shadow donors will starve their network for ad dollars that they desperately need for their 4th quarter projections.

And let's face it: The American public, by and large the working class voter are simply so low information, plus we've been priming the racial subtext for so long, they will have no 'instantaneous sense' of the lie - which is what matters; the initial statement gets the big headlines, the correction or fact check not so much; most wont even see it - . . . their resentment of the Black Guy, plus the incredulity and shock of whatever we will say will cause an emotional response . . . That SHOULD work in our favor.

The Public wont trust any media outlet that tries to correct us either: we have WON that subconscious interment of the "Liberal Media" trope in the minds of the Average Joe over the decades.

The Public unbelievably thinks of the Presidency as a monarchy . . . and our buddies in the Senate and House have made the 'king' seem quite inept(with the blocks, watering-downs, and slow downs we've been able to do at the national level, and outright thwarting and countering at the state level) . . . especially with the unrealistic expectations for recovery, our operatives have successfully gotten the media to pass on to the Public, which they have largely accepted.

We DO NOT need to offer any specifics . . . just make it sound 'reasonable', never mind what we have on our website or what we said during the primary.


It's all part of that low information epidemic, we talked about earlier: they won't truly understand what we're saying, they're largely so unsophisticated they wont bother looking back at recent history . . . they'll just go with what they heard us say the last few weeks . . . which 'sounds reasonable'"

They chuckle and laugh at this, with high fives and back pats all around.

"I'm saying guys why not?

a ) We said we weren't releasing any more taxes . . . and the polls tell us they've let us get away with it! Even the Press, forever needing a 'new shiny object' have been forced to leave us alone.

b) We STILL have not offered any true details on what we would do specifically to fix the economy . . . and this race is tight as hell! Some polls nationally have me up over the President by significant margins when it comes to economy.

That is rich!

We're over him for offering nothing?? You've gotta love the dumb members of the 47% that are actually still supporting us.

Oops we're not supposed to talk like that right? My Bad: I'm for the 100% . . . NOT!"

They again chuckle and laugh with much sarcasm and contempt.

"When I get up on the stump and I say I love America . . . In this regard: I'm not lying", says Romney, smiling smugly and ironically.

"I love how totally 'trusting', gullible and ignorant the Public is. We've also done a damned good job over the years of destroying the education system and corrupting the 4th Estate too . . . which culminates with my candidacy: I'm LITERALLY about to be elected with the proverbial 'smoke and mirrors' campaign!
It's like the derivative boom in the 2000's, that I did so well with by the way, based off of nothing, but backed with real money . . . but the 'commodity' I'm betting against this time is . . . The Intellectual integrity and the self-preservation quotient of the Public.

And my bet is about to pay off . . . hopefully"

Again Laughter and then a pop is heard as champagne cork is released, followed by fizzing and the clink of champagne flutes . . .

"To Victory . . . the rightful restoration of the Most Deserving to Power!"

Another of his entourage chimes in . . .

"The Liberals all over Facebook love posting this 'quote' by Asimov and the rise of Anti-intellectualism. I say, give Isaac the finger: We love our Americans JUST like that . . .!"

Again much laughter and some unintelligible grunts of what can only be described as being in agreement.

One of the men makes his way to the door with a pack of cigarettes in hand and opens it. He gets called back by the group by a question asked. He leaves the door cracked as a result of his distraction.

The Fly takes off, flies through the slightly open door, makes it's way down the hallway, through the lobby . . . and out the front door.

A block or so later, it lands on the immobile form of a dozing, destitute, Iraq War veteran with PTSD and other mental issues and begins to feed on his feces-stained pants.

Romney and cadre exit a few minutes later and sees the prostrate man, snoring away, his now soiled medals visible on his similarly-soiled, army-issued jacket.

"We need to pay respect to our veterans . . .! Anyone got . . . 47cents . . .?"

They all roar with laughter as the pennies, dimes and nickels come flying towards the veteran's cup, most of them missing the mark . . .

The Fly, momentarily disturbed hovers over the man . . . but then returns to its 'feast' . . .
Yes this is a made up scenario . . . but from what you've seen these past few years . . . would it surprise you?

I suspect not . . . and THAT is precisely the problem.

So go do something about it on November 6th if this scenario unsettles you.

Have a good day . . .!

Update:  Seems like you all did your jobs . . . now please do not be hoodwinked like this ever again.  I can't take having folks like these almost running the country.

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