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Thursday, June 7, 2012

'Serf's . . . Up!"(!?)

This picture above was found by one of my friends to be 'funny'.  It is not in the least . . . it's very scary.

But it didn't have to happen.

This article aptly examines the nascent reasons why this happened . . . but this has been in the works for some time . . . for decades.

I feel like such a stuck record seeing the brutal demonstration of just how far we've fallen as a democracy, play out in Wisconsin.  

We truly have what I've called a Heavy Lift to undertake . . . one that we MUST do.

The GOP has been at this nationally for years. 

But Democrats have NOT been watching them, Democrats have NOT been trying to preempt them, NOT coming up with counter measures to fight them . . . only and always reacting AFTER the trap has been 'snapped shut'.

Citizens United, were we paying attention, could have been stopped in its tracks . . .!

Democrats have been too naive for years as to just what depth the GOP will go for nothing short of fascistic domination of our politics and our government.  Some will say that statement isn't fair . . . but we had glaring glimpses of the end game from since the time of Lee Atwater – Voter suppression, Southern Strategy, etc.  

The Democratic establishment scoffed at the notion years ago . . . and did nothing.

Instead they too 'accepted' 'favors' from this 'shadow class', actually becoming dependent on them for their well-being . . . So much so, they didn't fight back, with any real ferocity, when the first 'shot' rang out during the orchestrated Air Traffic Controllers Union destruction during Ronald Reagan's tenure.  This trend has continued ever since . . . causing a precipitous drop in union percentage of the workforce - 33% down to barely 11% now.

The corporate contributions to the Democrats were like ‘Smoke’ that pacifies ‘Bees’.

Democrats really thought they had favor with these business oligarchs . . . but their ‘team’ has always been the GOP.  The Democrats were simply distracted, silenced, divided, kept blind . . . while the traditional base and machinery of the Democratic party was gradually and systematically dismantled and destroyed over the decades . . . but the money that used to flow into democratic coffers effectively kept heads turned the other way . . . it was the opiate that caused visions of 'all's good!' among the Democratic leadership over the years.

Now the proverbial 'rug' has been pulled out from under the Democrats . . . and they are scrambling to grab hold of the strands of fabric as they disappear.

Enter Ed Rendell, Corey Booker, Harold Ford and even Bill Clinton . . . 'Grovelers Supreme', who 'cry':

"Wait!  Come back!  'He' didn't mean it!  Don't you love us anymore!?  I'll do the 'tricks' we used to do . . . see?  Come back!  Don't you love me?"

Tragically and sadly they NEVER did. 

Now we have to deal with this unbelievable avalanche of money from angry, shadowy, greedy, societally-sociopathic 'Good Old Boy's Club' billionaires and millionaires.

They've set this trap over decades and decades, hollowing out and taking control of all possible 'counters' to them - mainly the media.  They now control it . . . but the public believes that it is largely beholden to Democrats, due to this insidiously and brilliantly-crafted and deftly-inserted trope of the 'Liberal Media' into our popular culture.

And the Democrats seemed to have been oblivious to this long term set-up and trap springing . . .

The Democrats didn't see this: Still too 'drunk' on Plutocrat-Scented 'Smoke'.

Democrats are and have been playing on the Field the Republicans have built . . . and as such they are always at a disadvantage . . . actually from the start.

They're always playing defense . . .

They should have seen this coming . . . but is it too late?

I don't know . . . but if you watched Rachel Maddow last night . . . things are pretty dire.  Money seems to be able to overcome and override ALL hurdles, righteous, sane, humanitarian or otherwise.

Within my sphere of limited influence I'm going to fight . . . and that is all a singular person can do.  Possibly if we have enough time and enough 'fully awake' people doing the same . . . there's hope.  

But with the Press totally beholden and 'looking forward' to these ad dollars for their fourth quarter projections . . . we're in trouble.

The media conglomerates can't take huge sums of money to promote these politically-facile lies, but then aggressively do objective fact-checking during their news shows and news reports . . . (which is what is required, if the public is to be woken up to the pure evil the GOP are perpetrating on this country, the IDEA of this country, the constitution and it's spirit . . .!)  That would tantamount to them criticizing any other 'sponsor' to the point of hurting their 'sales' . . .  and still taking their money.

That doesn't make much 'business sense' to 'hurt' your 'sponsors' with anything your network does.

So frustrating, false-equivalencies abound . . . and 'editorial decisions' to NOT cover certain stories that counter the ‘thrust’ of the ads they taking money to air . . . or to deliberately NOT confront personalities from the ideological party that they are taking money from, when they lie or grossly misrepresent the reality of things, easily verifiable things . . . (I’ve taken sometimes less than five minutes on my smartphone find volumes of concrete fact to dispute the claims of many a Republican or Mitt Romney have made on various news shows or on Meet The Press . . . and in each instance the Reporter simply ‘moves on’ to the next question.)

The Media Corporations protect their 'bottom line' like all good corporations do or should do.

So when you examine the reality, the present, media, business model . . . we're in serious trouble.

The Fourth Estate has been taken over, property auctioned, the fields are burning . . . and all the former residents are in shackles . . . Being whipped to ribbons under pain of professional death . . . should they 'disobey'!

We need to fight . . . but the media consumption habits and culture of the public need to change.

We still trust subliminally too much what we see on The Tube.  The GOP has been flagrantly and cynically manipulating this, with much effect, for years.  We have been imbibing their 'toxins' and 'carcinogens', that ‘infirm’ the Masses with Lab-crafted definitions and associations of themselves and their political opponents, the Democrats or Liberals, all that time.  They've been released into the 'Societal Ventilation System' slowly and controlled over the decades; the gusts and thermals permeating through and saturating our Literary Archetypes, Cultural Mores and 'Productions' such as Movies, TV Sitcoms, Reality Shows, Commercials, Magazines and Novels . . .!  Now we're so 'sick' the world is watching in horror and incredulity at how we conduct ourselves . . . but we don’t realize that we are in fact almost fatally ill, in terms of our Democracy.

These aforementioned conditions, that strident denial, has led us to where we are now:  If Tuesday’s results were a harbinger of anything . . . it seems we've gleefully given them permission to plow us under.

It so surreal, macabre . . . watching this. 

It's like witnessing someone being mauled by some Beast, while they laugh, actually cheering the gnashing and ripping on . . . while happily giving, whatever body parts and limbs are still unspoiled, over to the Beast for its craven mutilation and consumption . . . shuddering as if in the throes of an orgasm as it shreds flesh and bone . . .!  The blood splatters everywhere, runs all over the ground in bright red streams, the coppery smell and heat forms a choking mist around the scene of the fracas . . . but the person doesn't care or even seem to notice . . . they inhale deeply, as if ‘sampling’ for the first time the new ‘Versace’ Cologne!

Yes that last paragraph was a bit ‘dramatic’ but that horror is what I experience, seeing year after year, term after term, observing ordinary, poor, working-class, middle class Americans . . . who keep voting for Republicans like this . . . 

Have we totally lost our sense of self-preservation?

I don't know . . . but we need to start acting like we still have some vestige of this supposedly natural 'instinct' . . . or else we'll be way past saving ourselves very soon.

If we don't get treatment and purge these political 'toxins' from  our systems, sear the 'cataracts' from our eyes . . . we're going to find ourselves in a fascistic utopia unparalleled in history, and way more advanced and sophisticated than anything Hitler or Mussolini could have dreamed . . . and almost impossible to destroy.

And as the waves break on our once-great shores  . . . the cry will be simply:

"Serf's Up!"

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