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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Schizophrenia . . . And Shades of W.E.B. DuBois

I feel, lately, like I've been standing tied up downwind, while all manner of bigoted incarnations past and present, even germinating forms of the future, are yelled full force into my face.

I'm drenched in the spittle of hateful rhetoric.

And it stinks to high hell.

There are media-permitted lies and swill lobbed at me with 24hr frequency, the incongruousness and disconnected angles they come from or are born of make me feel dizzy and a little schizophrenic at times . . . it's to the point where I'm no longer surprised, though.  That's a really sad development because it means I'm becoming numb at some level . . . something is dying.

My intellectual nimbleness (and that of the Public I might add) is being siphoned off by this colossal, juggernaut of a Conservative 'succubus' of a propaganda machine within the same media . . . I feel 'sluggish' . . . and it needs to stop.

Gingrich says and repeats the Food Stamp President 'charge' . . . and all I can do is 'sigh' and 'shrug'.

Santorum can say that he didn't want to give Black People 'somebody else's money' inferring falsely, again for the umpteenth time that Blacks love or are inseparable from welfare and the like . . . and again I can do nothing but groan and shake my head.

It's insipid and really offensive, but I fear that Americans are being desensitized to the point where they may not punish, politically, these 'Hatemongers 2.0' . . . and thereby qualifying it as 'just part of the game' . . . where there are no boundaries.

I'll pick one particularly odious occurrence and dissect it for what it says and means . . .

Trump made it very clear recently that even Obama's educational bonafides are not 'possible' . . . because of what?

Oh yeah:

No black guy could have achieved what he did because Trump's well connected and wealthy friends' spawn couldn't or didn't!?

Because YOU, a White, Uber-privileged, person with the MOTHER of all 'gold spoons' in his mouth couldn't!?


Translation . . . and forgive the bluntness but:

"No Nigger can outperform a White Man . . . Especially coming from certain circumstances. They don't have it in them. He MUST have been the ultimate 'charity' case, an 'Affirmative Action' Junkie!"

The same argument has been used against Blacks SO many times over the years to keep them OUT of so many positions in this society:

A Quarterback in the NFL




Political Leaders and City or State Executives

A Drivers License

I could go on . . . But the cruks of the point is that Blacks were told or 'intimated to', not all that subtly, that they 'inherently' did NOT have 'the stuff' to do what it takes, from all areas in their lives . . . Even in the church!

W. E. B. DuBois spoke about the duality of the Black in his book 'The Souls of Black Folk'. I'm paraphrasing here but it deals with two distinct 'personalities' or 'realities', that are intrinsically antithetical and that effervescently react with, 'war' with each other within the single mind and body of the Black Person in this society. This strange 'equilibrium' constantly keeps the 'threat' of one 'personality' or the other extinguishing it's rival, which would and could result in the demise, in one form or another, of the housing person . . .


Because as a result of our existence these last few centuries BOTH of these seemingly paradoxical identities have become actually 'necessary' in our 'polite' society for the Black to even function:

The Non-Threatening Black

This persona is one that Blacks had to 'wear' on the outside, that was very complex and dangerously had the potential of totally consuming a 'less vigilant person'; an extremely pervasive identity that was vigorously 'fed', encouraged, 'nurtured' by surrounding society. Sometimes violently. This 'identity' became inseparable from the quest for sheer physical survival at so many junctures in our history. It's role served to keep the ruling class (whites) at ease, reassuring them that their deeply, ignorant, prejudicial cubicle they have interred the Negro into was in fact 'justified'. But swift, adverse 'correction' was enacted, however, if there was a hint of 'unsanctioned' self pride. In fact: History proves that the better a Black performs in this 'role' they would quite possibly reap tangible, real-world rewards for it!

The Regular Sentient Human

This 'identity' is one that each 'unfortunate' black child was born with: a natural love of self, sense of survival, a respect for oneself . . . the ability to dream about what they want for their lives and the staunch will to make it happen no matter what. In short the quest to be completely happy.

Now how did a whole race of people exist with such an ever present affliction of 'schizophrenia'?

By sheer strength of character and will . . .

Because they had to.

One personality prevented the other from sinking into madness from depression, or from a relentless state of forced pretentiousness . . . All this just to survive!

Not all survived or remained 'sane'.

The weight of this duality was immense and starkly cruel.

Let me add here that other ethnic groups too have had their own version of this duality 'afflicting' them in their quest for assimilation as well.

Why do Asians have an English or American name for their 'forays' into our society - jobs, State ID, etc - . . . When their grandmothers and parents NEVER refer to say Yuan Tong as 'Johnny' Tong?

It is to give the 'ruling class' an 'option' or 'choice' in addressing them, should they find the real name too 'offensive' to bother to 'respect the person' by making the effort of correctly pronouncing 'Who They Really Are.'

It is to excuse the expected and inherent bigotry and prejudice found among the ranks of 'those that run the show', and insulate the assimilant from any per chance adverse reprisals that may arise from this 'annoyance'.

Also, Asians have been even known to undergo a very aesthetic operation to remove the naturally occurring epicanthic folds around their eyes, giving them a societally, subtly-intimated, 'more pleasing to 'their' eyes' rounder . . . or 'Western' look!

This is just one group of 'others'.

Many more examples exist of this sort of 'duality' within the other non-white groups residing here.

Now what does all this rambling have to do with Trump (and by extension the rest of the Present Conservative Incarnation)?

It's simple:

Obama, and by extension and action(How dare you 'others' vote for 'him' enabling him to soil 'The Great House' with his presence!?), all the so-called minorities that voted for him . . . are actively acting like the normal Second Personality I mentioned earlier . . . And this is offensively troubling to those on the Right and the folks in the 'Good Old Boy's' club. Trump was acting as an 'agent' for re-relegating back to and resurrecting the First Personality . . . which in this modern day and so called 'progressive' times, we thought was quite diminished and almost inconsequential.

Trump and many others have turned back the clock to a very nasty and shameful time in our history . . . Coaxing this often obscure, potentially and proven to be dangerous aspect of our society and personalities, out into the open. The embarrassment that used to arise from espousing this stuff, is actually a LIABILITY politically to ANY PERSON on the Right, wishing to be taken seriously for any national office!! For this, please see Mitt Romney's present contortions and stiff awkward rhetoric and actions. Trump isn't the first . . . But he has been one of the most tenacious and incalculably crass with this bludgeon!

Again I say all people of any color are being told, by this morphing of 'specifics', that the GOP have a 'problem' with you because of how or where you were born. They loathe you. They regret, with a now untethered venom, the few CRUMBS of dignity and attempt at leveling that had to be wrested from their clawed, gold-encrusted paws . . . via legislation and law!

And they WANT you to know this too!

AND incredulously, cynically . . . they fully EXPECT YOU to support THEM in 'putting YOU back into your place' by your inaction, ignorance or . . . by the feverish, masochistic political choices made, that are caused by an 'overdose' of the First Personality aka the 'Uncle Tom' Syndrome (Herman Cain and Alan West come to mind . . .!) . . . to result in the defeat of Barrack Obama this year!

It's an amazingly blatant, sophisticated and hatefully brilliant tactic . . . because it WORKS and still does!!

"I want my country . . . back!"

. . . is what this woman cried at Tea Party Rally back in 2009 at the height of the Health Care fight.


I ask you all:

When do we wake up from our schizophrenia-like sleep . . .?

No matter your disappointments, real or imagined, I see no saner choice, the 'protecting-the-fabric-of-this-country' choice . . . than Obama.

We should not 'reward' the Right for their tactics and behavior these last few years. We need to beat back this tide of hate and announce to the World that, like this desperately deserved Second Term . . .

. . . Our Second Personality, the True Personality of Respect, that is emblematic of all that is good in the human race . . . has finally won out!

When do we send this signal?  Are we ready?

I sincerely hope so . . . because frankly I'm tired of being 'spat' on with impunity like this . . . aren't you?

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