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Friday, February 28, 2020

Black History Month Message

For so called Black History Month and all the months thereafter:

Folks please don't deify Doctor King.

We need to honor the Man and all his 'warts' . . . not the saint he became in White America's eyes once he was de-fanged of his future works, 'threat' and 'bite ' . . . by Death

He was not the only freedom fighter out there.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Yoke Of Slavery

I'm well into the book above and as I digest the history within I'm growing more and more troubled . . .

The thing that really is blowing my mind (not really because tragically its a part of my history I'm too aware of) . . . is that when I step outside of myself for second after reading books like the above and others, and look objectively at the human beings that once enslaved people of color worldwide . . . I wonder honestly:

How could such a significant majority NOT see that treating another human being . . . And they KNEW that these 'brown folks' or other 'Coloreds' were human by their very words and memoirs . . . how could they NOT realize that this sort of 'commoditization' of a fellow human being's life . . . this relegation of a fellow, sentient being to a status lower than a pet or livestock . . . to just that of a tool in a shed . . . how could they not know that the whole practice was just evil!?

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

"You're making Us Look Bad . . .!"

Racist hegemony or control can be subtle, baseless but powerful.

A major tool is the subliminally-accepted, perceptional, racial rhetoric used to describe proclivities and explanations for certain types of deviant or abhorrent behavior as it relates to the myriad of folks of color compared with that of Whites.

Take the statement in the title of this post . . .

For years, I have heard blacks and other folks of color say or express some version of this sentiment:

"Oh man!  Why did those idiots have to go do that!?  They're going to make the rest of us look bad . . .!"

This is an impugned burden of 'control' over your fellow human being, even complete strangers, that is impossible to achieve.  For that matter it's uproariously ridiculous to even attempt it. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Reparations . . .?

It's just stunning to me given the now out-there knowledge of how deep slavery and colonialism ran . . . the talk of reparations too often devolves into the social and political epithet:

The Hand Out

Seriously . . . that is all folks seem to be able to wrap their heads around:

Literal 'Passing of Funds' into Literal Hands.

And that is common even in the Black Community too.

On Racism: Our Societal Stuxnet . . .

The differences between us shouldn't be ignored.  

Our different ethnicities and cultures are responsible for each person's unique personality.

These differences should be celebrated.

You should not run from them by trying to 'homogenize' everyone by 'not saying black' or 'not saying white', etcetera

The thing we need to do is get rid of the social and institutional stigmas and prejudicial behaviors and actions that 'apply themselves' historically and seemingly with an unwavering, shrewd sentience, . . . dictated by the ethnicity and culture one hails from or can be identified with via The Basic Senses.

Wounded Beast

There have been over the last few years some breathtaking and overt racism surfacing in this country since President Obama won the White House and their forces have been very adept at obfuscating how connected all these 'little parts' and 'movements' are.  If this isn't identified it will lead to the country's ruin frankly.

Friday, February 7, 2014

On Racism: The Lost Nuance of Bill Cosby

I've seen over the years mainly(but not only) conservative folks trot out a famous person of color's musings about racism in this country in a nascent way to counter charges of racism in an event, political dust-up, Pundit brain fart,

These 'esteemed' chosen ones have been people like Dr. Ben Carson, Juan Williams, Morgan Freeman, Allen West, Herman Cain among others.

The 'protest too much!' cudgel I want to talk about for this post is Bill Cosby.